The number of sailors in the major kingdoms of the Dark Continent increased, and so did the number of pirates. They plundered merchant ships and sometimes went ashore to continue plundering, resulting in a large reduction in taxes in the kingdoms.

So the major kingdoms of the Dark Continent united and founded a joint navy, with the Knight of Justice from the previous Knight Kingdom as the leader of the joint navy.

Establish a marshal, and then each country has a general quota, and the lieutenant general is selected from the army of each country.

The marshal is the Knight of Justice, and there are four generals, namely Ji Kun of the Sea Kingdom, Zhou of the Shang Kingdom, Feilin of the Qinluo Alliance, and Dracula Yeye of Nidoras.

These five people formed the first generation of the United Navy. A large number of low-level naval officers were members of the Knights of the former Knights' Kingdom, and some vice admirals were strong men from some of the survivors' villages and towns in the Blood Mist Wilderness. They were of varying strengths.

The United Navy had cloaks and armor above the general level. The word "Justice" was written in the word "Dong" on the back of the cloak, and the names of the generals were cast on the front of the armor. The marshal had a marshal token as a certificate for mobilizing the entire army.

The military expenses of the United Navy consisted of 30% of the taxes from the ports of the Dark Continent and a part of the annual regular donations from the kingdoms. The marshal was responsible for patrolling the sea area, and the general was responsible for stationing areas to prevent pirates.

The establishment of the United Navy suppressed the rampant behavior of pirates in the Dark Continent. They began to explore other sea areas and began to plunder other continents.

This also began to cause a chain reaction. Defensive navies began to appear in various continents, but they were not as good as the United Navy of the Dark Continent.

[Neutral Tree City] became a major shipbuilding city. The shipbuilding technology developed since ancient times further promoted the development of the shipping industry.

A number of well-known strong men also emerged from these adventurers or pirates.

For example, Jing, the leader of the Jingtian Pirates, and Tian, ​​the first mate, were both knights, but later fell.

The most powerful is the Benjamin Adventure Group of the Shang Kingdom. The leader Benjamin Litt overwhelmed a group of strong men and became the only uncrowned king in this dangerous land. After all, he was the man who opened the route single-handedly.

Among the pirates, there are also famous pirates such as Mark the Double Gunner, Xiong Xin the Floating Lion, and Lina the Female Thief...

The only real adventure group is the Benjamin Adventure Group. The rest of the adventure groups do some part-time pirate work while looking for wealth. Only Benjamin Litt drew a sea chart.

After spending many years and combining historical books, Benjamin Litt drew a sea chart with a nightmare location and six regional locations on it.

In the definition of the United Navy, except for ships with commercial licenses, all the other so-called adventure groups are defined as pirates, and Benjamin Litt has become the focus of attention.

Ji Fengshen of the Sea Kingdom died in the fifth year of the establishment of the United Navy. The method of supporting the unicorn snake was lost after Ji Fengshen's death. Ji Kun resigned as the admiral of the navy and inherited the throne of the Sea Kingdom.

In the tenth year of the wizard Li Jun Wang, the wizard tower academy developed a formation to expel the blood mist. The Gelin Wu Continent began to clear the blood mist wild on a large scale. Some places could not be cleared due to the danger. The Gelin Wu Continent successfully managed the environment. Jun once again sent wizard families to be enfeoffed and began to open up and manage the land that had expelled the blood mist wild.

After Chi and Dutian participated in the war against gods, the nine demons split the Northern Barbarian Kingdom on the Calidoa Continent, calling themselves demon gods and respecting Yi as the ancestor of demon gods. Under the huge foundation of the Heavenly Kingdom, they began to expand the blood mist wild, relying on their powerful strength to forcibly create the environment, and then build a village.

Xuan accepted another disciple, but he taught the blood vein warrior system. Xuan found that blood mist can be absorbed as the power of blood veins, as long as the will is strong enough, and the blood vein warrior consumes less energy in the current environment, but the mortality rate is higher.

This disciple is called Bajie.

The first blood vein was built by Xuan after he killed a pig regional overlord in the blood mist. Bajie was Xuan's experimental subject for developing blood vein warriors.

During the ten years, the Paradise camp was still deploying contractors, but most of these contractors were deployed to the Dark Continent. The turmoil on the sea allowed Paradise to generate tasks and train contractors.

For Jiang Tong's Tiandao body, ten years was a matter of a moment. Jiang Tong researched a method to prevent the world's energy from disappearing quickly.

Jiang Tong established the world rules. Those who broke through to the corresponding level would experience disasters, and the lifespan of creatures born later was reduced. This

It seems that those ordinary creatures will die faster and give back to the world faster.

Jiang Tong, who cultivates different skill systems, set up different tribulations. Simple energy-consuming tribulations are more difficult, while difficult tribulations are easier. When the world is upgraded, their lives will be extended.

In fact, these rules set by Jiang Tong in the cave world will naturally be broken as long as they break through the world's upper limit, but it is rare to break through that level.

The area of ​​the current cave world is very different from before.

[World: Cave World lv29 (World Level Cannot Be Further Upgraded)]

[Heavenly Dao: Jiang Tong]

[World Area: 357w Square Kilometers (Expanding)]

[World Specialties: None]

[World Description: A small world with a small star, which has initially formed a world internal cycle, with relatively complete rules and many intelligent creatures. It is a new world protected by the laws of the universe, which can absorb a small amount of cosmic energy. The world is expanding, and the world has reached the second level, and the root of chaos has been notarized. ]

[World Power: 1007.56 ounces (three decimal places omitted) (maintaining the world's operation and declining)]

The world is expanding too fast, and Jiang Tong can no longer control the world. If it weren't for the consumption of world power, many places would probably not be able to sense the situation. Those disasters are set to consume world power, and maintaining the operation of stars and energy balance is constantly consuming world power.

However, some chambers of commerce in the void have begun to move into this small world. They are some chambers of commerce in the paradise, stationed in various cities, and using the products of other worlds to exchange with people in this world.

After the Lion King and the Wolf King returned to [Neutral Beast King City], they began to regain power. After summoning their old subordinates, the two successfully took back power, but because of this, [Neutral Beast King City] began to split into two cities, east and west, each ruled by the two kings.

Jiang Tong decided to start promoting Poseidon II and let the Serpent of Luck stir up the world. The development of the law requires them to perfect it. The maturity of the skill system means the growth of the corresponding law. The more and more mature the laws that Tiandao mastered, the stronger the world will be. If a war between the worlds occurs later, the combat power of Tiandao will be stronger.


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