Professor McGonagall introduced the relevant matters of the Transfiguration Club to Hector in detail. It must be said that the threshold for joining Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club is still quite high. First of all, all members need to be proficient in the Vanishing Charm - Hector knows it. After all, the Vanishing Charm is also a spell. Hector could use it proficiently on the back-to-school supplies list before coming to Hogwarts, but Hector couldn't guarantee that he could still use it smoothly now. As for the second point, Professor McGonagall said that at least one paper on Transfiguration should be published in an authoritative weekly such as"Transfiguration Today" every school year, otherwise he would be cruelly expelled. It really is Professor McGonagall's style, quite strict, but what can be guaranteed is that the club is definitely full of talents. I heard from Professor McGonagall that Percy is in the Transfiguration Club. Not only the Lion Academy, but all the high-end personnel in the field of Transfiguration in various colleges are basically included in Professor McGonagall. When mentioning this, Professor McGonagall is quite proud that all the heroes in the world are within my reach.

Now in front of her, he is definitely a rising star in the world of Transfiguration. Just because his last name is Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall feels it is necessary to include Hector in the list - it's because old Dumbledore's dazzling achievements in Transfiguration really impressed Professor McGonagall too much.

"However, I heard from Filius that there seems to be something wrong with your body," Professor McGonagall looked Hector up and down.

""Have you ever gone to see Madam Pomfrey?"

Hector nodded,"Yes, Madam Pomfrey said that I was exhausted from my magic and my body was in poor condition. I need some time to recover."

Professor McGonagall nodded,

"Then I won't burden you for now, Hector." Professor McGonagall sighed and sat back in her seat.

"The matter of the Transfiguration Club can be postponed. Come back to me when you are well. But I hope you will be more serious in class, Hector. This is the minimum respect for the teacher."

Hector nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He stood there, waiting for Professor McGonagall's next move.

"If you have nothing else to do, you can go, Hector."

"To be honest, Professor McGonagall, I do have some questions for you."Hector said as he took out the book"Transfiguration Today" from the bag he brought with him, which he had specially prepared for this afternoon.

"A perfect traceless stretching spell," Professor McGonagall glanced at the small bag in Hector's arms.

"You made it yourself? No wonder Filius thinks so highly of you," Professor McGonagall's words sounded a little sour for some reason.

"But I still hope that you can achieve greater success in Transfiguration, just like Albus - but this does not mean that you can not study Charms seriously, which is the foundation of everything."All

Hector could do was nod obediently, and then quickly shifted Professor McGonagall's attention to the study of Transfiguration.

When Hector walked out of the office with a lot of harvest, it was almost time for dinner. The Quidditch game was over long ago, and Hector soon met other Gryffindor lions who were cheering and celebrating their victory in the hall. Seamus was holding a fork with a sausage covered with ketchup on it. He stood on the Gryffindor bench, and Hector heard his voice that was particularly loud because of excitement,

"Gryffindor won the Hogwarts Cup! Harry caught the Golden Snitch in just five minutes!"

His voice was quickly drowned out by the cheers that came one after another.

For Gryffindor, today was really like Chinese New Year.

Hector saw the Weasley brothers each holding a large bucket of butterbeer, and heard them shouting that the butterbeer was specially supplied to the Gryffindor common room for celebration time.

Following behind them was a very sturdy big guy, presumably Wood, with a large bag of snacks in his arms.

Wood's smile was so bright that he distributed all kinds of candies to the little wizards at the Gryffindor table one by one.

Even the Hufflepuff little wizards who shamelessly sat at the Gryffindor table, Wood was excitedly talking to them while throwing all kinds of snacks to people.

family's arms.

A few brave little wizards took out the Weasley Brothers brand fireworks in the hall.

Everyone celebrated wildly and noisily while Professor McGonagall was away.

Smiles bloomed on the faces of all the little wizards sitting at the Gryffindor table.

As for the Slytherin little snakes who were too excited before the game, their faces were stretched out, especially the blond boy with slicked back hair in the corner.

He stabbed the chicken leg on the plate with a fork viciously, staring at the group of over-happy Gryffindor little lions, muttering something.

Hector met Neville next to Seamus. The fat boy's face flushed red. He was particularly excited when he saw Hector and gave Hector a big hug.

"Hector, today Ron and I gave Malfoy and the others a good lesson!" Neville's voice had never been so loud as it was now. He patted Hector's shoulder hard.

"I now believe I'm a Gryffindor! I'm simply better than twelve Malfoys put together!"

"Very good, Neville!" Hector also patted Neville on the shoulder.

"I'm sure they won't dare to mess with you again. How did you teach Malfoy a lesson, Neville? What spell did you use?"

"No spells work!" Neville waved his fist.

"I used my fists, Hector! Fists! Ron was right, Malfoy is a bully!"

Neville waved at Hector and joined the Gryffindor celebrations. Hector soon lost him in the crowd, but he saw Hermione, Harry and Ron standing nearby. Hermione waved back and Hector walked over.

"Hector, I got new information."Harry said seriously, his face did not show the joy of victory at all. To be more precise, the faces of the three people were filled with anxiety and panic.

"Find an empty room, and I will tell you about this."

Ron led the way, and Hector followed behind. The three of them passed through the noisy crowd and climbed up to the fifth floor - there were many abandoned classrooms here, and the Mirror of Erised was just one of them.

Ron moved four dusty chairs from the corner, and after Hector cleaned them up, the four of them sat down. Harry didn't speak until he was sure that Peeves was not in the room. Then Harry told him in detail the conversation between Snape and Quirrell that he had overheard in the Forbidden Forest while wearing a cloak.

"I am sure that our analysis is correct. That thing is indeed the Philosopher's Stone. Snape forced Quirrell to"

Hector stopped listening to Harry after 'Snape wanted to force Quirrell'.

What he was thinking about now was what arrangements Dumbledore had made.

He didn't believe that Quirrell's disguise could have deceived Dumbledore for so long, but why had he not done anything until now? In other words, what was Dumbledore doing now? Hector had been to the headmaster's office many times, and every time Dumbledore was not there - it was obvious that he should not be in Hogwarts, so where did he go? Hector knew nothing.

He only knew that Dumbledore was very busy recently, thanks to a note brought to him by Fawkes, which had only one word written on it - busy.

"We think you can tell your grandfather." This was of course said by Hermione, who was the most rational.

"Although we are not supposed to know these things, it is more important to let Professor Dumbledore know who in the school is plotting against the Philosopher's Stone."

"He won't believe it, and the most important thing is that I can't find him now - Dumbledore is not in the school at all"

"We saw him this afternoon. Professor Dumbledore came to watch the Quidditch match this afternoon. Didn't you know?"

Hector shook his head and stood up from the chair he had just moved, thinking about seeing his dear and missing grandfather Albus.

"I'll go to the principal's office now."

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