The old man was born in a strange way, but he was still alive.

Jiang Tong looked through Yi's growth log and found that Yi was like the protagonist in a novel on Earth. He was born with a strange vision, had no parents, and killed all gods and Buddhas on his way to growth.

Continue to check.

When Yi was fifty years old, the Sea Tribe of the Western Continent contacted the people of the Sky Tribe. The people of the Sea Tribe wanted to plunder the Sky Tribe, but Yi killed their messengers and moved the tribe away from the sea. Yi even tried to attack the unicorn snake, but found that he seemed to be unable to beat it.

When Yi was fifty-five years old, the people of the Sea Tribe came again. This time, the people of the Sea Tribe did not do anything else. They exchanged a large number of bows and arrows and salt with flames and herbs.

So the flame became the sacred object of the Tian Tribe. The people of the Hai Tribe taught the people of the Tian Tribe how to use the flame. The Tian Tribe used the flame to drive away the beasts at night and used the flame to make food.

The arrival of herbs enriched Yi's knowledge of sacrifice. Yi also systematically summarized his knowledge of herbs and asked Bei to record the knowledge he summarized.

The Tian Tribe also began to collect and make herbs in large quantities. There were constant tribal rebellions in the Central Continent. The number of people in the Tian Tribe was not enough to suppress so many tribes, so the Tian Tribe merged with the Salt Tribe in the east.

When Yi was sixty years old, he felt that he seemed to be different from others. His grandson was almost dead, and he himself had no signs of aging. People of the same generation as Yi in the Tian Tribe had all died. Although Yi did not feel that there was anything wrong with his body, Yi began to fear death.

Yi began to study the gods of heaven, and his great-grandson Mao inherited the position of the leader of the Tian Tribe.

Yi ordered his tribe to build a royal palace, which was built entirely of metal. Yi lived in the royal palace with Bei and Yan to study the gods of heaven. Yan was about to meet the gods of heaven.

This palace is not big, only one hectare, but in an era of low productivity, it is a miracle.

In this temple, Yi sat on a high throne, with Yan and Bei sitting on his left and right. At this time, Yi was listening to the people in the tribe who were responsible for offering sacrifices to the heavens and observing nature.

At this time, Yi was already sixty-five years old.

"Respected and supremely honorable King Yi, I have observed that the light cast by the God of Punishment, who emits light from the gods of heaven, contains great energy. If we can use it, we can obtain divine power."

The person reporting below is an old man with wrinkles on his face and white hair. In fact, he is only forty years old, and the sixty-five-year-old Yi has just grown some white hair.

"Of course I know what you said, but have you found a way to use the divine power? Do you want me to tie you to the altar?"

Yi looked at the dozen or so sacrificial officials below.

"We also obtained a potion made by the distant Great Wufeng, which can prolong people's lifespan. We spent two hundred bows to get a bottle."

Another middle-aged priest walked up to the throne in small steps and handed a bottle of potion to Yi. Yi pulled out the cork in the bottle mouth, and then a strong smell overflowed. Yi quickly stuffed it back.

"Are you sure this thing can prolong life?"

Yi asked.

The middle-aged priest shuddered and answered carefully: "It has been tried on living things and is not poisonous."

"I want you to have all the possibilities to confirm its efficacy, otherwise I will use you to sacrifice to the gods."

Yi's voice echoed in the palace, and more than a dozen priests trembled.

"Back off."

After the voice fell, the priests trembled and slowly left the gate, leaving water stains in their original positions.

The wolf next to the throne was already very old, with cunning eyes in the turbidity, like a wolf.

Yan was even worse, exuding a dead aura, with dull eyes, staring into the distance motionlessly, with no flesh left on his body, like a skeleton covered in animal skin.

"Yan, how do you feel today?"

Yi was concerned about his old subordinates beside him. Yan was the only strong man who could withstand a few moves from Yi before, and now he was about to follow his ancestors.

The cave people also have the custom of burial, and they call the place where their ancestors are buried a burial cave.

"When we obtain the power of the gods, we can restore our strength many years ago. We can't stay in that dark cave. I want to bathe in the light of the gods forever."

Yi's eyes became fanatical.

Sitting on the throne, Yi was still taller than Bei and Yan. He was naked and wearing a tiger bone helmet. Yi was still so majestic, and the tattoos of the beasts on his body seemed to come alive. Ordinary people would feel that these

The beast came back to life.

"Come, let's study these stones."

The people in the tribe found some strange stones. These stones could not be destroyed by any weapons, so the people of the Tian tribe thought they were divine objects. After all, even King Yi could not destroy them.


When Yi was seventy years old, Yan died and was buried in the burial cave of the Tian tribe. Yi was more eager for the power of immortality. Yi began to pray to the gods, hunted beasts on a large scale, and even secretly performed human sacrifices in an attempt to make the gods look at him.

The gods still did not look at Yi, and Yi began to get angry. However, the medicine of the witch did have the effect of prolonging life, but it was not complete. After the sacrifice of the Tian tribe studied it, they developed another medicine. After taking it, it can enhance physical fitness and greatly increase strength.

When Yi was eighty years old, Bei was seriously ill and was preserved by the sacrifice in a special way and buried in the cave. At this point, Yi lost his two major subordinates, known as the legendary figures Wolf Uncle and Yan Uncle.

Yi began to question the gods and had the idea of ​​killing them to seize their power. The Tian tribe began to study weapons to kill the gods. They developed some strange weapons on a large scale, and the Tian tribe became mysterious.

They developed blood-marked warriors. Warriors who drank the potion were soaked in the blood of wild beasts and medicinal materials, and then painted the portraits of wild beasts on their bodies with pigments made from special medicinal materials. Finally, they practiced the fighting skills of these wild beasts, and they could have some of the power and charm of these wild beasts. The mortality rate was 80%.

The Tian tribe developed giant crossbows and catapults, and various weapons emerged in an endless stream. However, Yi's policy was extremely consuming for the Tian tribe, and the other tribes in the Central Continent had ideas.

When Yi was 100 years old, a newly emerging Sha tribe in the east resisted the collection of the Tian tribe and killed the messenger sent to collect the offerings. The Tian tribe sent out the blood-marked warriors in the tribe and massacred the Sha tribe.

Yi's disrespect for the gods had reached its peak. He destroyed all the statues of the gods in the tribe. From then on, the Tian tribe only worshipped their ancestors and did not respect the gods.

Yi has since cultivated himself and become a warrior of the twelve beast patterns, comparing himself to a god.

Jiang Tong was extremely surprised that such a small world could produce such a powerful human being. This world only had some elemental energy from the beginning of the world, almost nothing. However, in this age period known as the Dharma Ending Age on Earth, Yi actually created an energy system. The world level was only lv7 at this time, but Yi's energy level was close to lv30.

What happened next surprised Jiang Tong even more.

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