The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

No one continued to enter the underground palace. Jiang Tong asked the two people who followed him to leave the underground palace, and he stayed to see what happened.

Wei's life span was over, and only a breakthrough could continue to extend his life span. Jiang Tong seemed to have guessed something.

Click, click, click~


All the passages leading to the underground palace were blocked, and some people panicked, but more were indifferent.

They dared to come here, which meant they were ready to fight the King of Winter. They thought it was a factional fight, and they also wanted to win a chance to become kings for their descendants.

The King of Winter rose from the flames, looked at those who came to the underground palace to besiege him, and then looked at Jiang Tong and Lun.

"Everyone is here, so are you ready? My people?"

At this time, the King of Winter was full of energy, with his back straight, looking down on everyone here.


The King of Winter took action without warning, and beat a contractor in front of him into a pulp with one blow.


The First General and the Minister of Finance rushed up with their own factions, and the strong ones among the contractors also rushed up. Those who can come here are strong. Paradise will not let contractors perform impossible tasks for no reason.

Jiang Tong hid behind. Almost all of them here are great knights or above. Jiang Tong can only fight with the great knights. The titled knights behind can't do it unless they turn on the Tiandao proxy mode.

Countless snow-white flames spread in the underground palace, burning these strong men. Some weaker contractors turned into ashes directly. The contractors were indeed promoted quickly, but most of them had no foundation.

Jiang Tong felt that the energy of the underground palace rose after these people were killed by the King of Winter.

The First General is in a very bad state now. The system he practices was originally created by Wei, but it has been strengthened in terms of tankiness. Now he is the one who is at the back to output.

The Minister of Finance looks like he is in charge of money, but he actually has the strength of a titled knight, but he practices a special system, the beast system.

At this time, the Minister of Finance has become a werewolf with snow-white fur all over his body, constantly attacking the King of Winter.

He knocked the Minister of Finance away casually, and then the King of Winter punched a hidden assassin contractor to death. These low-level contractors don’t have any life-saving props. The contractors who can come here are all contractors of large paradises. They don’t care about the death and injury of contractors. They have a stable source of contractors.

At this moment, the King of Winter is surrounded by flames, his fists are wrapped in snow-white flames, every strand of hair is floating up, his eyes carry waves of air, and every movement is attached to flames, enough to distort the air waves in space.

Wei was naked with his upper body, revealing a body covered in scars, which were left from his early years of fighting. Although he was old at this time, he still had a strong and powerful muscle.


Another punch smashed the person who rushed over into slag, and the King of Winter opened his mouth and spit out a fireball dozens of meters big. He was called the King of Winter, but he was best at playing with fire.

Gradually, these people felt something was wrong.

"Why is he getting stronger and stronger?"

"Oh no, the energy concentration here is rising. Does he want to sacrifice us?"

"King, what do you want to do?"

"Use the props quickly, don't hide them. You will feel bad when you go back. The people who were killed in front can't even use the props."

People from all forces were panicked.

The momentum of the King of Winter was constantly increasing, and his body was constantly improving. Those who followed the King of Winter all felt a familiar feeling.

The young King of Winter is back, with this invincible aura, this aura of the King.

Jiang Tong took out all the "Original Fire", "Pendant of Fire", and "Sword of the King of Flame" that he was holding, and then rushed to the front of the King of Winter.

Those contractors were throwing props madly, and some styles that did not conform to this world also appeared.

Rocket launchers, grenades, spell scrolls...

Some used scrolls to strengthen their own status, and they were all ready to fight to the death. The ministers and military personnel were also taking drugs.

They found that three things appeared in front of the King of Winter, and they all recognized them. These three things are not said to open the king's treasure, but it is better to say that after obtaining them, they can get the support of three forces.

The King of Winter swallowed the "Original Fire", and melted and absorbed the "Pendant of Fire" with flames. The last "Sword of the King of Flame" became the weapon in his hand.

"King, you are crazy. Not only do you want the throne to be hereditary, but you also devoured the ancestral objects. They will kill you and your descendants."

An old minister said tremblingly, he seemed to have not yet known the real purpose of the King of Winter.

"They? Hahahahahahaha, look at your feet, if they don't die, how can I get these three things."

The King of Winter laughed wildly, bathing in flames, he was now a rebellious king of fire.

Everyone looked at the ground, and the grooves were filled with blood at some point, with corpses floating in them. Some people could recognize the identities of these people.

"Is that the current leader of the Fire Spreader? The Archbishop of the Wind and Snow Church? The Knight of Three Waters? How dare he?"

"That is the last king's youngest son, his biological brother."

These people recognized the identities of the corpses. They were all powerful men at the title level, and they didn't expect that they were all dead.

The grooves were full of corpses, and the blood kept flowing, flowing towards the fire pit.

The army fighting on the ground did not notice that their blood was quickly absorbed by the earth.

Thousands of attacks were directed at the King of Winter.

"Go to hell, all of you."

The King of Winter regained his youthful appearance, unruly, he devoured all attacks, including the energy in this underground palace, his strength and aura rose at a very fast speed, he was more warlike than Chi in his bones.

Jiang Tong did not expect him to be so crazy, wanting to break through the upper limit under the world's restrictions, the world's energy was insufficient, he actually set a trap to slaughter the kingdom's strong, absorbing the energy of these people who died and fed back to the world.

Jiang Tong turned on the Tiandao proxy mode, ran away with a few people, leaving the King of Winter to slaughter these people in the underground palace. Under this situation in the world, if Wei succeeded in breaking through, he would be the first person in this world.

In the sky, the blood mist was stirred by the powerful energy fluctuations, forming a huge vortex, and the powerful aura from the underground surged out. All the people in Winter City were hit by this aura, and the weak ones fainted directly.

Those soldiers who were fighting were also hit to pieces, and Jiang Tong who ran to the city immediately slipped away with his men.

At this time, the King of Winter had already slaughtered all the contractors, reincarnations, and ministers who tried to stop him in the underground palace. The energy contained in these strong men was absorbed by him.


Winter City collapsed from the center of the palace, forming a huge hole, and the underground palace was exposed.

At this moment, the King of Winter, who was more than three meters tall, rode the flames into the sky, and the flames illuminated the entire Winter City.


ps: This chapter is for the brothers who sent gifts today, thank you all friends.

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