The competition was held in a simulated manner, but the competition was not conducted in a simulated manner.

[This World Battle Knockout Tournament is jointly notarized by Bright Paradise, Purification Paradise, Life Paradise, Earth Paradise, Abyss Paradise, etc., and the venue is provided by all participating parks. ]

[The number of participants this time is 1,000, and there are three types of personnel on the battlefield: judges, contestants, and monsters]

[The judge is the unit that maintains the fairness of the knockout tournament. The judge cannot be attacked. If it is found that the rules of the game are violated, it will be expelled from the simulated battlefield. ]

[The contestant can use any means without being discovered by the judge, but if it is discovered, it will be considered cheating, expelled from the battlefield, and the park where it is located will lose the qualification to participate in the next round. ]

[The battlefield scene of the first round is an island scene. Please prepare, go to the island scene through the cabin of your own park, and choose the drop location by yourself. 】

【Now the first round of the World Championship Elimination Tournament begins...】

Jiang Tong sat in the cabin of Abyss Paradise. Abyss Paradise sent a total of seven contestants this time. Jiang Tong was one of the top players. Jiang Tong's deeds of breaking through the derivative world had spread throughout Abyss Paradise.

"The cabin has arrived at the island scene. Please choose your own place to get off the plane. Abyss Paradise reminds you to purchase the language pack and parachute."

The broadcast in the cabin sounded.

Jiang Tong ignored the others and chose a place to land, and then loaded the language pack for this scene.

There were no accidents during the landing process. Jiang Tong landed smoothly and landed next to a small river.

【Currently, 3 people have been eliminated, and there are 997 people left. The elimination barrier will be opened in 1 hour. The contractors outside the barrier will be eliminated. This round will eliminate 80% of the contractors. 】

【After the game starts, only the equipment you wear is allowed to be used. All storage spaces are in a banned state. The judge will randomly drop airdrops at regular intervals. 10 white treasure chests will be dropped every hour, 5 blue treasure chests will be dropped every 2 hours, and 1 gold treasure chest will be dropped every 5 hours. The barrier shrinks by half every 24 hours. 】

【After the first airdrop, the battlefield channel will be opened. After obtaining the prop small speaker, you can speak in the battlefield channel. 】

【If your life is in danger, please say loudly that you want to quit, otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver. 】

A map appeared in Jiang Tong's mind. Now he is at the edge of the barrier and must go to the center, otherwise he will be eliminated if the barrier shrinks.

Jiang Tong charged and jumped, the ground burst open, and then Jiang Tong flew to the center.

Da da da da~

While on the way, I saw a big fat cat flying a helicopter above my head.

The big fat cat was wearing a pilot's helmet, a tactical vest, a cigar in his mouth, and holding a red wine glass in one hand while flying the plane. When he saw Jiang Tong, he grinned and dropped a white airdrop.

Three golden words appeared above the fat cat's head - Judge Greedy Cat.

Jiang Tong landed with the airdrop, and more than a dozen contractors attacked the airdrop, trying to snatch the white airdrop.

An agile contractor was the first to touch the airdrop, thinking of taking it away with his speed, but a big sword landed with the airdrop, and the big sword directly split the contractor in half.

The rest of the contractors saw that the first person who touched the airdrop was killed by Jiang Tong, and then they scattered. There was no need to lose their lives for a white airdrop.

[Currently 36 people have been eliminated, and there are 964 people left. ]

The voice sounded again in the battlefield. More than 30 people were eliminated in the first airdrop. Jiang Tong opened the white treasure chest without changing his face.

[Get 5 recovery potions, 1 alchemical bomb, 10000 abyss coins]

Recovery potions restore 10% of health and mana, and alchemical bombs cause 5% + 5000 damage to enemies, which is okay.

These contractors in other paradises are all enemies, and one can be eliminated if one is eliminated. Jiang Tong thought about this, and then a situation occurred. Jiang Tong started to look for people to kill with a big sword all over the scene.

Soon, the news appeared on the battlefield channel.

[Bright Paradise-Guang Guang's Big Butt: Run quickly when you see a guy with a big sword, damn, that guy kills everyone he sees. ]

[Purification Paradise-Little Nanny: What is that, I think I saw hsjwjzjsnms. ]

[Earth Paradise-Bull Warrior: The one above is really useless, I don't believe he can break my shield. ]

[Abyss Paradise-Mosquito: If I'm not mistaken, it should be our paradise

, Brother Tong is awesome. ]

In fact, Jiang Tong did not kill them all, but just asked them to hand over their equipment and withdraw voluntarily. Who would have thought that these guys would not surrender and dare to resist.

Then the group of guys left.

[Currently 149 people have been eliminated, and there are 851 people left. ]

Jiang Tong robbed a lot of things and carried a big package on his back. I don’t know what these guys did. They were able to find Jiang Tong in the past and avoid him. In fact, it was the group of guys on the battlefield channel who tipped him off.

A goblin appeared in front of Jiang Tong, with a big golden word on his head - Judge Jin Jin.

"Hey, brother, do you want to do business?"

Jin Jin rubbed his hands and smiled obscenely.

Jiang Tong ignored him and continued to move forward.

"You have so many things. How about this, you sell them to me, and I will let Fat Cat drop the airdrop near you later." Jin Jin said.

Jiang Tong was still indifferent. This goblin had bad intentions.

"Okay." Jin Jin pretended to leave.

"You are all sincere. You called the fat cat over. Do you want to get something for free? Or do you want to use the rules to eliminate me?"

Jiang Tong spoke.

Jin Jin chuckled and took out a mobile phone: "Hey, Fat Cat, come here quickly. There is a big business here."

The two waited for a while.

Da Da Da Da~

The big fat cat drove a helicopter over, then slowly descended and stopped. Jin Jin was swayed by the strong wind of the helicopter.

The big fat cat jumped off the helicopter and landed on the ground face first.


"Ouch." The big fat cat screamed and slid on his face for more than ten meters.

A minute later.

The big fat cat put a hemostatic patch on his face, and then kept rubbing his chubby face, and the fat meat was shaking.

"What's there to take care of? You want to cheat me again." The big fat cat stood and looked at Jin Jin and Jiang Tong.

Jin Jin pulled Jiang Tong and Big Fat Cat together, and the three of them started to talk.

Jin Jin and Big Fat Cat laughed strangely from time to time.

"Hehehe, meow."

These contractors were in trouble. Jin Jin and Big Fat Cat were notarized judges of the Root of Chaos, but they were notorious.

After communicating with the two judges, Jiang Tong said he had learned something and was ready to execute the plan.

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