The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

A big event happened in the Geglin Wu Continent.

Hong, the strongest wizard king of the Wu Kingdom, stepped down from the throne, and his son Jun inherited his throne. Compared with Hong, Jun is not as strong as Hong. Jun is an academic wizard who usually only conducts research and development of witchcraft. At the same time, Jun is now the leader of wizards who study spirits.

As the reincarnation of Jiang Tong, Hong's strength is natural. He has a high affinity with the world's energy. When he comprehends witchcraft, he is unstoppable and soars all the way. Compared with others, Hong's birth point is very high.

It's a pity that he didn't reach the height of Shiqiong, perhaps his life was too smooth.

As the life of Wu Wang Hong was about to end, he held a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the heavens. He begged the god who created him to let him live another life. He knew his origin, but he was just a god who gave birth to spiritual wisdom in a human body. This is how he understood it.

This ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens used a lot of resources.

A 1,000-meter-long, wide, and 50-meter-high altar was built.

Nearly 100,000 people were mobilized to build the altar, and the construction period was one month. It was completed quickly with the blessing of witchcraft.

Such a large-scale sacrifice has not occurred in the Wu Kingdom for a long time. The last time it happened can be traced back to the tribal era.

This sacrifice was opposed by many wizards, who believed that it was a great waste of resources, and then they became the sacrifices of this sacrifice.

The wizard king Hong stood at the highest point of the altar. There were all kinds of precious things placed here, which were rare in the wizard kingdom and even in the world. There was a complete set of sacrificial martial arts system in the old stone kingdom era, the ocean crystals condensed by the Atlanta Kingdom, and the wizard staff refined by the wizard king Hong...

The flag rang in the wind. The wizard king Hong was wearing a black but white wizard robe with the shape of a sword on the back. His long silver hair was tied with a rope and swayed slightly with the phoenix.

Time left traces on the face of the wizard king Hong, and his face was full of age spots. When the evil god came, he consumed a lot of life essence, otherwise he would not be so old.

Looking at the wizards preparing for the sacrifice below, Hong looked up at the sky. It has been a long time since the last time the god came. Will "he" come this time?

The wizards below killed the beasts captured from the blood mist field, and then put their blood into the carved blood troughs, and then hanged the crow wizards captured from the dark night forest, and used their blood to write sacrificial articles.

Arrange the formation, carve inscriptions, place sacrifices, sing praises to the heaven...

Jiang Tong looked at the busy wizards below and decided to give Hong a reply, giving him a second life to see what this reincarnated body can do. If it doesn't work, throw him out of the cave world and let him go to the battlefield in the void.

The sacrifice began, and people from the major wizard families stood under the high platform, and rows of wizards in black robes kept chanting.

The altar emitted light, dispelling the blood mist outside the barrier above the altar, and saw the sun in the sky. At this time, the sun was dispelled by Jiang Tong, but it still failed to purify the blood mist.

"Omnipotent God of Creation, I am your representative walking in the world. Please give me life in the second life. Your faith will be spread in the Gelin Wu Continent."

Hong sang loudly and called.

Jiang Tong, who was watching other parts of the world, put his consciousness here. Has the sacrifice started? Jiang Tong watched the witch king Hong performing.

The sacrifices began to be slaughtered again, and then Hong danced the sacrificial dance passed down from ancient times. His wizard robe was also replaced with animal skins worn by priests in the tribal era.

"Supreme Father God, please come."

Hong sang and danced.

A strong light from the sun shone down and shone on Hong's body. This was Jiang Tong's action.

The reason why Hong aged so quickly was that he consumed the source of life. In fact, he still had a lot of life left, so he only needed to spend a little world power to restore his source. For Jiang Tong, who had a little money in his hand, there was no pressure.

After the light,

The wizards below found that Hong on the platform had returned to his prime, with a strong body and no more age spots on his face.

At this time, Hong felt the vigorous vitality in his body, and then looked at his hands and laughed wildly: "Hahahahahahaha."

The wizards below were shocked by this situation.

Jun walked up to the platform and began to touch his father. He entered the research state.

Then Jun was knocked away by Hong.

In the first year of the wizard king Jun, Hong

King Hong worshipped the God of Creation and received the God's grace. King Hong returned to his prime and established the Temple of Creation. He built a faceless statue based on the high platform for worship.

Hong did not regain power, but began to impact the next level, but the energy concentration of the world was not as high as when he was young.

The world is already more than ten times larger than before, and the average energy concentration has decreased. The energy that a second-level world can convert cannot keep up with their consumption. Only the death of the strong can give back a wave, but the energy of Wei's massacre has been integrated into the Sword of King Yan.

Hong disappeared from the sight of the people of the Wu Kingdom. After Jun came to power, the human world and the wizard world were completely cut off from communication. Only the wizard families stationed outside had contact with the human world, which laid the seeds for the rebellion in the human world.

Jiang Tong discovered that the wizard king Hong seemed to have mixed into the crow wizards and ran to the Dark Night Forest, but Jiang Tong did not interfere.

Because at this time Jiang Tong began to think of a solution for the decline in the world's energy concentration. The world became larger, the number of creatures increased, and the energy absorbed increased. Then some systems consumed a lot of energy, and the speed of world conversion could not keep up with the use of creatures.

Poseidon II created dozens of demons, and he also divided his own cultivation system into realms.

Spiritual intelligence period → transformation period → small demon → big demon → demon king.

The corresponding strength of the demon king is actually the regional overlord level. There are too many skill systems in the cave world, and there is no clear division of various systems.

This snake of luck seems to have something. He built a temple for himself, and then seemed to be able to absorb the faith of the elders to strengthen himself.

Jiang Tong also studied this new energy. Faith is actually a special energy generated by some reason in the biological bodies of these believers. This energy is mixed with the energy in the world, and then the people who believe can absorb this energy, and the absorption rate of this energy is particularly high, so Poseidon II's strength is growing rapidly.

This leads to his current love for collecting elders, looking for surviving elders all over the sea, helping them rebuild their homes, and then gaining their faith.

During the Dark Age of Navigation in the Western Continent, countless figures emerged. Now that the trade routes among the continents have been opened up, the Western Continent is now called the Dark Continent. With the development of the shipping industry, the countries in the Dark Continent have faced new problems.

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