The battle was a battle, but the battle was a battle.

After the death of the two marshals, the navy was completely defeated. The Knight of Justice fled with a part of the new generation of the navy. He wanted to save the fire for the navy.

The Yashan Navy Headquarters was sunk by the bloodthirsty northern barbarians, and the Bloodvine Sky was also severely damaged. Some naval strongmen fled, while ordinary naval soldiers died or surrendered. The world naval government was destroyed.

Of course, the countries of the Dark Continent beat the dogs when they were down. All the major naval bases were breached. They would not let these guys who broke free from their control continue to stay.

The Kingdom of Heaven began to receive the legacy of the World Navy Government. Shiploads of resources were transported back to the Calidoa Continent. The various naval bases were also occupied by the Kingdom of Heaven and given to the Northern Barbarians. A large number of magicians on the Fire Continent were killed by the Northern Barbarians, and this place became the territory of the Demon God Ling Yinzi.

In this war, Jiang Tong gained at least 3,000 ounces of world power. A large number of strong men died, and a Taoist master also died. There was a lot of power that fed back to the world. The appearance of the Great Dao River was actually these people practicing the Great Dao. After the Great Dao River was formed, it connected to the chaos and drew energy from the chaotic void. Then they continued to expand the Great Dao and extend the Great Dao.

The appearance of the Great Dao River is actually beneficial to the world. They draw energy to practice the Great Dao and feed back to the world after death. These practitioners are equivalent to a small energy filter.

The Great Dao system created by Jun is also a top-tier system in the void. Due to the world level, they can only continue to develop their realm, and their energy level cannot be improved.

If you make an analogy, it is equivalent to these people constantly studying the use of internal force to perform immortal methods, and now they have succeeded, and they are still getting stronger.

Once the world level is upgraded, the energy level of these guys will explode rapidly, because their realm perception can keep up. It must be said that people will always open up new ways to overcome difficulties in the face of difficulties.

The more powerful they are, the more benefits Jiang Tong will get, as long as they don't commit suicide like Siren, but Jiang Tong found that there seemed to be some interesting things in those nightmare locations and hell locations.

The people of the Kingdom of Heaven found that they seemed to have lost their King Yi. After the war, King Yi was looking for "God" all over the world. He was completely controlled by obsession, and a scene appeared. A giant that went straight into the sky was moving in the sea and was still roaring.

The Kingdom of Heaven tried to wake up its king, but found that it seemed to be useless. Bajie was slapped and didn't wake up for almost half a year.

Since the war, the Kingdom of Heaven has become a true world hegemon. Their calendar is used by countries around the world. Many strong people have emerged on the battlefield. The war is still going on, and the remnants of the navy are still active.

Local battlefields still exist. The Kingdom of Heaven began to march into the ocean and built a central calendar to replace the navy's calendar, setting the first year after the war as the first year of the Central Year.

Hong escaped during the war. Because he was not killed, Yi's obsession was not resolved, so now Yi is running around the world, causing Fu Bo, who was hiding in the seabed, to drill down another thousand meters. Feeling the fluctuations of the war and Yi's breath, Fu Bo dared not breathe.

In the seventh year of the Central Period, the wandering Yi discovered the Kingdom of Asia, so he destroyed the Kingdom of Asia and killed a large number of demon gods. Ao led a group of elders to escape and established the New Atlanta Kingdom.

In the tenth year of the Central Period, Xuan opened up the magic road and became the fourth pioneer in this world to open up the road. Calidoya was once again favored by the Heavenly Dao, and Jiang Tong increased their energy concentration.

After the war, these people will thrive on the dead strong men, and it will be an era of strong men.

In the Golden Dao, many strong men began to fight for the Dao Master, killing each other and seizing the share of the mark in the Great Dao. In this process, a guy named Jin Yu successfully stood out and became the Dao Master of the Golden Dao, stabilizing the fortune of the Dark Continent and stopping the frequent natural disasters.

The Knight of Justice became the Navy Marshal again, called on the old subordinates, and persuaded General Hu Long. The Hu Long Navy Headquarters became the new Navy Headquarters, but compared with the previous United Navy Headquarters, the Hu Long Navy Headquarters was very shabby.

They did not expect that the last rebel organization of the Navy would take them in. The Navy that lost its recruiting ground became a stray dog. If it were not for the prestige of the Knight of Justice, I am afraid that they would not even have the last place to live. In ten years, they have only recovered some vitality, and they have to fight against the

The northern barbarians fighting on the sea.

Without the restraint of the navy, the number of pirates increased again. The kingdoms of each continent formed their own naval forces to fight against the navy, but generally these fleets would not be dispatched, so the pirates entered a golden age of development.

The northern barbarians are chasing the footprints of their god Yi all over the world. Every adult northern barbarian must go out to sea to meet God Yi once, worship him and then complete the adult ceremony.

When the northern barbarians sailing in the sea meet God Yi, they will kneel down and dance sacrificial dances in an attempt to obtain the grace of God Yi.

Jiang Tong is preparing the last world power for the world's promotion. This war has just passed, and it is impossible to harvest again. Hong paid a great price to escape. He used 70% of the avenue to build a body to deceive Yi's perception before escaping. Now he hides in the dark continent to heal his wounds.

Zhang Mo gained a lot in this battle. The name of Jingtian Pirates appeared again on the sea. This time, his captain was called Jingtian. It was rumored that he had obtained the legacy of the previous generation of Jingtian Pirates. In fact, he was just a poor guy controlled by Zhang Mo. Zhang Mo obtained Benjamin Litt's original sea chart and he once again looked for a way to restore himself.

Jun has been in seclusion during this war. It is estimated that the avenue system will usher in another change when he comes out of seclusion next time.

Twenty years in the Central Region.

Dongtian World, Atlanta Sea.

Boom, boom, boom...

Ming looked at the giant that went straight into the sky in the distance. It was the Yi God in the legend of the northern barbarians. Ming knelt on the deck and roared at Yi.

This was his coming-of-age ceremony. The surrounding northern barbarians roared and poured wine into the sea to celebrate Ming's coming of age.

Yi was slowly going away, and every movement made a huge sound, raising waves hundreds of meters high. When looking at him, if you don't pay attention, you will feel that there are three suns in the sky. Yi's eyes look like the sun, shining red.

Ming felt the pressure of Yi and roared to drive away the fear in his heart, saying that he was an adult barbarian and would not be afraid of any fear.

"The great God Yi protects us, and our adventure will be extremely smooth this time."

The captain shouted.

"Woo woo woo woo woo woo..."



Under the excited shouts of the northern barbarians, the ship carrying the northern barbarians slowly moved forward under the sun and the blood-colored sea water.

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