A week later, Ron received a reply from Romania. It was Wednesday night. Hermione, Harry and Neville were waiting patiently in the Gryffindor common room. It was late, and it was time for the little wizards to go to bed, but there was no trace of sleepiness on the faces of the three little wizards. When the midnight bell rang, the door of the Gryffindor common room was pushed open. Harry stood up and looked towards the door.

It seemed that two familiar voices came from far away.

"Hector, help me break the spell. This is Ron's voice.

"Oh, I almost forgot.

"Two familiar figures slowly emerged in the air, and Hermione and Neville quickly stood up.

Hector and Ron were going to help Hagrid take care of Norbert - now called Norberta.

Ever since Ron said that his brother Charlie specialized in dragon research, Hagrid enthusiastically invited him to participate in raising Norberta, and Ron agreed with his chest puffed out.

However, the first time, Ron was bitten on the finger by Norberta mercilessly, and since then Ron strongly requested Hector to go with him.

Norberta has always been very noisy, and only when she sees Hector will she restrain herself a lot.

The growth rate of the Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Hagrid finds it difficult to control her.

Now Norberta is much stronger, and the power of her fire-breathing has also changed qualitatively compared to a week ago.

But Hagrid still looks at her as if he is looking at a furry little rabbit. Before Hector left, he heard Hagrid singing a lullaby to Norberta.

"How is it?" Harry was very concerned. He looked at Hector and Ron who looked very embarrassed and asked,

"How did you get into this state?"

Ron's hair was messy, and his fingers were wrapped in layers of white gauze. Hector was not much better - although Norbeta listened to Hector very much, she was too big now, and the movement of drilling into Hector's arms was really hard for Hector to resist.

"Norbert is really too big now," Ron took out a blood-stained handkerchief from his pocket and showed it to Harry and the others.

"And she has a terrible temper. She has started eating dead mice. It's fine when Hector is around, but it's not okay when Hector is far away. I just tried to touch her and she bit me hard. Even so, Hagrid still blamed me for scaring his darling."

"Ron, I still suggest you go see Madam Pomfrey. Dragon teeth are poisonous."Hector patted Ron on the shoulder and asked Harry,

""Any reply?"

Harry shook his head. At this moment, there was a flapping sound outside the window. Everyone looked out the window and saw a snow-white owl standing on the window sill of the Gryffindor common room.

"It's Hedwig, it must be Charlie who replied!"Harry hurried to the window, Ron looked at Hector with a worried look on his face, and asked in a low voice,

"Really? Charlie never told me this!"Ron looked very worried.

"I was going to use this as an excuse, the homework was piling up. What should I do? Madam Pomfrey would definitely be able to tell what caused the wound!"

"Even if she could see it, Madam Pomfrey might not believe it," Hector comforted him.

"How could there be a dragon near Hogwarts? Just say it was Hagrid's dog that bit it."

Ron nodded thoughtfully. Harry had already taken the note from Hedwig's leg and asked everyone to come and take a look.

The content of the letter can be found in the original book.

"This Saturday at midnight? And we have to take the dragon to the highest tower?" Ron looked embarrassed, and he looked at Hector.

""Does your invisibility spell work on fire dragons?"

Hector shook his head. First, he had never tried it. Second, as we all know, fire dragons are creatures with extremely strong magic resistance. As for whether ordinary magic would work on Norbeta, Hector didn't know because he had never tried it.

"It's okay, don't we still have the invisibility cloak? It can still accommodate us and Norbeta."

Everyone quickly reached a consensus that there was really no better way. Although it was inevitable to take some risks, it was much better than raising a fire dragon in the school. It was really the best way to get rid of Norbeta.

"Destroy that note for me." Hector was very cautious. When he saw Harry was about to put the note in a random book, he stopped him in time.

"That makes sense," Harry rubbed the note in his palm and threw it into the fireplace. Hector used the"Burning Flame" on the note. After watching the note turn completely into ashes, he used a whirlwind to sweep away the ashes.

Now Hector didn't believe that Malfoy could still get involved. He didn't want to have so many accidents like in the original book.

"Have you remembered everything?" Hector felt that there was nothing wrong, so he asked Ron casually,

""Where's Scabbers?"

Ron shook his head.

"I don't know. Ever since I started feeding Norbeta dead mice, Scabbers has refused to approach me. He must be afraid of the smell on me."

Hector nodded. He looked around and felt a little uneasy. He felt that Scabbers, or Peter Pettigrew, seemed to have realized something. Hector rarely saw Scabbers since he talked to Dumbledore. He hoped that he was overthinking. Hector yawned and waved to the little wizards.

"Well, good night? I'm a little sleepy."Hector also planned to deal with the last risk of leakage.

"Harry, please take Ron to the school infirmary. It would be troublesome if Malfoy and the others saw his finger."

"Is it a bit too late?"

"Just say you can't stand the pain, I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will understand."

"Hector is right," Harry stood up and helped Ron up as well.

""Well, good night?"

The Gryffindor common room suddenly became quiet. Harry and Ron walked out with each other. Hermione was a little worried, but she still placed her hopes on Harry. Besides, the little witch was really tired. They said good night to each other at the door of their respective towers and went back to their respective dormitories.

A mouse poked its head out of the darkness, its eyes rolling, and suddenly it turned into a short, middle-aged man with a bald head and a wretched face. The man was still hiding in the darkness, as if he was afraid of the light, even if the light was so weak. A pale hand reached out from the darkness and picked up Ron's book on the sofa.

"Saturday, the tallest tower," the man's voice was so low, like a groan, he tore off a piece of paper,

"Norwegian Ridgeback."

Then, as if nothing had happened, Ron's book was back on the sofa, as if it had never been moved.

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