The old man was born in a big way, but he was still alive.

In the 30th year of the Central Calendar, the Knight of Justice died in the Hulong Islands, the headquarters of the Hulong Navy, due to a hidden injury left in the war. When he died, the Dark Continent was hit by a natural disaster again, and the earth shook. General Hu Long became the new Navy Marshal, also the fourth generation of Navy Marshal.

The nine great demons of the Northern Barbarians occupied islands overseas and established countries. Among the Northern Barbarians, a young man named Ming gradually emerged and led the tribe to slowly unify the Northern Barbarians. The honeymoon period between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Northern Barbarians was over, and without Yi's suppression, the contradictions between them that had been suppressed for a short time broke out again.

In the Nukado continent, the expanding continental area caused the Giant Stone Kingdom to lose its ruling power. They began to split up. The Giant Stone Kingdom split into dozens of kingdoms, fighting each other. The northern beast region also split into dozens of kingdoms without top power to suppress it. The Nukado continent once again entered the era of nations.

The Lion King and the Wolf King, who had spanned several eras, died in the seal. The Hero King, the Lion King, and the Wolf King, who represented the Three Kings Era, disappeared in the long river of history.

Rebellions began to break out in various continents. The expansion of the continental area made the central government's suppression of the local areas insufficient. You only need to look at the area to know.

[World: Cave World lv29 (World Level cannot be further upgraded)]

[Heavenly Dao: Jiang Tong]

[World Area: 5480.58w square kilometers (expanding)]

[World Specialties: None]

[World Description: A small world with a regular star, forming an internal cycle of the world, perfect rules, and many intelligent creatures. It is a newborn world protected by the law of the void, which can absorb a small amount of chaotic energy. The world is expanding. The world has reached the second level, and the root of chaos has been notarized. The world is at the top level among low-level worlds, and the protection of the root of chaos is being strengthened. ]

[World power: 87658.556 ounces (three decimal places omitted) (maintaining the world's operation, declining)]

The world area has expanded more than ten times compared to before. When the United Navy was founded, it was only 357,000 square kilometers. Now it is 5480.580 square kilometers, which has expanded by almost sixteen times. Jiang Tong now consumes dozens of times more world power to maintain the operation of the world, because those pioneers have spent thousands of ounces of world power to release energy. If there were no human bodies outside to earn world power, it would take a long time to accumulate enough world power to condense the world core.

As the world area expanded, the world became sparsely populated, and the ambitious people had ideas. Jiang Tong thought that he could continue to release some species, and asked the human body to buy some species in the void, but Jiang Tong did not dare to release them easily. After all, these species were from other worlds, and Jiang Tong did not know whether they were suitable for his own world.

In the forty years of the Central Calendar, the Kingdom of Winter on the Storm Continent split into three kingdoms, namely the Kingdom of North Winter, the Kingdom of South Winter, and the Storm Confederation.

The Storm Confederation was established by the Snow Wind Church and the Firebearer. Some remnants survived the massacre of the King of Guards. Now they have developed and united with the disloyal royal family to split the kingdom. The Northern Winter Kingdom inherited the orthodoxy. The ruler of the Northern Winter Kingdom, Qingming, is called the Northern King. Because of the Iceman, Qingming has been in charge of the northern border. When the kingdom split, only the northern border was retained. For the sake of race, the Northern King chose to guard the northern border.

At present, the land-sea ratio of the Cave World is 1:1, of which the land area of ​​the central Calidoa continent occupies 1230.18w square kilometers, the southern Nukado continent occupies 610.16w square kilometers, the eastern Geglinwu continent occupies 352.12w square kilometers, the northern storm continent occupies 201.7w square kilometers, and the rest are from the western dark continent.

However, the area of ​​the Northern Storm Continent is not only land, but also some iceberg areas and plates composed of polar ice. The actual area of ​​the Northern Storm Continent is actually 752.67w, but the ordinary land is 201.7w, and the rest is composed of polar ice.

Polar ice is ice that never melts. It is a special product formed over many years in the Cave World. There are also polar ice iron ore in some polar ice layers. Storm Continent has only started to mine in recent years.

In the forty-third year of the Central Period, the Shang Kingdom of the Dark Continent split into three kingdoms: the Xia Kingdom, the Shang Kingdom, and the Zhou Kingdom. The Sea Kingdom divided more than a dozen countries on its own. All of those countries were principalities, and the largest principality was the Blue Principality. These principalities had the obligation to protect and pay tribute to the Sea Kingdom and were under the control of the Sea King.

Ji Kun called.

Among them, the Knight Kingdom was rebuilt and renamed the Holy Kingdom. It inherited all the laws and regulations of the Knight Kingdom, built the Knight Avenue, and the Holy King Kane became the master of the Knight Avenue.

There is also the Sea God Religious Kingdom, which believes in the sea gods Poseidon and Fubo, and establishes a country with religion to spread faith in the Dark Continent.

In the 49th year of the Central Period, the wizard world of the Gelin Witch Continent was closed, and the major wizard families in the human world established their own countries. The powerful Witch Kingdom was split into dozens of Witch Kingdoms, and the Witch King Jun disappeared.

The Taoist Master of the Wood Dao, Jiaguan, sent troops from the Dry Bone Mountains and established a country of millions of square kilometers. He called himself the Dry Bone Emperor, and the new country was named the Dry Bone Empire. The witch countries worked together to resist and blocked his ice front. Losing the powerful combat power in the wizard world, it was only a matter of time before these witch countries fell.

In the 58th year of the Central Period, the New Atlanta Kingdom re-ruled the Atlanta Sea and established the New Atlanta City. Ao sent a large number of tall soldiers to find the remains of the old Atlanta and the sacred objects of the sea god Poseidon to prove its orthodox status.

The New Atlanta Kingdom suppressed the pirates in the sea and became a new camp against pirates. The New Atlanta City was built on the sea and became a new commercial center. The commercial center was transferred from [Neutral Tree City] to the New Atlanta City. The tall people prospered again. The New Atlanta Kingdom, which ruled more than 10 million kilometers of sea, became a new ocean overlord.

In the sixty years of the Central Period, Ming unified the Northern Barbarians and was called the King of Hell by the Northern Barbarians. He established the Northern Barbarian Kingdom and implemented a centralized system, but believed in the God Yi.

The Kingdom of Heaven did not split under its strong foundation, but there were many domestic conflicts. Many kingdoms emerged on the Calidoa Continent. The Salt Kingdom in the east was a younger brother of the Kingdom of Heaven. Now it has been out of control due to the lack of control of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Plateau Kingdom in the west is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and has also become a new and powerful kingdom.

The disputes between the physical path and the magic path in the Kingdom of Heaven are constantly intensifying. The dispute between the great paths extended from the previous blood patterns, source blood system and magic system is still intensifying. Even Xuan, the pioneer, has no way to stop it. The representatives of the two paths are Hei Yi for the physical path and Bajie for the magic path. However, Bajie also practiced the physical path, but was pushed to the forefront as Xuan's disciple.

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