The battle was over, and the battle was over.

On the surging sea, huge warships were sailing towards the west, one after another. Among the thousands of ships, there was a huge warship that was a thousand meters long, surrounded by other warships, like a king being guarded.

This warship took the Kingdom of Heaven several years to build. As the main warship for the world's naval government, it was engraved with tens of thousands of reinforcement formations, more than 2,000 artillery shells, and more than 4,000 attack formations. The ship was powered by external fields, and tens of thousands of external fields continuously provided energy to the ship, and there were special people to charge it.

Yi sat on the huge throne built on the bow. The strong wind from the sea was blocked by the formation engraved on the bow. Yi wore his tiger bone helmet and was naked, just like in the past.

Under the throne were the strong men of the Kingdom of Heaven, and below were the fanatical northern barbarians and the relatively quiet people of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This time, the Kingdom of Heaven dispatched tens of thousands of ships and millions of warriors to form a team for the westward expedition. They wanted to kill King Yi's people. All the adult men of the northern barbarians participated in this westward expedition. Nearly 80% of the young and strong men of the Kingdom of Heaven participated in this westward expedition. This was the appeal from Yi.

The whole country went westward with all its strength. King Yi could not tolerate anyone daring to provoke him. The people of the Kingdom of Heaven below formed a sharp contrast with the northern barbarians, and even the fleets of both sides were the same.

The fleet of the Kingdom of Heaven was neatly formed and very organized, and the soldiers on it were also strictly disciplined.

The warships of the northern barbarians are of various styles. They occasionally collide with each other during the journey, and then fight each other, or jump into the sea to fight the monsters in the sea while moving forward. They will not stop for a while, but the northern barbarians in a warlike environment are extremely powerful. If they can be organized into an army, they will be the strongest army in Dongtian.

The army of the Kingdom of Heaven slowly set out towards the Yashan Islands, the headquarters of the navy, just like the pirate coalition at the beginning, but this time the strength of the Kingdom of Heaven is much stronger than the previous pirates.

The vanguard ship in front is opening up a road and killing giant marine creatures on the road. Other ships avoid the army of the Kingdom of Heaven to avoid becoming nutrients for the seabed creatures.


It is still the same conference room, but the person sitting in the marshal's position is not the original Red Knight, but Taishan, the third marshal of the navy.

Taishan has a steady and gentle personality and is strong enough, but his means are not strong enough. He obviously cannot suppress the various factions of the navy and cannot achieve balance and unity within the navy.

The navy at this time is not as united and just as it was during the time of Marshal Justice, nor as united as it was during the time of Marshal Red. They hate pirates and kill them all. They have become so corrupt that they are like pirates in military uniforms.

If it weren't for the Red Knight and the Justice Knight who maintained the World Navy Government, those member states would have withdrawn from the Navy Government long ago.

There are fewer and fewer people from the Knight Country in the Navy. These people who adhere to the Knight Code have withdrawn from the historical stage of the Navy, which also represents the beginning of the Navy's corruption.

Taishan frowned. The people in the conference room had been replaced a long time ago. Now there are less than 10% of the navy in the conference room. Some of these people have been corrupted, and some of them stick to their own justice.

"The army of the Kingdom of Calidoa is slowly approaching here. Their strength is much stronger than the previous pirates, and our new generation of navy is not as strong or as good as our generation. What are we going to do now?"

Admiral Zhenbo said, he couldn't stand the current style of the navy.

"I don't agree with Admiral Zhenbo's point of view. The strength of the new generation of the navy has improved compared to before. I believe they still stick to the justice of the navy. Besides, the war has not started yet, and it is still uncertain who will win or lose." Admiral Pinghai then refuted Zhenbo.

Admiral Lemon said nothing beside him, just looked at the two coldly.

Among the eight titled admirals, Pinghai, Zhenbo, and Lemon have the longest experience. The previous eight admirals died or retired. Except for Taishan who served as the new marshal of the navy, the rest are no longer in office.

And among them, after retiring, Admiral Hu Long led a group of naval forces who were dissatisfied with the current behavior of the navy to establish the Hu Long Navy, and went to the Gelinwu Continent to establish a headquarters and began to confront the United Navy.

"Issue a conscription order to recruit navies from all over the country, and also recruit retired naval soldiers. In addition, start to form the first line of defense. They are not as good as us in naval operations.

. "

The new general, Admiral Silver Fox, spoke. He is the only admiral of the new generation who inherited the tradition of the old navy and is also a member of the neutral faction.

"In recent years, branches in various places have been attacked by some northern pirates. I am afraid that not many soldiers can be mobilized, and due to the reduction of the source of soldiers in recent years, the navy is short of soldiers." A lieutenant general in charge of conscription said.

"In fact, none of this is important. The important thing is how to deal with the legendary god-killer Yi. There is a legend in the ancient times of the Sea Kingdom that the one who was killed was their worshipped god, the same clan as Fu Bo of the Asian Kingdom. He has lost his trace now, otherwise he can still be contacted. "

Zhenbo sighed.

The meeting room fell silent. After all, no one dared to say that they could deal with King Yi, who killed nearly 30,000 navy soldiers with one punch. In that battle, the navy lost nearly one-fifth of its combat power. Many new generation potential navy soldiers died in that battle, and they didn't even touch King Yi.

As the master of the Golden Dao, one of the five strongest Daos, Taishan thought he couldn't do it. The one who opened the Dao is called Tianzun, and the one who controls the Dao is called Daozhu.

After all, Tianzun is stronger than Daozhu. The Dao he opened up is more useful than practicing the Dao of others.

"I will go to the two heads of state, and we will deal with King Yi. The rest depends on you. The overlord forces with thousands of years of heritage are not so easy to deal with. "

Tai Shan sighed and left the meeting room, leaving the naval officers who started to quarrel. Tai Shan felt that it was a mistake for him to agree to the Red Knight Marshal to inherit his position.

The naval headquarters is different from the government headquarters. The government headquarters is built on the blood vines behind Yashan Mountain, which is called the Blood Vine Heaven. The headquarters of the naval government is built on it. Most retired naval officers live there, and the member states meeting is held here every year.

Although there are contradictions within the navy, in the face of foreign enemies, they quarreled and formulated a plan.

Indeed, as they said, their naval battle experience It is much richer than the Kingdom of Heaven, and this is their advantage.

Retired naval soldiers from all over the country were recalled, and a large number of warships were dispatched from the Yashan headquarters. Marshal Taishan went to the Bloodvine Heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven is moving forward, the United Navy is preparing, and the whole world is watching this war, a war that determines the fate of the world.

Some opportunists are also going there. Hong also went to the Yashan Islands after harvesting those contractors and reincarnations. The energy and lifespan on the battlefield are easier to collect.


ps: Thank you for the small gift.

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