The king of heroes was in a hurry to get out of the city, but he was still in a hurry.

Ignoring those offenders, Jiang Tong turned his gaze back to the Storm Continent and returned to his human body. The Heavenly Dao consciousness fell into a deep sleep again.

The Hero King felt that the world suddenly revived and suddenly fell asleep. He was a little confused sitting on his throne.

However, the Hero King could feel that his condition was getting worse and worse. People of the same generation had entered old age one after another, and he was no exception. Even though he was very powerful, he still did not break through his limit.

Closing his eyes, the Hero King continued to rest. He had to conserve his energy and wait for that moment to come.

A big commotion soon came from Winter City. The King of Winter Guard was declared dead. Winter City was set on fire for three days to see the king off. The eldest prince Lun inherited the throne.

At this time, Jiang Tong knew that he had to take action. After all, he had promised the King of Winter, and there would definitely be people who couldn't help but want to take action, but those old foxes were probably still watching.

They didn't believe that the man who created a system would die so easily. Such a death was too deceptive.

However, they still sent people to test. They didn't want the dwarf to take the position. The dwarf didn't look like his father at all, whether in terms of military strength or political wisdom. If Lun could take the throne, why couldn't they?

The Kingdom of Winter didn't have a tradition of hereditary thrones. It was just that Yan and Wei were too powerful, so their family had two kings. Lun didn't have strong military power, so he could only step down. In this world that worships power, only the strong are respected.

Some troops began to be transferred to the vicinity of the palace, and martial law was imposed everywhere in the city. A group of strong men were also transferred from Happy Valley outside the city. Jiang Tong asked Jiang Yi to gather his troops.

These old foxes will let themselves enter the field. What if the King of Winter is not dead, but they stand in advance, and then there will be another purge. They have seen the King of Winter's idea of ​​hereditary throne, but they will not easily let the idea come true.

Jiang Tong began to wipe his knight's sword, which was an imitation of the sword of the hero king Shi Qiong, so it also looked a bit like a door panel.

The white wolf on the side was trembling. He was very excited. He actually participated in such a thing. The mute could not speak, but he could also see that he was a little nervous.

Jiang Yi has broken through to the advanced knight. The cultivation method created by Jiang Tong is equivalent to the strong lying on the weak to suck blood. Half of the energy obtained by the cultivation of the cave soldiers will be transmitted to his top layer. Jiang Yi has gathered the energy of more than a thousand cave soldiers and has broken through to the advanced knight.

In fact, according to the level of the Paradise panel, the advanced knight has reached lv.30, but level 30 is different from level 30.

On the walls of Winter City, flames were burning. This fire was not an ordinary fire. The flames dispelled the blood mist, and the light illuminated the city. Jiang Tong stood on the roof of the small building of the mercenary group and looked at the majestic Winter City.

Humans are really animals with bad roots, no matter what world they are from. Jiang Tong sighed in his heart. In this era when the world is about to be eroded by the evil god, there are still people fighting for power.

Gates' family seems to be pretty good, and he has used a lot of connections, so Gates went out to do business to avoid this power struggle.

Woo~ Woo~ Woo~

The horn is blowing. This is left over from the tribal period. It will be blown when the leader dies and the new leader is born. When the horn with a wild atmosphere sounded, Lun began the inauguration ceremony.

"Enter the city."

Jiang Tong waved his hand, and the mighty team entered the city. The guards at the door opened the door for convenience, and the road was smooth. The city was under martial law.

The residents also knew that something might happen today, and every household stayed at home. Jiang Tong felt that someone was watching, and it was some contractors who also wanted to take advantage of the chaos.

Soon Jiang Tong brought people to the palace.

At this time, there was no guard in the palace. It seemed that the guys here were very cruel and did not leave any protection for Lun. However, the King of Winter should have a backup plan, and it was impossible to rely on Jiang Tong's ragtag army outside the city.

"Take over the defense here. If anyone comes in, kill them without mercy."

After Jiang Tong gave the order, Jiang Yi quickly arranged defenses. He was Jiang Tong's loyal henchman, and he dared to chop the King of Winter in front of him.

After entering the palace, Jiang Tong quickly found the palace meeting hall. Lun, wearing armor, was sitting on the throne at this time, with no one around him.

"What are you doing here, holding a meeting and ascending the throne to become king." Jiang Tong asked.

"My father is not dead yet, I will not become king. He asked me to wait here, and someone will come.

Come to help me ascend the throne. "Lun said expressionlessly.

"I don't want to be the King of Winter at all, but my father wants me to be the King of Winter. Only in this way can I survive. After all, I am his only son. I also know that they don't want me to be king. The pressure is too great."

Lun sighed slightly, but soon returned to his original expression.

"Father made a deal with you. Now those old guys are eyeing the King's Treasury. They will die miserably. If the current Winter City undergoes a major cleansing, I don't know if it can still cope with the increasingly powerful Blood Mist Field in the future."


The ground of the palace trembled, and the temptation of those old foxes came. They began to attack the palace, and the formation of the palace was temporarily ineffective by them.

"Here they come, the first batch of people who are going to die are here. "Lun said calmly.

They couldn't even get through the defense line, and were killed by the cave soldiers outside the palace.

"These people occupied a lot of power before the evil god came. The outer city area was also created by them. Their ambitions will never be satisfied, but they can't imagine that my father's ambitions are even greater."

White Wolf came in to report the news. The area controlled by the Dongtian Mercenary Group in the outer city area had a rebellion. The people who attacked the palace were the Royal Capital Guards, but it was unknown which part they were from.

"The Royal Capital Guards?"

Lun asked.

White Wolf nodded with certainty.

"Let's go, we're going to the King's Treasury. "


Lun pressed the handle of the throne, and the throne moved back, revealing the tunnel below, which was pitch black.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Lun walked in first, and then the tunnel wall began to light up. Jiang Tong saw the light of the tunnel spreading downwards, and the tunnel had no end in sight.

Lun did not move forward, but walked to a lamp on the right side of the tunnel, pressed the light, and another tunnel appeared.

With the same sound, this new tunnel continued to light up.

"This is the place that leads to the treasure house. The previous one has no end and will only lead you to meet the ancestors. "

Lun walked forward, Jiang Tong followed with the mute and the white wolf, and the entrance to the tunnel behind closed automatically.

Soon, they arrived at the so-called King's Treasure House.

A huge underground palace, with a huge fire pit in the center, connected to the fire pit are hundreds of grooves, which seem to be used for fire pit transportation.

Jiang Tong saw the King of Winter, who was sitting in the middle of the fire pit. A throne was built in the middle of the fire pit, and the flames were burning around the throne.

Sure enough, he was not dead.

The underground palace seemed to be connected to other entrances, and many people appeared one after another. These people had one characteristic, strong .

There were contractors, guards, ministers, and even some reincarnations.

Their target was the King of Winter.

A big fight started in Winter City, with the forces of all parties fighting each other, and the top leaders all came to the underground palace.

There were more and more people in the underground palace.

Jiang Tong felt more and more that this matter was not as simple as fighting for the throne. The King of Winter did not seem to be someone who would consider his son. People from the tribal era were not so kind, of course, this possibility could not be ruled out.

The situation began to stalemate, and everyone was waiting for the situation to be broken.

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