The boy was born in a cave in the south of the Central Continent.

When he was born, the sun lost its color and his mother died when he was born. He was as big as a calf when he was born and could stand in an hour.

The priests in the tribe named him Yi and believed that he was a messenger sent by the gods.

Under the training of the priests, Yi could run at the age of one, learned all the knowledge of the priests at the age of three, and was as tall and strong as ordinary cavemen at the age of seven, and could fight wolves under the scorching sun.

When he was ten years old, Yi found that some sharp wooden sticks could be shot out by tying animal rubber bands with some wooden sticks, so he developed and produced them, and after dozens of times, he made a bow and arrow that could shoot wild beasts.

At the age of twelve, Yi was 1.8 meters tall and could tear tigers and leopards apart alive. He was the first warrior in the tribe. Yi became curious about the outside world, so Yi set out with a bow and arrow and a stone spear.

Yi walked to the end of the south and found the sea. He walked into the sea and was almost drowned. He learned to swim, and he soon could fight giant aquatic creatures in the water.

After living by the sea for a while, Yi summed up a set of skills for fighting in the water and learned to hunt in the water. Yi grew taller again, 1.9 meters tall and 200 kilograms in weight.

Yi set out to the north and returned to the tribe on the way to tell him the knowledge he had gained during this period.

On the way to the north, Yi met a wandering caveman who asked to become Yi's vassal. Yi named him Bei. Bei tamed several wolves and he could command the wolves to fight.

Yi fought wild beasts on the way and exercised his fighting skills. He eliminated the man-eating giant tiger hovering in the north of the tribe. The giant tiger was three meters tall and made a lot of noise when it came and went.

Yi broke the tiger's fangs and made a helmet with the tiger's hard skull, and the tiger's thigh bone became his weapon.

On the way to the north, Yi met a powerful tribe. Some of them built some buildings outside the cave. They set up a place to exchange things, and their warriors were much stronger than the warriors of Yi's tribe. This tribe called itself the Tiger Tribe.

Their totems are the sun and the man-eating tiger. They offer sacrifices to the tiger every year. After the Tiger Tribe learned that Hou Yi had killed the tiger, they worshipped Yi as the new god, so Yi stayed in the Tiger Tribe for a long time.

After staying for about a year, Yi learned all the knowledge of the Tiger Tribe's sacrifices, and Yi learned the skills of tattooing himself with the blood of wild beasts and some special plants, which seemed to enhance his combat effectiveness.

Yi tattooed the image of the giant tiger he had killed on himself, and Yi bid farewell to the Tiger Tribe and continued on his way.

In the middle of the Central Continent, Yi met a tribe living near the lava mountain. They called themselves the Rock Tribe, and Yi found that they were very short-lived. They liked to throw food on the lava and eat it after a while. Yi thought it was a kind of sacrifice.

The Rock Tribe was very powerful. They had hard weapons and could easily cut Yi's stone spear. Yi killed dozens of Rock Tribe warriors with his bare hands and escaped. The Rock Tribe began to hunt Yi.

During the hunt, Yi became stronger and stronger. He killed hundreds of Rock Tribe warriors with Bei, and the Rock Tribe declined.

Yi continued to walk. Yi arrived in the north. The temperature here was lower than that in the south, but the cold was nothing to Yi. Here Yi found cave people with thick hair.

Yi asked Bei to write down what he encountered. Yi finally walked to the east. The people here liked to fish, and they had crystals that could make people stronger. After eating the crystals, they would have strength. Yi found that he would become weak if he drank animal blood or found some stones mentioned by the sacrifice every once in a while.

Yi exchanged for some of these crystals, and here Yi built a giant bow, which could shoot down a giant bird flying in the sky with one arrow, and could shoot through a tree embraced by three people. The most powerful tribe in the east was called the Crystal Tribe, and they were convinced by Yi because of his powerful military force.

Yi stayed here for a year and learned how to make crystals. These crystals were called Yan, which were invented by Yan, the leader of the Crystal Tribe, so the crystal had the same name as him.

When Yi returned to the tribe, Yan gave up his position as the leader of the tribe and followed Yi back to the tribe.

Without the man-eating tiger, the Tiger Tribe expanded southward, conquered Yi's tribe, and killed Yi's master.

Yi took back the tribal cave, beheaded the Tiger Tribe's priest, and expelled the Tiger Tribe's leader from the tribe. Yi became the leader of the Tiger Tribe and a part-time priest.

Yi believed that his tribe was

The strongest, as powerful as the god above his head, so he changed the name of the tribe to Tian Tribe.

When Yi was 20 years old, he became the leader of the strongest tribe in the south. With the knowledge he learned from other tribes, Yi developed the Tian Tribe very powerful and continued to conquer small tribes.

Yi rewarded the people of those small tribes to the warriors who fought in the war, and believed that such people were just like those tamed animals, just personal property. Private ownership began to appear in the Tian Tribe, and the Tian Tribe formed a warrior class.

The cave became the place where the warriors lived, and ordinary tribesmen could only live in the shelters built randomly outside the cave.

Yi built a huge altar to worship the gods of heaven. If there were people in the tribe who violated the rules set by Yi, Yi would tie them to the altar and burn them to death in the scorching sun.

Under Yi's development, private ownership and the prototype of laws appeared in the Tian Tribe. The warrior class separated from production and became a special conqueror.

When Yi was 23 years old, he destroyed the Yan Tribe and obtained the method of making metal weapons from the Yan Tribe. Yi used these methods in the lives of tribal members.

When Yi was 25 years old, he found some strange buildings on the opposite side of the South Sea. After studying them, Hou Yi built these buildings for the members of the tribe to live in. This building reduced the number of tribe members who died from wild beast attacks at night.

When Yi was 30 years old, he conquered all the tribes on the Central Continent and asked them to worship the Heavenly Tribe. If they did not worship, all of them would become the property of the warrior class.

Yi was so powerful that the cave people gave him a unique word that only Yi could use, so Yi was called King Yi, which means that Yi was the most powerful and unique warrior.

Yi felt that his body had reached its peak, so Yi often went to find the beasts that attacked the tribe to fight, and observed the breathing and attacking skills of the beasts when they attacked. Yi kept fighting in the Central Continent.

When Yi was 40 years old, he fought eleven man-eating beasts. These beasts had lived for a long time in the continent. No one could defeat them before Yi, and they became totems of some tribes.

Yi tattooed these eleven beasts on his body to represent the beasts he killed, in order to show his bravery.

Later, people used these beasts that were killed as the birth signs of their children.

They are the giant tiger that eats people, the two-meter-long man-eating rat that steals children, the big black bull that attacks the tribe, the giant rabbit that destroys the cave, the giant crocodile in the river, the giant snake that devours the warriors, the king of the wolf-horse herd, the leader of the gluttonous sheep herd, the blood ape in the deep mountains, the blue eagle that catches people in the sky, the volcano wolf king that protects the rock tribe, and the giant wild boar in the eastern sea.

Later, the warriors of the Tian tribe would tattoo the beasts they killed on their bodies, thus giving rise to the blood-marked warriors.

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