After the second incident of the reincarnationists, Shi Qiong began to explore the world, looking for opponents and improving himself.

The points built by the reincarnationists were guarded by people, so the Rat Kingdom was merged into the Wolf Kingdom, and the Wolf Kingdom was renamed the Wolf Federation Kingdom.

During Shi Qiong's travels, he met Bai Bingya Wang of the Tall Man Clan in the Bai Bing Sea, and the two became good friends. Shi Qiong learned the water avoidance technique here. After staying in the Bai Bing Sea for a year, Shi Qiong's strength was improved to a certain extent.

Later, Shi Qiong was introduced to Dong Lingya Wang by Bai Bingya Wang. Shi Qiong taught the two kings his sacrificial martial arts training system and popularized the levels of the training system to them. Later, with the help of Dong Lingya Wang, Shi Qiong went to the Western Continent.

In the Western Continent, Shi Qiong first visited the king of the Sea Kingdom and learned that the hero Wang Yuanyang of the Giant Stone Kingdom was visiting. Ji Fengshen gave him the highest level of treatment. Shi Qiong realized Fengshen's means. After fighting with the unicorn snake, Shi Qiong created the "Dulong Sword Technique" and taught this skill to the Sea Kingdom.

During this period, a local war broke out in the Sea Merchant Kingdom. Under the mediation of Shi Qiong, the two countries ended the war.

Shi Qiong's powerful strength shocked the two countries. His concept of conquering people with virtue has left a huge impact in the minds of the two countries since then. His big sword is called the Sword of Virtue.

Shi Qiong also learned the physical training method of the Shang Kingdom, and then transformed the physical training method, leaving behind the second-generation physical training method "Hero King Physical Training Method". This improved physical training method is more in line with the body structure of cave people.

After leaving his inheritance in both countries, Shi Qiong became a street liar in the Western Continent, and soon he became famous in the Western Continent.

He killed man-eating beasts, stopped unjust wars between countries, won people over with virtue, defeated the strong men of various countries, and never lost after landing in the Western Continent. He left a lot of his cultivation experience in the Western Continent, and established a heroic knight group to lead the knight group to travel around the continent.

Hero King Shi Qiong stayed in the Western Continent for five years, leaving behind a knight group of seventy-two people, known as the Seventy-two Heroes.

The Hero King formulated eight virtues: humility, honesty, mercy, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, and soul.

And left behind the Knight Declaration: I will treat the weak with kindness, I will face the strong bravely, I will fight with those who do wrong, I will fight for those who cannot fight, I will help those who ask me for help, I will not hurt women, I will help my knight brothers, I will be loyal to my friends, and I will treat love sincerely.

This has become the code for the knights of the Western Continent to abide by and implement, and they will use their lives to prove that this is one of the influences Shi Qiong left on the Western Continent.

After staying for five years, Shi Qiong went to the Storm Continent in the north with the help of the Shang Kingdom. The heroic knights he left behind established the Knights' Kingdom and worshipped Shi Qiong as the king to stop the injustice on the continent.

Shi Qiong came to the Storm Continent. Compared with other continents, the Storm Continent is not well-known in the Cave World. Shi Qiong only knows that there is a Winter Kingdom here.

Shi Qiong was attracted by the enthusiasm of the people here. Shi Qiong stayed here for seven years. During these seven years, he settled down and integrated into the Winter Kingdom.

He admired these warriors who fought against the heavens in harsh environments. Their living environment was ten times worse than that of the Nukado Continent.

Here, Shi Qiong realized the power of winter, which is the power that allows people to point out their inner strength in desperate environments. In simple terms, it is metaphysics, just like the protagonists on Earth, who fall into memories when they are about to be killed, and then explode. The power of winter is such a force.

Shi Qiong passed this power to the people here, and Shi Qiong also established a knight order here, leaving behind the eight virtues and the knight's declaration. However, the knights here have to fight against the harsh environment, and they will help people survive every winter.

The Knights of Storm Continent only existed when Shi Qiong traveled to the northern continent. After Shi Qiong left, they disbanded and integrated into various places in the Kingdom of Winter, practicing with their actions. They accepted disciples and then passed on from generation to generation. Perhaps only when the Hero King summoned them would they become a knight order again.

In Storm Continent, Shi Qiong saw the border of the world, which was a mysterious, beautiful and scary place. In the far north, the temperature here could freeze a Mithril-level strongman into an ice stick, and then break it into pieces under the strong wind.

The border of the world exists

In this environment, Shi Qiong developed a yearning for the universe outside the border. He yearned for that mysterious universe, so he met the King of Winter, and with his inheritance as a transaction, he established an astrology society in the Kingdom of Winter to study the border of the world.

After staying in the Storm Continent for seven years, Shi Qiong later met the King of Shennan Asia through the King of Winter, and then went to the Central Continent through the King of Shennan Asia.

In the past hundred years, the connection between the tall people and the cave people has gradually deepened. Many of the tall people and the cave people have become friends, and the specialties between the two tribes have been constantly circulated.

In a blink of an eye, Shi Qiong has been traveling in the world for thirteen years, and his strength is many times stronger than before.

The upper limit of the world is lv30, and Shi Qiong is no exception. His strength exceeds the upper limit of the level, but his own life essence is still within that level range. If it is based on the main god space, Shi Qiong may be the world boss level.

In the Central Continent, Shi Qiong first traveled in the Kingdom of Northern Barbarians. The people here worshipped force and developed from the blood-marked warrior system. Shi Qiong experienced thousands of battles here. He always suppressed the same-level fighters and never killed anyone.

Finally, Shi Qiong defeated Chi, the strongest man in the Kingdom of Northern Barbarians. Chi gave up the position of tribal leader three times but was rejected by Shi Qiong. So Shi Qiong became the god worshipped by the Northern Barbarians. In short, he was a human god. There are currently three gods in the Northern Barbarians.

Yi Shen, Man Shen Wushou, and God of War Shi Qiong.

They were all cavemen. Although Wushou was killed by Chi, he still had a huge influence in the Northern Barbarians and was a warrior who followed Yi Shen. So in the Northern Barbarians, Wushou was Yi Shen's subordinate god.

After staying in the Northern Barbarians for three years, Shi Qiong left behind a set of "Barbarian God Warfare", which was transformed according to the inheritance left by Wushou. It was a skill created by Wushou who watched the battle of gods and bathed in the blood of gods.

Three years later, Shi Qiong traveled south to the Kingdom of Heaven, where Yi was also worshipped as a god. Yi was the supreme god in this kingdom. Although Yi did some brutal things when he was in power, in that bloody and barbaric era, power was supreme.

The cultivation system here was also the most complete that Shi Qiong had ever seen. The warriors here were also stronger than those in other continents, and the cultivation system was also diverse.

The strongest person in the Kingdom of Heaven was not their ruler, but a person who practiced the skills left by Bo Yunong. He called his cultivation system magic. He read the cultivation books of other continents and created a path for magic cultivation system. He was called Xuan, also known as a magician.

Shi Qiong became a disciple of this magician and learned skills from him. Shi Qiong did not learn the moves, but the principles, and then created a skill "Absolute Demon Constitution". After learning this skill, the damage to magic was reduced by 80%, and there was a bonus when absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

Shi Qiong helped Xuan develop five series of magic and established the level for this path.

Mage apprentice → low-level mage → mage → high-level mage → magician → mage → great mage.

As for the more detailed division, it was Xuan who made it. After four years of cultivation in the Kingdom of Heaven, Shi Qiong heard that the Witch Kingdom in the Eastern Continent had a level division of the wizard cultivation system, which seemed to be similar to that of magicians, so Shi Qiong bid farewell to Xuan and went to the Eastern Continent.

With the help of the merchant ship of the Kingdom of Sea, Shi Qiong came to the last place he traveled, the Eastern Gegamelin Continent, and he came to the Witch Kingdom, which was undergoing a period of reform.

Shi Qiong was very curious about these new systems. He could feel that these systems were beneficial to these countries, but when he saw the bloodshed caused by the reform, he did not understand.

So he entered the Wizard Tower Academy to study and became a wizard apprentice.

Jiang Tong saw that Shi Qiong traveled to the place where his reincarnation was, and he also became interested. Jiang Tong wanted to see what kind of sparks would be produced.

The reform of the Witch Kingdom has been going on for two years.

In the first month of the reform, a bloody incident occurred in the Harrow District in the north, where the Tet family resisted the reform. In the seventh month, the Jot family and the Dark Kingdom caused the border massacre in the Larry District. In the twelfth month, the great wizard of the Wizard Tower Academy was killed.

Whenever there is a reform, when the interests of these families are violated, someone will jump out.

In the second year, incidents that interfered with the reform occurred in all major regions, but they were all resolved under bloody suppression. After all, Jiang Tong, who had God's vision, was above Hong.

The reform has achieved results. A large number of wizard apprentices have come out enthusiastically. In two years, eleven great wizards and one great wizard of the tower have been added.

Jiang Tong established a six-department academy, selected management personnel through examinations, and cultivated the wizard force belonging to Hong.

Shiqiong constantly absorbed these in the reform.

New things, after three months in the Wizard Tower Academy, Shi Qiong jumped three levels and became a wizard, seven months later he became a great wizard, and one year later he became a great wizard of the tower, which shocked the Wizard Kingdom again.

Shi Qiong perfected his "Absolute Demon Constitution" here, and established his school in the Wizard Tower Academy, which blended magic and witchcraft and was called the Magic School by him.

In the twelfth month of the second year of the reform, a rebellion that shocked the Wizard Kingdom occurred. Mang's family and some families of the original Wizard Valley led the four major regions in the south to launch a rebellion. The rebels were under the banner of restoring the old system and restoring wizard freedom.

Shi Qiong became a legend in this battle.


Sorry, I updated the wrong chapter last night, and now Chapter 18 has been changed back.

Thank you to several readers for following up. It would be even better if you can find time to do a book review, hahahahahaha.

Please leave more comments and let me copy them. If you think there are too many world development plots, you can tell me in the comment section and I will insert a character development chapter.

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