The stone tribe of the southern continent created the first tribe in the world, and they called themselves the Stone Tribe.

With houses built with stone, the number of attacks by wild beasts on the Stone Tribe decreased, so the population of the Stone Tribe slowly increased.

After a lightning strike, a caveman in the northern continent discovered fire. Meat roasted with fire was more delicious, and the fire could bring him warmth like the god above his head.

Yes, the caveman already had the concept of God. They named the sun above their heads Calidoya, which means the god who brings light. The man who discovered the fire named himself Yang and believed that the fire was a divine object given by the god.

Relying on fire, Yang of the northern continent established the Yang tribe, using fire to drive away the cold, drive away wild beasts, and make food. Soon the Yang tribe unified all areas where cave people in the northern continent were active, but they still lived in caves. Only a few places built buildings, but those buildings were altars for storing fire, and there were special people responsible for putting in fuel to keep the flames. This place was called a fire pond.

A warrior named Yi appeared in the central continent. He was tall, two heads taller than ordinary cave people, and he was heat-resistant and strong, able to fight wild beasts under the scorching sun. Yi invented the bow and arrow, and led the tribe to expand outward, and made the captured people from other tribes work for his tribe. Yi established a tribe called Tian, ​​and they also worshipped the sun as the god of heaven.

The Tian tribe believed that the reason why the gods sent down the light that could kill people was because their sacrifices were not enough. They believed that the sun was the god of criminal law. Most people in the Tian tribe lived in caves, and the people they captured lived in houses built with wood and leaves outside the cave.

A caveman named Feng appeared on the Eastern Continent. He discovered some herbs that could heal people who were injured or punished by the gods. He recorded seventy-three kinds of plants and cured many people, so he became the witch of his tribe. He spread these methods in the Eastern Continent and was respected by other tribes. His disciples became witches of various tribes. He was eventually called the Great Witch, a person more worthy of respect than a witch.

The most prominent caveman on the Western Continent was a caveman named Yu. He invented nets and created forks specifically for fishing. He was good at fighting people in the water. His tribe lived on giant trees by the sea, and his tribe was called the Sea Tribe.

Unlike the cavemen on other continents, the cavemen of the Sea Tribe sacrificed a unicorn snake, which became their guardian beast, so the Sea Tribe became the strongest tribe on the Western Continent.

Time passed quickly, and the tribes on various continents slowly developed.

Most of the cavemen in the Eastern Continent, the Southern Continent, and the Western Continent moved to live outside the caves, while the cavemen in the Central Continent and the Northern Continent still lived in the caves, and they continued to expand the caves.

The Sea Tribe of the Western Continent went to other continents to exchange materials because they had unicorn snakes. As a result, herbs, flames, and bows and arrows began to circulate among the five continents. The people of the Sea Tribe were called messengers of the Sea Snake God. They were responsible for bringing them the artifacts of development under the orders of God.

Herbs, flames, and bows and arrows are called the three major artifacts of the Cave People.

The Sea Tribe obtained a lot of resources through trading. With the resources they obtained, they quickly expanded their tribe and soon unified the Western Continent. They learned the system of the Central Continent.

The herbs of the Eastern Continent, the bows and arrows of the Central Continent, and the fire of the Northern Continent became the currency in the trading market.

A hundred years later, Shi, Yang, and Yu died. Feng developed a medicine to extend their lifespan and recorded the functions of herbs through wood chips. This special symbol engraved on the wood chips was the first generation of characters of the Cave People, but it was only spread among the witch class.

Yi's strong body allowed him to live for a hundred years. The rest of the tribes in the Central Continent became vassals of the Heavenly Tribe and had to pay tribute every year, otherwise they would become slaves of the Heavenly Tribe.

The population of cavemen in the five continents reached more than 500,000. The Sky Tribe built a city, which was the first city in the tribal era.

A tribe called Wolf rose in the southern continent. They rode giant wolves to fight. The Stone Tribe and this tribe formed a confrontation in the southern continent.

The Wolf Tribe lived a nomadic life, while the Stone Tribe settled down to plant, gather and hunt. They each won over small tribes and established tribal alliances.

The Stone Tribe established the Giant Stone Tribe Alliance, and the Wolf Tribe established the Hundred Beasts Alliance. The southern continent with a suitable climate is the tribe with the most cavemen, with half of them.

The number of cavemen in the world has increased significantly, and the biggest war is slowly unfolding.

Jiang Tong looked at this war in the tribal era and couldn't help but sigh. Did such a war break out in the ancient times of the earth?

In war, people can always burst out huge potential, and war will quickly upgrade technology.

The spears of the Stone State Alliance improved the bow and arrow, making the bow and arrow have a longer range and stronger lethality, but this improved bow and arrow was put into use in the hands of the Beast Alliance.

So the Stone State Alliance built a huge wall to protect the place where they lived to prevent the enemy from looting and attacking. This method effectively reduced the number of attacks by the Beast Alliance.

However, the Beast Alliance soon developed a siege hammer. After they broke through the city gate, the Stone State Alliance became a lamb to be slaughtered.

The Stone State lit up the smelting technology, produced bronze armor and bronze knives, and built defensive walls in its own area to repel the attack of the Beast Alliance.

The Sea Tribe provided a large amount of resources to the two alliances. This move not only made them profit a lot in the war, but also made them richer.

In order to improve its comprehensive strength, the Sea Tribe also imitated the Central Continent and the Southern Continent and introduced advanced city-building technology. They worked together to build a large-scale city - the City of the Sea God.

The city wall is 20 meters high and stands in the east of the world like an indestructible fortress.

Its architectural style is also very distinctive. It is based on giant trees and cleverly combines natural and humanistic elements, showing the awe of the Sea Tribe for nature.

In addition, the Sea Tribe also cut down giant trees and built sturdy and durable wooden boats. These wooden boats have become their pride and an important tool for them to trade with all parts of the world. With these wooden boats, the Sea Tribe began to carry out large-scale transactions around the world, and their wealth and influence are increasing day by day.

Thirty years later, the Sea Tribe wanted to occupy the Central Continent. Because of the war in the Southern Continent, the two major alliances here were very powerful militarily, and the Sea Tribe could not match them.

Relying on the unicorn snake, the Sea Tribe attacked the Central Continent. The unicorn snake was killed by Yi and the Sea Tribe was defeated.

Yi was called the God Killer. His power seemed to exceed the limits of the world. He became the living person of the Tian Tribe, known as the God of Battle and Strength, and named Shen Yi.

In order to show his power, Yi used the power of all the cavemen in the Central Continent to build a magnificent Palace of the God of War, for which half of the cavemen in the Central Continent lost.

Jiang Tong soon discovered Yi, an alien. A person who could kill the most powerful race in the world did not look like a normal person.

So he searched through the data panel and found that the caveman was the son of the world. He was born when the world encountered difficulties. He could not intervene at present. He had a weak grasp of the rules of the world. The son of the world was a special product and represented the hope of the world's upgrade.

Jiang Tong was very interested in him, so Jiang Tong turned his attention to Yi.

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