The new era is coming, and the new era is coming.

As the prologue opens, many people in the cave world have opened up the avenues and become the masters of one avenue.

Among the five avenues of the Five Elements, there are also strong men who master the avenues. They are all strong men who have entered the realm of entering the avenue, and their strength is extremely strong. Ordinary avenue openers are not their opponents at all.

They are just like the people who created these five energy cultivation methods, leaving their traces in this era.

They are Xiao, the master of the fire path of the Storm Continent, Ao, the master of the water path of the Kingdom of Asia, Shishan, the master of the earth path of the Stone Kingdom, Jiaguan, the master of the wood path of the Gelinwu Continent, and Taishan, the master of the gold path of the World Navy Government.

Xiao is a member of the royal family of the Kingdom of Winter. As the guardian of the royal family, Ao is an elder who has obtained part of the inheritance of Poseidon and has been recognized by the waterway. His understanding and control of the waterway is the highest among the few who have entered the Dao realm.

The master of the earth path is the disciple of the King of Mercy. In Maple Leaf Town, Hong Ke dare not harvest, otherwise he will be harvested before he grows up.

Jiaguan is a little fog man who escaped from the research institute of the wizard world and established the Kingdom of Mist in the Dry Bone Mountains. After spreading Jun Tianzun's cultivation system on the Gelinwu Continent, Jiaguan quickly learned this system and quickly became the master of the wood path with extremely high talent.

Taishan is the third naval marshal, but he has been exhausted by the war with the Kingdom of Heaven in recent years. The Kingdom of Heaven has not really taken action, but there are many northern barbarians on the sea.

These northern barbarians were fearless and attacked the naval base crazily. When they saw the navy, they would ram into it with a ship and engage in hand-to-hand combat. All merchant ships protected by the world navy were sunk, and the major member states began to protest strongly.

Coupled with the resistance of the Dark Continent to the navy, the navy now has fewer manpower, so the local factions headed by the Fire Continent are rapidly growing stronger, and the proportion of the Fire Continent in the bottom navy is constantly increasing.

Hong gradually perfected his own avenue while harvesting reincarnations and contractors, and transferred the energy of other systems to the avenue he was opening up.

Hong himself could not open up the avenue, and his understanding of the Tao was insufficient, so he created a new way to open up the Tao.

Hong melted the collected imperial tools to create a new instrument. Hong called this instrument the Jade Disc of Creation, and this instrument carried Hong's energy and was unpredictable. Hong used it as a carrier to open up the avenue.

The Jade Disc of Creation filtered the power of the avenue for Hong, so Hong opened up the avenue.

"Hahahahahahaha, today I, the Wu King Hong, will use the Jade Disc of Creation as a carrier to open up the Great Dao of Creation."

Hong sacrificed the Jade Disc of Creation, activated his own Great Dao, and materialized the Great Dao River. The water of the Great Dao River was agitated by Hong's activation.

People from all over the world looked at the Great Dao River in the sky. They had become accustomed to opening up the Great Dao, knowing that this was another strong man opening up the Great Dao. Every time the Great Dao was opened up, the energy between heaven and earth would become active, and then the concentration would rise.

After activating the Great Dao River, the Jade Disc of Creation became several thousand meters in size, and a light blue energy gushed out of it, and a force of the Great Dao full of vitality and change also gushed out, connecting with the Great Dao River.

"The Way of Creation, open."

Hong's black robe fluttered, and veins on his face bulged. He kept controlling the Jade Disc of Creation to carve out a channel on the Great Dao River.

The sky above the Nukado Continent had been rendered light blue by the energy of the Jade Disc of Creation. The speed of the cloud flow was accelerating, and there were constant arcs flashing in it.


Thunder roared, and energy rained down from the sky. This was the energy in the Jade Disc of Creation. Now Hong had opened up the Great Dao and it was leaking out. Hong had hunted many strong men, at least more than 100,000. Even if one tenth of the energy leaked out, it would be enough to create dozens of powerful men in the Monopolar Realm.

At this moment, the energy rain fell on the ground and on the grass. These grasses absorbed energy frantically, then expanded and grew rapidly, and suddenly grew to more than ten meters high, and then exploded because they could not withstand the overwhelming energy.

The energy rain fell on a silly roe deer, and then the silly roe deer's hair suddenly gushed out, like a spring, growing continuously, and in a short while it covered the nearby land.

This situation happened all over the Nukado continent at the same time, in all kinds of strange ways. Some benefited from this energy, and some died because they could not withstand the overwhelming energy. This was an opportunity, an opportunity for those who were destined to get it.

Contractors and reincarnationists flocked to Hong's position in large numbers. During this period, because Hong kept hunting contractors and reincarnationists, the difficulty of his tasks was constantly increasing, and the rewards were constantly increasing, and he was willing to pay the price of his life.


The long river of the avenue was finally briefly chiseled out by the Jade Disc of Creation, and Hong concentrated his mind and opened up his own avenue in one fell swoop.

A avenue connected to the Jade Disc of Creation extended, and Hong groaned under the impact of the huge power of the avenue, but under the transformation of the Jade Disc of Creation, the power of the avenue slowly became gentle, and then began to nourish Hong's body.

"Today, the wizard world Hong opened up the avenue of creation, and the heaven and earth congratulated him."

As in the previous times, the scene of Hong opening the avenue was the same as before, and the heaven and earth blessed him.

The power of the world began to flow into Hong's body. His body was a celestial human body since birth, so the power of the world only repaired his body, helped him stabilize the power of the avenue, and nourished his aging and decaying soul.

The body has its own lifespan, and the soul has its own lifespan. If one of them reaches the end of its lifespan, then the individual will soon reach the end of its life.

Just like Hong, if one of them reaches the end of its lifespan, it will have to constantly harvest more energy and lifespan to keep up with the flow.

Soon, a team of hundreds of contractors and reincarnators appeared around Hong, and they were still increasing in number. They were just like game players brushing bosses.

Hong looked at these foreign god messengers with disdain. This is the name of these contractors and reincarnators in ancient books. It was first mentioned in the ancient beast alliance era. This name came from the wolf king who was now suppressed in the crack.

Just after opening up the road, someone came to give him energy and life, and Hong began to slaughter.

Hong's road is not like Jun and others. It has enough energy to widen the road. When opening the road, its strength is very strong. It can be said that Hong can now briefly compete with the physical Dao master Yi Tianzun.

The world of Dongtian has added another Tianzun, Hong Tianzun.

Amidst the wailing, Hong began the slaughter.


ps: I was practicing driving today and didn’t have time to write. I took the time to write this chapter while others were practicing. Sorry.

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