Hector ran quickly from the fifth floor to the eighth floor. He was a little out of breath, but he still arrived at the door of the principal's office very quickly.

The stone beast at the door was still lying there. Hector took a deep breath and took out the candy list from his arms. Just as he was about to start reading it, the stone beast suddenly moved aside.

Oh, he has grown up. Hector hurriedly stuffed the list back into the package and quickly walked up the spiral staircase. A familiar voice came from the principal's office.

"You are here, Hector."Dumbledore was lying in his chair with his eyes closed. He looked unusually tired, which made Hector, who was about to question him, not know how to start.

"I'm really exhausted lately."

"What have you been doing recently?"Hector asked this question in the gentlest tone possible.

"I went to see some old friends. I believe you already know who Nicolas Flamel is. This time I went to ask him some questions about the Philosopher's Stone."Dumbledore rubbed his temple.

"I learned some very important information from him - the Philosopher's Stone cannot bring a person back to life, even if it is powerful enough to create an elixir of life that allows people to escape the judgment of time."When Dumbledore said this, it was not a fluke, but more of a sigh.

"Death, a terrible and beautiful thing, there are always poor souls who want to escape its scythe, but they don't know that the more intense the struggle, the closer death is."

"What else?" Hector ignored Dumbledore's exclamation and continued to ask,

"Oh, and then there's Sirius - the one you saw standing next to Harry in your dream. I've been thinking about this for a while. If he was wrongly accused, then who leaked the secret? Lupin, or the one who died, or should have died - Peter."

Suddenly, a ball of fire appeared in the air - it was Fawkes. Hector looked at Fawkes who had returned to the shelf. She looked very tired after a long journey. Dumbledore stood up and took a beautifully decorated envelope from Fawkes's legs.

"He always likes to do these flashy things. It would be great if Fudge could spend more time on government affairs. It's a pity that he always likes these impractical superficial work."Dumbledore opened the envelope, read a few lines hastily, and threw the letter aside.

"I still don't agree, even just to see him." Dumbledore frowned, and he sat back in the armchair, rubbing his temples slowly.

"Grandpa Albus, I can tell you the answer. Hector thought about it, hesitated again and again, and finally said it out.

"But you have to promise me that you will follow my instructions on all matters."

Dumbledore sat up from the couch, his eyes sparkling, not tired at all.

"Did you dream about something again, Hector? Dumbledore looked at Hector with expectation in his eyes.

"It was a dream, I suppose. Hector muttered.

"But I did see it, a very run-down house, probably near Hogsmeade. I saw Sirius, and a tall, thin man standing next to him - neither of them looked well dressed. They were controlling a short, bald guy, who Sirius said was called——"

"Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore said for Hector.

"It seems he is not dead. In the old house near Hogsmeade? It should be the Shrieking Shack. There is only one possibility, Hector."

"Peter is in the castle, Hector. But I didn't find anything unusual about the castle. Peter couldn't have been hiding here all the time - Hector, can you show me your memory?"

Hector shook his head. He had already thought of a reason.

"Grandpa Albus, you know, there is something wrong with my magic."Hector glanced at Dumbledore,

"Also, after extracting my memory last time, I always felt dizzy and something was wrong. I guess I won't be able to use this spell for a while."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, then lowered his head. Hector noticed that Dumbledore was rummaging through his robe pocket.

"I heard from Pomfrey about magic, Hector, so I went to see an old friend," Dumbledore took out two small bottles from his pocket, one of which contained a black and thick liquid, and the other contained a golden and clear reagent.

"Although Severus's potion is very effective, I think you will not like the bitter taste, so I went to find a potion master with similar skills. His price is really high."Dumbledore looked painful, and he handed both bottles to Hector.

"But it is indeed very rare. Hector, the black bottle is the magic increase agent, and the other bottle is the felicity potion. Don't underestimate these two bottles of reagents, Hector, Severus can only mix the felicity potion at most, as for the magic increase agent, that is something that no potion master can prepare, all potion masters are missing an ingredient in the formula - that is Nico's Philosopher's Stone."

Noticing Hector's gaze, Dumbledore shrugged his shoulders and explained,

"After all, I am helping Nico keep the Philosopher's Stone, so I can still use its power."

Hector nodded and carefully put the two bottles of reagents into his bag.

"So, the Philosopher's Stone in the school is fake?"

Dumbledore winked at Hector and nodded.

"That is a fake that Nico and I made together. It retains some of the magic of the Philosopher's Stone, but the fake does not have the function of making the elixir of life. The magic infused in it only makes it look more real." Dumbledore seemed to remember something.

"By the way, Hector, what else did you see in your new dream?"

Hector did not answer him immediately, but just looked at Dumbledore. Dumbledore touched his head and continued

"I promise you, I will follow your arrangements on this matter."

After hearing Dumbledore's promise, Hector finally spoke.

"That man, the Peter you mentioned, is a rat, Grandpa Albus.

Hector looked into the old man's eyes and said,

"That mouse was Ron's pet, Scabbers, if I remember correctly."

Dumbledore stood up from his chair, looking extremely anxious.

"I can't leave such a dangerous guy next to you." He drew his wand and said to Fawkes.

"Ask Mr. Weasley to come to the office - bring his pet."

Fawkes nodded, and was about to fly away when Hector stopped her.

"Grandpa Albus, you promised. Hector said,

"Everything is up to me."

Dumbledore wanted to say something, but he met Hector's eyes and could only nod. Fawkes fell back on the shelf and carefully combed his feathers.

"But it is too dangerous to have a Death Eater next to you."Dumbledore was still determined in his thoughts. Hector shook his head and said seriously,

"Grandpa Albus, relax. Ron said that Scabbers has been staying at his house for twelve years, and nothing has happened during this period, which means he just wants to hide. He did nothing at the Weasleys' house for so long, so it doesn't make sense for him to do something under your nose at Hogwarts."

Hector paused, he sorted out his logic, and then said,

"Besides, although you and I both know that Sirius is innocent, Grandpa Albus, if you hand Peter Pettigrew directly to the so-called Ministry of Magic, not only will they not let Sirius go, but they will quickly give Sirius a Dementor's kiss.——The Ministry of Magic never wants the truth, they want the supreme authority of the magic world. Those in power in the Ministry of Magic will work hard to overthrow anything that may challenge their authority, even you."

Hector could see that Dumbledore's face was full of surprise, he did not pause, and continued

"Sirius Black can only fight for his own freedom. Grandpa Albus, although I don't know how he can escape from Azkaban, I think that Pettigrew, the trigger, should not be used for the time being."

Dumbledore was particularly shocked by Hector's words. He wanted to say something to refute Hector's point of view, but he knew that what Hector said was true.

"Merlin's beard, Hector, how did you come up with all this?" Dumbledore stared at his nephew, trying to figure out what was going on in his little head.

"You can't tell so much from this letter."

"From what I've read in books, the Ministry of Magic has always behaved like this, right?" Hector rolled his eyes. Although Dumbledore thought it was unreasonable, he couldn't think of any other reason.

"Hector, I have to say that you are much better than I was at that time. I would never have thought so thoroughly at your age. Dumbledore touched Hector's head.

"You're right. I didn't intend to pull Peter out directly. I planned to give him an Oblivion, so that he would forget that he was Peter Pettigrew. This is much safer, isn't it, Hector?" Hector nodded. Dumbledore continued,

"However, we have to plan carefully to prevent him from doing something that will ruin everything, after all, this is Hogwarts. However, it won't take long. This hidden danger should not exist for much longer."

"Grandpa Albus, you can arrange the rest yourself."

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