Hector's arrangement was quite good. Malfoy seemed to know nothing. The past few days were quite peaceful, which made Harry and the others very satisfied. At this point in time, no problems were the best situation.

On the afternoon of the second day after receiving the letter, Ron and Hector went to help Hagrid. They told Hagrid about Charlie's reply. Hagrid's eyes were full of tears. He was reluctant to let go of his naughty little guy.

"So soon?"Hagrid wanted to touch Norbeta's head, but Charmander rudely dodged Hagrid's hand and bit his calf hard.

Tears were about to overflow from Hagrid's eyes, but it was unclear whether they were tears of reluctance or pain. Hagrid's voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were still fixed on Norbeta.

"After all, she is still a little kid, I really can't bear to part with her."

The little kid that Hagrid mentioned is much bigger than the big hound Fang, and the little guy's teeth are even sharper than Fang's. Fang is now completely unable to deal with Norberta. Hector saw that there was a bandage wrapped around its tail - it was obviously Norberta's masterpiece.

But Hagrid still accepted the reality that Norberta was going to be sent away, and he could only cherish the little time left to spend with them.

Saturday came very quickly.

Hector sent Neville out in the afternoon.

He gave Neville the task of keeping an eye on Malfoy - although Malfoy should not know their plan in any way, Hector still thought it was better to be cautious.

Hector also paid attention to Scabbers' movements.

Before going to Hagrid's cabin on Thursday, Hector specifically asked Ron about Scabbers.

He learned from Ron that when they came back from the infirmary, they saw Scabbers lying on the sofa.

Ron locked Scabbers in a cage as soon as he brought Scabbers back to the dormitory - to prevent Scabbers from running around, he had been caged recently.

Ron was very worried about its disappearance.

To Hector's relief, Scabbers stayed in its cage after that. Hector went back to take a look before the action at night - Scabbers, or Peter Pettigrew, was still staying in the cage obediently. It seemed that there was no problem, and Hector was just a little cautious. To be honest, he didn't see the need for Pettigrew to get involved. There was no reason for the cautious Peter to get involved in such a meaningless matter that would increase the risk of exposure.

Before night fell, Hector carefully checked Harry and the others' equipment, and finally patted his pocket - the wand was there quietly, and the time he didn't bring the wand gave Hector a good reminder.

Hector, Harry, and Ron quietly walked out of Hogwarts Castle. They ran into Neville on the way - he heard that Malfoy had returned to the dormitory, and he couldn't follow him to the Slytherin dormitory, so he had to turn back.

"Malfoy couldn't possibly know that. It didn't make sense. No one had told him." Ron lowered his voice. He didn't quite understand Hector's arrangement.

"Better safe than sorry, Ron. Malfoy knew that Hagrid had a dragon, and he also knew that we had been going to Hagrid's hut every now and then this week," Hector explained to Ron, looking at Hagrid's hut not far away.

"To be honest, I'm really curious why he didn't just tell Snape, but it doesn't matter, just in case, no situation is better than any situation."

They walked to the door of Hagrid's hut, the door was closed, Harry just knocked on the door, Hagrid opened it,

"You're here," Hagrid couldn't control his tears anymore. It was obvious that he was trying hard to suppress his emotions so as not to cry in front of the little wizard.

"Everything is ready," Hagrid pointed to the large crate in the middle of the room. The room became much brighter and all the windows were opened. It finally returned to the familiar appearance of Hector and the others.

"I prepared a lot of mice for her, and some brandy to keep her company on the journey. I also put her teddy bear in there, too. Poor Norberta, she had to leave her mother at such a young age."

""You're not her mother?" Ron muttered softly, and the other three little wizards glared at him. Ron could only shrink his neck in dismay. Fortunately, Hagrid didn't hear Ron's words clearly, and his attention was now on Norbeta.

"Come on, Hagrid, we don't have much time." Hector motioned Harry to get the box and said to the big man with trembling shoulders,

"Say goodbye, Hagrid. Don't worry, Norbeta will be well taken care of."

"I know," Hagrid sobbed,"but little Norberta is so pitiful. She will never see her mother again."

"Don't worry," Hector stood on tiptoe and patted Hagrid on the shoulder.

"There will be a chance later."

Harry couldn't move the crate by himself, and his face turned red. The crate didn't move. Hector patted his shoulder, took out his wand, and cast a levitation spell on the crate. Under Harry's gaze, the crate containing Hagrid's beloved treasure slowly left the ground.

"Harry, that's a wand in your arms, not a branch." Hector teased.

"But I will cast the Disillusionment Charm later, you have to use the Levitation Charm yourself."

Harry's face flushed red, he nodded embarrassedly, and Hector gently put the box back on the ground.

Unfortunately, Hector found that neither Harry nor Ron could accurately control the floating movement of the box. It was either too high or too low, and it shook violently from side to side from time to time. They all heard Norberta's roar in the box.

""Forget it," Hector looked at Neville, who also shook his head. Although he did have a better control over the spell than the two reckless men, it was not possible to rely on him for the whole process. Hector could not ensure that everyone's Disillusionment Spell was effective, and at the same time, he could also divide his attention to accurately control the floating of the box. So he could only use the most primitive method - lifting

"Goodbye, Norberta!"Hagrid said to the box, his tears could no longer be stopped.

""Mom won't forget you!"

Hector and the others waved to Hagrid. The journey back was much more difficult for the four of them than the journey here. Harry and Neville were carrying the boxes with great effort, and Ron was ready to take their place at any time. As for Hector, he was responsible for clearing the way while ensuring that everyone's Disillusionment Charm was effective for a long time, and also for guarding against the patrolling Filch and the elusive Peeves.

Midnight was approaching, and the four little wizards were indeed very anxious, but they could not speed up their pace.

It was not an easy task to bring Norberta to the highest tower of Hogwarts.

The crates were too heavy, and personnel had to be rotated every time they went up a floor.

They also had to go around from time to time.

A way - Although the invisibility cloak and the Disillusionment Charm can ensure that they will not be seen by Filch, Filch's cat is not so easy to fool.

In addition, the size of this team is too large, and it will be difficult to escape once they encounter them.

In preparation for tonight's operation, Hector borrowed the Marauder's Map from Fred George in advance and kept an eye on Filch's movements, including Peter Pettigrew and Malfoy.

When they arrived at the sixth floor, the thing that Hector least wanted to happen happened - Malfoy's footprints on the map moved, and he walked out of the Slytherin common room. From the map, Malfoy was walking upstairs.

"We can't wait any longer," Hector looked at the Marauder's Map carefully and said to Harry and the others who were leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

"Come on, Malfoy is coming!"

Harry stood up straight, and Neville and Ron beside him also reacted quickly.

"Impossible, how could Malfoy know this?" Ron said this, but he lifted the big crate consciously, and Neville lifted the other end without hesitation.

"Besides, how did you know that?"

Although they asked this, they still unconsciously quickened their pace. It was better to believe it than not to believe it. Besides, it was Hector who said this, and Harry and the others still had a lot of trust in Hector's words.

"Don't worry about it, Malfoy is going upstairs. Although I don't know how he knows, Malfoy is definitely coming for us."Hector let Harry walk in front, and he stayed at the back of the team to monitor Malfoy's movements. The four of them didn't care about resting, and they rushed to the highest tower with all their hearts.

"This won't work," Hector watched Malfoy arrive at Professor McGonagall's office, and Professor McGonagall's footprints followed his own as they walked out of the office.

With nothing in their hands, they were naturally much faster than Hector and his team, who were fully loaded.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at���The last bit of strength of Hector and his team was only two floors away from reaching the highest tower.

At this rate, it would not be long before Hector and his team were caught.

At this moment, a clear voice sounded,

""Harry, is that you?"

The voice was familiar, it was Hermione's. Could it be that there was something wrong with the Disillusionment Charm? Hector hurriedly checked. The effect of the Disillusionment Charm had not disappeared, except for a corner of the crate - Harry's magic cloak was not completely covered and was exposed to the air, which looked extremely conspicuous.

""Hermione!" Harry lowered his voice, and the little witch went in the direction of the voice, but Hector pulled her over.

"You are here," Hermione noticed the fluctuations in the air in front of her. She first covered the corner of the box tightly, and then joined the transportation team. With the concerted efforts of the little lions, they finally moved up one more floor with difficulty. Now there is only one spiral staircase to the top floor of the astronomy tower.

Everyone collapsed on the ground, they leaned against the wall, huddled in the darkness as much as possible, and gasped heavily.

"Take a break," Ron rubbed his sore calves vigorously. He didn't know who he was talking to, but Hector's voice came from the air in front of him.

"Everyone keep quiet, we'll wait here for a while, Malfoy and Professor McGonagall come up together"

"Professor McGonagall?" The newly joined Hermione obviously hadn't figured out the situation yet. Hector arranged for her to go to the Astronomy Tower, hoping to connect with Charlie's friends first. But the little witch was too anxious - midnight was getting closer and closer, and there was still no news from Hector and the others. Only then did Hermione come down and wait near the stairs on the seventh floor. She really waited until midnight.

"Oh, and you too." Hector quickly cast a Disillusionment Charm on Hermione. The double consumption of physical and magical energy made Hector a little dizzy. He touched his pocket. Fortunately, his wand was still there.

"Oh, this is the Disillusionment Charm." Hermione looked at Hector unkindly, she remembered something that happened a long time ago.

"I think you have something to explain, Hector - but not now."

Hector stood up. The two people on the Marauder's Map were getting closer and closer. He needed to do a final check. Harry's invisibility cloak covered him and the box tightly. The other people's disillusionment spells had not disappeared yet - Hector didn't know if his disillusionment spell could completely hide from Professor McGonagall's eyes. Now all he could do was take out the Felixir from the package and take a small sip.

"Be careful, stay in the dark, the Disillusionment Charm may not be safe."Hector reminded quietly, but there was no need for his reminder, everyone lowered their breathing at the same time.

A dim light appeared at the end of the corridor not far from them, and everyone heard the familiar voice,

"I hope you're not making excuses, Mr. Malfoy, this is ridiculous.——��How could a dragon be in Hogwarts?"

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