The three of them successfully finalized the plan. The big fat cat was responsible for airdropping to Jiang Tong's vicinity. After Jiang Tong got the supplies inside, Jiang Tong took 40%, and the other 30% was divided equally between the two of them.

In addition, the big fat cat would provide the positions of the contractors to Jiang Tong, but the things he got would be handed over to the goblin Jin Jin to deal with, and finally Jiang Tong would take half.

The goblin Jin Jin was the son of the boss of the goblin bank in the void. He had the means to deal with these things. The big fat cat didn't know where he came from. The two of them were neutral units under the notarization of the root of chaos.

As for why he cooperated with Jiang Tong, the momentum on Jiang Tong proved that this guy was very cool. He chopped from the east to the west with a big sword, and the other contractors who were chopped hid. It was generally pleasant to cooperate with the strong.

Next, Jiang Tong waited for the airdrop at the location given by the big fat cat, and then waited for those contractors.

Then the news appeared on the channel.

[Feng Ling Paradise-Little Phoenix: Don't go to the north, the Abyss Paradise in the damn Abyss Paradise is fishing, and there are several eliminated. ]

[Earth Paradise-Big Monster is the Most Handsome: Detailed. ]

[Abyss Paradise-Mosquito: The boss is awesome. ]

[Devouring Paradise-Qiqi Ruolin: Why is the fat cat in the sky flying a helicopter around my head? Hey, there is a man with a big sword in front. I don't know what he is doing. ]


Jiang Tong kept walking forward and saw a woman in armor.


Teleported in front of the woman: "Hand over your equipment, and then give up and withdraw."

The woman planned to fight back and took out a crossbow.


The crossbow and the woman were split together.

Then Jiang Tong pressed his ear, and the earphones loosened. The big fat cat was providing information to Jiang Tong. Jin Jin appeared at some point and was stripping the equipment off the woman.

Jiang Tong continued to look for those cute little ones. The woman was finally stripped white by the goblin Jin Jin, and was finally eaten by animals.

Most of the boxes dropped were opened by Jiang Tong, and only some white boxes were picked up by others.

Soon, 24 hours passed, and Jiang Tong was already waiting in the central area. A pile of boxes were piled there, and Jiang Tong sat on the box.

[Currently 345 people have been eliminated, and 655 people are left. The elimination barrier has been reduced. ]

Jin Jin and the big fat cat seemed to have violated the rules and were electrocuted many times. The big fat cat's helicopter was confiscated, and the next airdrop was randomly dropped by the root of chaos.

The big fat cat's head is now bald. He was electrocuted twice by the root of chaos. Now he is lying on the ground spitting white foam, and his butt is shaking constantly.

"What's wrong with him?" Jiang Tong asked.

"It's okay, he's used to being electrocuted, he'll be fine in a while." Jin Jin was counting Jiang Tong's gains.

So you two have done a lot of this kind of thing.

Those contractors were also fighting each other, but no one came to provoke Jiang Tong, even though there were a bunch of boxes there.

The reason was because someone uploaded a video of Jiang Tong hacking people, using a big sword to hack a tank contractor in the Earth Paradise, and an epic shield was directly hacked to pieces by Jiang Tong, and the tank was gone in two hits.

Two sounds.

Click, scratch.

Then the contractor was gone. At present, Jiang Tong's hacking of these contractors is like cutting vegetables, usually only one hit, and the tank needs two hits for the more powerful ones.

Jiang Tong has his own cave world and abyss paradise behind him, and his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people, just like a big bad wolf sneaking into a group of sheep.

After ordering the food, Jin Jin ran away with the big fat cat.

They used some tricks, and the big fat cat got another helicopter, and then provided Jiang Tong with the location of the airdrop, but was soon sanctioned.

Jiang Tong watched the plane driven by the big fat cat in the sky being struck by lightning, and then fell to the ground with thick smoke.

Squeak~ Bang~.

There was a huge explosion, and just when Jiang Tong thought they were gone, Jin Jin and the big fat cat appeared in front of Jiang Tong with a black face.

Then the two mouths showed big white teeth.

The golden fonts on the heads of the two had disappeared, and they were obviously deprived of the position of judge.

"It's okay, the newcomers are also our own people." Jin Jin comforted Jiang Tong.

Then he took out his big brother: "Hello, I'm Jin Jin, big head rat come here."

After a while, a hole appeared on the ground.

A groundhog jumped out of the hole with the font of the judge on his head, and then looked at the three people with wise eyes.

Then Jin Jin and the big fat cat

The fat cat and the groundhog gathered together, laughing strangely, and then the groundhog disappeared.

Jiang Tong felt that these judges seemed to be redundant, and then shook his head.

Jiang Tong continued to chop people. Along the way, he chopped all the people except those in the Abyss Paradise. These contractors fled and prayed that they would not be caught by Jiang Tong.

This group of contractors was very unlucky. In the battle for the low-level world, the big paradises would not send too strong contractors, because their ordinary contractors were almost the same as the top contractors of the small paradises. Unexpectedly, a fierce man emerged from the newly revived Abyss Paradise.

Under Jiang Tong's terrifying deterrence, many contractors withdrew from the competition. After all, this guy would stab you with a sword if he caught you, and he would stab you with a life-saving prop.

Some contractors scouted Jiang Tong's data, but the props exploded directly, and they only got one life value, which was better than the overlord boss of the low-level world of Bit Code.

In this data screenshot, another group of contractors withdrew from the competition. There are penalties for not completing the task, but they will not die.

[Due to special reasons, 80% of the contractors have been eliminated, and the second round of the elimination round will be entered in advance. ]

The elimination barrier has not yet shrunk, and many of these contractors have run away. The big fat cat has lost the money of this group of escapees.

Jiang Tong also received the rewards of the first round: Abyss Coins x500000, Equipment Strengthening Stones x100, Levelless Treasure Boxes x10, World Power x10 ounces.

Damn, these paradises are so rich, Jiang Tong has been raising the world for so long to save a little.

In addition, Jiang Tong also took some useful things from those treasure chests as his share.

"Good brother, the second round seems to be a points system. This is my contact information. If you have anything to sell, contact me. We have been expelled." Jin Jin gave Jiang Tong the contact information and disappeared with the big fat cat.

[The second round is about to begin, entering the snowfield scene. 】

【In the second round, you will get points by killing the generated monsters. The top 20 players on the scoreboard will enter the next round. The points can be exchanged for items in the war store. 】

【Please start to choose whether to enter the next round. 】

【Yes/No. 】

I must click on the next round. These paradises are so fat. Jiang Tong is drooling over their rewards.

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