The old man was born in a big way.

Compared to the representatives of other times, Poseidon is more powerful, just like Yi's representative in Yi's era, he is unique.

When Poseidon was ninety years old, his reputation had spread all over the world. The cave people knew that there was more than one intelligent race in the world. Poseidon learned the language of the cave people, and the sea tribe, which reflected on itself, also learned the language of the elders and started business with Atlanta.

After the decline of the sea tribe in the west, a new business tribe was born. They were stronger than the sea tribe, and more than a dozen giants were born in the tribe, that is, the kind with a height of two meters. Compared with the cave people in this era, whose average height is only about one and a half meters, they are indeed giants.

The Shang tribe robbed the craftsmen of the Hai tribe, built their own ships, and developed their own trade routes. Even if the Hai tribe returned to the ocean business later, it could only compete with the Shang tribe.

When Poseidon was 100 years old, he woke up and began to continue to study his own power. He also created his own characters, Chang, in imitation of the character Dong. Poseidon began to leave a legacy for his kingdom.

Poseidon could feel that if he failed to break through his own power, he would die, but if he did not break through, he would die of old age, so he began to prepare, because once he died, the former ocean overlord Hai tribe and several other powerful tribes on the continent would retaliate against the Changren, because there would be no Poseidon himself, an invincible figure on the ocean, to suppress them.

Poseidon summoned all the scholars born in the past few decades of Changren and began to leave a legacy for Atlanta.


"The Power of the Sea", "The Sea God's Halberd Method", "The Magic of Wave Control", "The Magic of Storm", "The Body Exercise Method of Changren", "Sea Magic-Water Spout", "Sea Magic-Water Spike", and "The Sense of Poseidon's Power" were born during this period.

Poseidon passed these books to all the tall people in the cave world, and Poseidon began to clear obstacles for the kingdom and led the sea gods to clear the ocean predators hovering around the tall people's settlements in various parts of the world.

The cave people can often see Poseidon riding the waves and wandering around in the sea with the sea god guards, just like decades ago. The cave people called this phenomenon the sea god patrol.

Poseidon also reached a treaty with the Sea Tribe. Atlanta will provide escort for the Sea Tribe, and the Sea Tribe will hand over 50% of the profits.

Some nobles in the Beast Alliance who captured tall girls were also killed. Poseidon not only swore his dignity in the ocean, he began to invade the continent forcefully.

The tall people who practiced the power of the sea can already survive on the continent. Poseidon coveted the fertile land of the cave people. He wanted to leave a good life for his descendants.

So, the Kingdom of Atlanta and the Beast Alliance broke out in war. Although Poseidon was very powerful, the war machine of the Beast Alliance, which was in war for many years, was even more powerful.

Even the Beast Alliance developed a volcanic rock explosion machine. Poseidon might die after being hit by hundreds of cannons. Under the powerful weapons of the Beast Alliance, Atlanta's first war against the land failed.

Poseidon began to study war machines and established the Atlanta Weapons Research Institute and the Atlanta Magic School. He called the energy he used magic energy. Poseidon started to study magic and weapons.

Jiang Tong observed Poseidon and felt that this kid seemed to be very powerful, both good at fighting and smart.

Soon Poseidon found out that there are five elements in this world, namely gold, wood, water, fire and earth. He discovered it by observing the strong people on various continents.

Jiang Tong found that there seemed to be some incredible toys on the southern continent. The southern continent is simply a weapons continent. Many weapons on other continents come from here. Various strange weapons, especially after the world is upgraded, various energy-containing minerals appear, which are all used in weapon making.

The world is expanding, which means that the content of metals is also rising. The cave people are now in the Bronze Age and have begun to make iron tools.

In order to see these weapons of the Southern Continent, Jiang Tong went to read the world log of the Tall Man invading the Beast Alliance.

In a small seaside town in the north of the Southern Continent, the sky was dark, dark clouds were swirling, and lightning was constantly shuttling through the dark clouds.

The sea was roaring, and the huge waves seemed to be waving their arms, and wave after wave of waves hit this small town called Guda.

Although the Beast Alliance

It is an alliance composed of tribes, but because of the long-term war, they learned the city-building technology of the Stone State and built many cities in the rear. Guda is a salt city, which provides half of the salt production for the Beast Alliance.

Today, Guda suffered the most dangerous moment in the 40 years since its establishment, the attack of the Kingdom of Atlanta. Guda has a wall facing the sea. At this moment, this wall is being hit by huge waves and is beginning to crumble.

Guda is behind the Beast Alliance, and there are not many garrisons. This is the garrison of the Horse Tribe, and only a small number of Horse Tribe warriors are recuperating here.


After a loud bang, the wall facing the sea was collapsed by the huge waves, and the sea water soaked into this small city of thousands of people, followed by the soldiers of Atlanta.

Poseidon stood on the biggest wave, wearing a set of azure armor and holding a trident. The rest of the waves around him were carrying thousands of Poseidon Guards. Although the Poseidon Guards looked numerous, they looked like a ragtag army. Not only did they not have uniform armor, but their weapons were all harpoons, fish bones or stone spears.

Only some generals around Poseidon had metal armor and metal weapon sets, and these weapons came from the cave people in the shipwreck.

"My warriors, attack these shrimps on land. They captured the people of our kingdom, which is an unforgivable crime. I will declare war on them in the name of Poseidon."

Poseidon's voice resounded throughout the sea.

These tall soldiers were excited, roared, and waved their weapons.

Poseidon waved the trident in his hand, and the waves surged into the ancient city. The tall people attacked the Beast Alliance.

These small battles were not worth Poseidon's effort. The excited Seagod Guards slaughtered everyone in the city, but dozens of Beast Alliance warriors who were recuperating here killed hundreds of Seagod Guards, which made Poseidon very angry.

The news of the fall of Guda reached the Beast Capital, the defensive giant city on the front line of the Beast Alliance. This is the largest city in the Beast Alliance. All the tribal leaders of the Beast Alliance are here. They received the news and became furious after a moment of silence.

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