The wolf king walked forward and looked down at the terrified reincarnationists.

"Where are you from?"

No one among the reincarnationists answered.

The wolf king looked at one of the female reincarnationists, staring at her intently, and condensed a gas-like energy ball in his hand.

The condensed energy ball grew larger and larger, and the wolf king's murderous aura expanded more and more, directly oppressing the reincarnationist from all directions.

"Tell me something."

The female reincarnationist's tears flowed down by herself. She already knew what would happen if she didn't answer, but she also knew what would happen if she answered.

She still held a glimmer of hope to survive: "We come from the Lord God..."

But before she finished speaking, all the trapped reincarnations exploded. They violated the rules of the Lord God space.

The Wolf King looked at the meat paste in the sky without any surprise. He had expected it long ago. How could these messengers of the foreign gods not have any means left by the foreign gods?

"What's wrong with them?"

The Lion King asked.

"It seems that their gods don't allow them to leak the news. It's quite harsh."

The Wolf King said.

"There are two messengers of the foreign gods. Why don't we go and see them." The Hero King replied.

The Wolf King accepted this suggestion, and they went to the next place where the magic girl and Aries III were hiding.

This is a river that runs through the Rat Kingdom and is also one of the important water sources of the Rat Kingdom. Aries III hid in it with the magic girl.

The three kings came to this river with wolf cavalry.

"If you don't come out, I will destroy this river directly."

The Wolf King's voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the two people at the bottom of the river.

The magic girl felt sad for her experience. She was almost beaten to death a few days ago. Now, when she was doing a mission in the same world, she was still beaten to death. She was so lucky.

The two knew that they could not escape. They did not expect that the natives of this world were so strong.

Aries III knew that he could not provoke the powerful beings in the side quest, but he did not know that these beings would find him.

The two slowly emerged from the river, and the three kings on the shore were looking at them.

After Aries III got ashore, he quickly dried his clothes, sorted his clothes, and looked at the three kings elegantly.

"Come with us."

The wolf king looked at the two.

The magic girl nodded wildly. Aries III would rather die than surrender. He felt that elegance would never go out of style.

Then he turned into a ball of blood mist, and the magic girl was taken away by the three kings.

Since then, the second invasion of the reincarnationists ended. The space anchor point they established was guarded by masters sent by the wolf king, waiting for the next arrival of these reincarnationists.

Jiang Tong ended his observation of these people. The second invasion of the reincarnationists ended, and Jiang Tong gained a large amount of world power again.

Jiang Tong decided to create his own reincarnation and be born into this world, so that he could better interfere with this world.

Eastern Continent.

The world was changing, thunder roared, and heavy rain poured down.

A baby was born in a small village in the Wu Kingdom.

The baby's parents were ordinary cave people. They named the baby Hong. At this extraordinary time, Jiang Tong's reincarnation was born.

Hong's birth brought heavy rain in March, causing the area where they lived to be harvested. Hong's father died in this heavy rain.

When Hong was one year old, he could run and talk, and could share farm work for his mother.

At the age of three, he could recognize hundreds of witch characters and was accepted as a disciple by a village witch doctor.

At the age of seven, he passed the Wu Kingdom's assessment of wizards and became the youngest wizard, which shocked the entire Wu Kingdom and was accepted as a disciple by Huiyue, the strongest wizard in the Wu Kingdom.

At the age of ten, Hong had successfully mastered all the skills of Huiyue, suppressed all the wizards of the younger generation, and began to study witchcraft on his own.

At the age of fourteen, Hong built his own wizard tower and became the youngest great wizard. The great wizards of the Witch Kingdom can only be called great wizards if they successfully study witchcraft and build wizard towers on their own.

At the age of sixteen, Hong began to run for the master of the Witch Doctor Valley.

At the age of eighteen, Hong became the ruler of the highest ruling body of the Witch Kingdom, and began to carry out drastic reforms after taking office.

Jiang Tong watched his reincarnation slowly develop and his strength gradually become stronger. At the critical moment, Jiang Tong could consciously descend into this body. This body was actually just living according to the soul instincts separated by Jiang Tong.

Maybe I can give birth to consciousness in the future, but the reincarnation body at this time is just a container for Jiang Tong's consciousness to descend.

Jiang Tong puts his consciousness on this body, and Jiang Tong at this moment is Hong.

Jiang Tong began to get familiar with this body, and then observed the situation around him. Jiang Tong used to watch Hong's life from a God's perspective, and now he has become Hong.

"Is this what it feels like to have a body? It's great to feel that I am really alive." Jiang Tong sighed.

However, this body has a sense of rejection towards Jiang Tong, and the time of descending will be shortened as the body's strength becomes stronger, until this body completely becomes an individual.

Time is short, so Jiang Tong wants to see what changes he can make.

This body is very powerful. The body constructed with one ounce of world power has a talent comparable to that of the Son of the World. At this time, Hong's strength has reached the strength of Shi Qiong eighteen years ago.

Jiang Tong first began to reform the Witch Doctor Valley.

The Witch Doctor Valley was completely integrated into the Witch Doctor Association, and the Witch Doctor Tower Academy was built. Great wizards from all over the country were recruited to become mentors of the academy, and Hong served as the first dean.

Then the power of the highest ruling body of the Witch Doctor Valley was deprived, and the Witch Kingdom was divided into twelve regions. The managers of the regions were managed by great wizards sent by the Witch Doctor Tower Academy. They were rotated every two years and were not allowed to serve as managers of their hometowns.

Then Jiang Tong established six departments in the Witch Kingdom to select talents for professional management of the kingdom, which was equivalent to the separation of military and political affairs.

The Ministry of Finance, the Witch Doctor Department, the Military Department, the Agricultural Department, the Administrative Department, and the Royal Management Department were established.

The king of the Witch Kingdom was not hereditary. Jiang Tong's reform at this time directly changed this system to hereditary and centralized power. Under Hong's powerful strength, the reform was successfully carried out under blood.

The Witch Doctor Tower Academy summoned seventy-four great wizards. After research, the promotion level of wizards was systematically planned.

Wizard apprentice → apprentice wizard → wizard → title wizard → great wizard → tower great wizard.

Jiang Tong further divided each district into three small areas, each of which contained four cities.

The reform absorbed a large number of ordinary cave people into the management, and Hong gained the support of a large number of ordinary cave people. The improvement of the management organization made the operation of the Wu Kingdom several times faster, and the national strength of the Wu Kingdom was slowly rising.

Reforms are usually accompanied by unrest, and Jiang Tong has to face these unrests that broke out.

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