The old man was in trouble, and the old man was in trouble.

When Jiang Tong was observing the movements of the revived Yi, the data panel reminded Jiang Tong that several resting places in the main god space had been stationed outside the chaos outside the world, and began to release reincarnations into the cave world.

This made Hong, who was hiding in the Nukado continent, ecstatic. These reincarnations were of high quality. Hong harvested them wantonly, and Jiang Tong left some of the things that exploded after the death of the reincarnations to Hong.

Jiang Tong was helping Hong to open up the road. Without the strength to suppress Yi Shi, how could Hong help Jiang Tong realize the energy cycle.

The opening of the road by Jun and Yi made the world's energy concentration rise to dozens of times before, and the strong were constantly gushing out. Once someone broke through a new realm, many people in the previous highest realm would appear instantly.

Extreme realms have emerged in various continents. This level was originally the highest level of combat power, but now it is just a sign of ordinary strong people. The world of Dongtian is about to usher in a golden age.

Before this energy tide passes, this era is the era of genius. Heroes and heroes will appear in this era, and ambitious people can also realize their ambitions. The great era is coming.

The system opened up by Jun gradually spread to other continents. Countless people have clarified their own paths, and the previously unclear connection with the long river of the road is also deepening.

They are all practicing Taoism, but the power they show is different.

The northern barbarians were conquered by the powerful Yi, and the Calidoa continent, which had been in chaos for nearly a thousand years, achieved its unification in an absurd way. Houyi gave up his throne.

The first thing King Yi did when he came back was to start mobilizing people's power on a large scale to build a palace that was larger than the tribal era, and the unified Kingdom of Heaven began to search for information about gods everywhere. Yi's resurrection this time was obsessed with killing gods.

Therefore, the legend of Nukado and the news of the gods of faith in the Kingdom of Asia came into the sight of King Yi. The Kingdom of Heaven began to build a large ship, gathering skilled craftsmen to build a warship that could dive into the water.

In the navy, the Red Knight resigned from the position of the Navy Marshal and served as the first leader of the World Navy Government. The Navy Marshal was held by General Taishan, who made great contributions in the war. Some island countries joined the World Navy Government to provide military funds for the navy and obtain the protection of the navy.

In the second year of Yi's revival, the Knight of Justice opened up the Knight Avenue, and many masters in the navy entered the Knight of Justice and became practitioners of the Knight Avenue.

The people of the Fire Continent established a warlock faction in the navy. Factions began to emerge in the navy, and corruption began to breed. They robbed the fruits of victory. The countries of the Dark Continent began to be dissatisfied with the United Navy and refused to provide military funds. The World Navy Government announced that it had officially separated from the control of the kingdoms and refused to provide protection for the merchant ships of the kingdoms.

The Sea Kingdom was the first to have a conflict with the Navy, but the Sea Kingdom, which lacked high-level combat power, failed in the struggle with the Navy in this conflict. Ji Kun lost his throne, and the new king Ji Xu took over and joined the World Navy Government to become one of the member states.

Several major factions emerged in the Navy. The radical unified faction advocated unifying the world and allowing the world to develop well under the justice order of the Navy. This faction was a new navy.

There was also a conservative kingdom faction. These people came from various kingdoms in the Dark Continent and had a good impression of their country. It was also because of this faction that the Sea Kingdom just changed a king. This faction advocated a good attitude towards the kingdom, striving to regain the support of the kingdom and achieve coexistence between the two.

There was also a new local faction, which was formed by the navy from various conscription areas and formed a group based on geographical relations. This faction was exclusive and neutral.

The Kingdom Faction lost in the struggle with the Unification Faction, and the navy gradually became radicalized, and even had inappropriate ideas about the world's dominant kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven. A group of young Unification Faction navy launched an attack on the Kingdom of Heaven because they issued a declaration to let the Kingdom of Heaven join the World Navy Government, and the Kingdom of Heaven ignored them as fools.

So they launched the Atlanta Campaign that shocked the world, bombarding the Kingdom of Heaven in the original Atlanta waters.

If nothing unexpected happened, there should be an accident.

They were killed by the furious King Yi, who killed nearly 30,000 navy soldiers alone, and hundreds of extreme-level radical navy warriors were all killed, including a titled general and two untitled generals who died in this battle.

Jiang Tong watched Yi throw a fist wave thousands of meters long, and then

Those navy ships were crushed under the fist wave. Jiang Tong saw the power of the pioneers of his world. Yi's strength is undoubtedly the strongest in the world, but he doesn't know if Jun has other means.

This battle angered the Kingdom of Heaven. The loyal and warlike northern barbarians built large ships and called on their fellow pirates to return. By the way, there are many pirates among the northern barbarians. They don't like to rob, they just like to fight.

The World Navy Government declared war on the Kingdom of Heaven. At the same time, the kingdoms of the Dark Continent rose up and all declared war on the World Navy Government. A worldwide war broke out.

Hong's opening of the road is also close to success. With the support of the main god space, a large amount of energy and life are supplied to Hong, and the strong men of the Nukado continent are safe for a while.

The main god space issued a task to kill Hong, and thousands of reincarnations were thrown into this world, because several resting places detected that Hong contained a lot of world origins. Killing Hong can obtain the origin of the world, thereby further encroaching on the world. At present, the main god space's strategy for the cave world is even less than 0.1%.

Wherever there is the main god space, there is the Paradise camp, so the Paradise camp has invested a large number of contractors. In addition, with the upcoming world war, the Paradise has generated many tasks, and a large number of contractors have joined the major camps where the war broke out.

For a time, the popularity of the Cave Heaven World among low-level contractors and reincarnations increased all of a sudden. The original Cave Heaven World was famous among these contractors and reincarnations for its high mortality rate, and now it is even more famous.

If Jiang Tong's human body was not too high, it would probably be thrown into this world by the Abyss Paradise. The human body recently helped the Abyss Paradise grab a world in the world-level third-level world battle. The Abyss Daddy directly gave Jiang Tong 10,000 ounces of world power.

With a native world, the Abyss Paradise began to mass-produce troops and cultivate low-level contractors. The ranking of the Abyss Paradise in the Paradise camp has also risen.

Originally, the Abyss Paradise ranked 460th, and now it ranks 400th, which has directly risen by 60 places. Jiang Tong's human body has also begun to become famous among the contractors of some small and medium-sized paradises.

After all, if you meet Master Tong from the Abyss Paradise, you will at least get hit by a big bag and have to pay for the waste of his hand maintenance.

Jiang Tong's human body, Jin Jin, Big Fat Cat, and Groundhog formed a robbery quartet, and they were very successful for a while.

As for the human body, Jiang Tong is now in a free-range state. Generally, the main consciousness will not come down, and at most it will be operated when the world's power is robbed.

The prelude of the great era was opened in this world war. The participation of reincarnations and contractors made this great era more interesting.

Jiang Tong did not interfere. If these reincarnations and contractors died in this world, Jiang Tong could intercept their things. After they completed their mission and left, they would also take away the world's resources, but Jiang Tong believed that they left more than they took away.

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