The old man was born in a big way, and the old man was born in a big way.

If Yang, Yi, Shi, Feng, and Yu are the representatives of the old cave people, then the representatives of the new era are Yan, Nongbo, Mang, and Poseidon.

The five people summarized the use of the four elements of wood, water, fire, and earth, and formed four skills of using elemental energy in a rough way.

Poseidon gained the power to control water, and continued to study and grow. He unified the southern sea area of ​​the central continent.

Poseidon often wandered on the sea controlling the waves, and killed the merchants of the sea tribe and the fishermen of the central continent tribe, plundered the ships on the ocean, and controlled the important trade routes of the sea tribe.

The Sea Tribe, which lost the Sea Serpent God, no longer had the domineering attitude on the ocean. They sent people to negotiate with Poseidon, but they were killed by Poseidon because of the language barrier.

Poseidon began his journey to rule the ocean. He constantly launched wars in the ocean and expanded his territory. For those elders who had not entered the tribal era, this was a dimensionality reduction attack.

Poseidon was very smart and hardworking. He was either on the way to plunder or studying. Poseidon quickly understood the things he got from the plunder, especially the words engraved on the bone fragments of the Eastern Continent.

Poseidon quickly learned the words and medicine of the Witch Doctor Valley, but many herbs were not available in the ocean, so Poseidon used some old elders and patients in the tribe to experiment. In this year, Poseidon created a medicine unique to the elders, paid a huge price, and left behind the tradition of using old elders to test medicine.

When Poseidon was fifty years old, he unified the ocean of the cave world on the surface, created the Sea God Guard to patrol the ocean, and Poseidon called himself the Sea God. The cave people on the continent knew that there was a Sea God Poseidon in the ocean.

Because of the appearance of Poseidon, the Sea Tribe suffered a blow to its business and gradually weakened.

The decades-long war between the Giant Stone State and the Hundred Beasts Alliance in the southern continent ended. They used the Stone River, the first river in the southern continent, as the boundary, forming a pattern in which the Giant Stone State occupied 60% and the Hundred Beasts Alliance occupied 40% of the continent.

Poseidon integrated the power of the elders and built his city in the deep sea of ​​the southern sea area of ​​the central continent. He combined the Sea God City of the Sea Tribe to build a larger city and named it Atlanta, which means the residence of the god in the endless ocean.

When Poseidon was sixty years old, he discovered that there were many powerful creatures in the ocean, so he started his journey to conquer these ocean giants.

When Poseidon was sixty years old, the great witch Feng of the Eastern Continent died, and his body was preserved by the witch doctor valley with special herbs and hidden in the abyss of the witch doctor valley.

Mang became the great witch of the Witch Doctor Valley. He was very ambitious. Many witch doctors from the Witch Doctor Valley controlled the power of their tribes. Therefore, under Mang's operation for decades, a huge force emerged in the Eastern Continent, the Witch Kingdom.

Mang called himself the king. He compared himself to the King Yi who killed the gods in the Central Continent.

After the establishment of the Witch Kingdom, rebellions continued. The tribes were not used to Mang's rule. In simple terms, the tribal leaders felt that he, a healer, did not know how to govern the tribe. Therefore, the Eastern Continent saw the phenomenon of local wars under the rule of the Witch Kingdom.

Mang established the Witch Doctor Association and transformed the Witch Doctor Valley into the Witch Doctor Association. Then Mang established the Witch Guard and began his journey to suppress the rebellion.

Nong in the center became the leader of the Tian Tribe, but he was not qualified to be the king. Nong became the leader of the tribe and led 81 blood-marked warriors to occupy the north of the Central Continent and established the Northern Barbarian Tribe.

Nong improved the quality and yield of planted plants in large quantities, and improved the characters passed down from the Eastern Continent, compiled them into a book, and required the warrior class of the tribe to learn the characters, calling this kind of characters the cave characters, which was the second language of the cave people.

Under Nong's hands, the first real book appeared. This book was a summary of Nong's methods on how to absorb the power of the wood element in the world. The name of the book was "Methods of Plant Energy Extraction and Use", but the Tian tribe advocated the blood vein warrior system, so only some people in the Tian tribe who could not become blood vein warriors learned this method, and these people were weak and sick.

Nong's life span was very short. When Poseidon was seventy years old, Nong died at the age of sixty-seven in a war with the headless.

After Nong's death, Jin inherited the position of the leader of the Tian tribe. After Nong's death, he left many books, including "Plant Planting Encyclopedia", "Heaven Tribe Herbal Planting", "Basic Training Methods for Blood Vein Warriors", "History of the Tian Tribe" and "Plant

Energy Extraction and Use Methods".

These are the most precious treasures that Nong left to the Tian Tribe, but Tian carried forward Nong's spirit and promoted the books left by Nong.

Jin is Nong's grandson. He is born with the ability to extract the gold element energy from the world. Jin is the second strongest blood vein warrior in the history of the Tian Tribe, a seven-veined blood vein warrior, and the metal weapons in Jin's hands are particularly sharp. Jin also wrote a book like his grandfather, "Methods for Extracting and Using Metal Energy".

Jin led the Tian Tribe to start a war with the headless Beiman Tribe in order to kill the headless and avenge Nong.

When Poseidon was eighty years old, his Atlanta was completely built. It was built in the cracks of the seabed abyss, spanning eight thousand meters across the seabed abyss, seven stories high, with buildings crisscrossing and crisscrossing. A bowl-shaped wall wrapped the entire city. This city is inhabited by 50% of the tall people. Poseidon lives on the top floor. If there is an attack from foreign enemies, Poseidon is the first line of defense.

Poseidon believed that a great tribal leader was the most powerful warrior of the tribe, who could kill all external threats.

In the twenty years between the ages of sixty and eighty, Poseidon defeated many giant creatures in the ocean.

For example, the spiky squid, the hard-shelled volcanic crab, the megalodon, the flame lobster, the disc whale...

Poseidon challenged all the powerful creatures recorded by the tall people in the ocean until he met the unicorn snake. He had known it in the information of the cave people, but thought it was an exaggeration. With just two whips, Poseidon was beaten and fled in a hurry.

At this moment, Poseidon realized how powerful the existence called King Yi among the cave people was, and he could actually kill such a powerful creature.

Poseidon was hit, so he returned to the tribe and lived a decadent life. He selected tall beauties, learned the witch kingdom and established the Kingdom of Atlanta. He called himself the King of the Sea God, married thirty-six wives, and lived a life of drunkenness and dreams.

This made Jiang Tong, who was observing him, feel both amused and helpless. Poseidon was very powerful, almost catching up with Yi before the world was upgraded. But now that the world has been upgraded, there is more energy. Those huge creatures tend to absorb energy faster and become stronger faster, so it is normal that Poseidon cannot defeat him. If Poseidon continues to develop his energy system, he will definitely be able to defeat the unicorn snake in the end.

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