Early the next morning, Jiang Chengcheng felt that Mizuki University seemed a little strange.

The entire campus is cleaned and guards are scattered in all directions.

However, for Jiang Cheng, everything is normal.

He is a direct doctoral student who studied with Xu Dawei.

After the big guy came, he only stayed in the Microelectronics Institute for less than ten minutes.

I visited the institute and listened to Xu Wei's report on the research results of the new resistive memory.

Of course, complex things will not be said, that is, with this new type of memory, its reading speed will be much higher than today's flash memory, and can be used in SOC chips, computers, mobile phones and other storage.

The big guy was very happy after hearing this, and encouraged everyone to continue to work hard and strive for more results in research.

After Xu Wei made a statement, he also then mentioned, "Nowadays, the country pays more and more attention to the integrated circuit industry, and we believe that in the next ten years, we will be able to reach the international leading level in chip design, chip manufacturing, semiconductor materials and other aspects."

"Well, the cultivation of talents is also important. President Li, Professor Xu, Mizuki is one of the best universities in China, and your task is still very heavy. The big guy said.

He then left.

Jiang Cheng was next to him, wearing an experimental coat, followed suit, and listened to it on the side.

As soon as the big guy left, the atmosphere of the entire microelectronics institute became relaxed.

Ding Chengjun raised his thumb to Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, you are powerful, you really let the mentor premise in front of the big guy." "

It's just clicked, and it doesn't feel like it's useful." Jiang Cheng pouted.

"What you don't understand, this is not only for the big guy, but also for other people." Ding Chengjun waved his hand, expressing that Jiang Cheng's politics and business were too weak.

However, Jiang Cheng didn't plan to go that way, and he didn't have any ideas to study these careful thoughts, "Hey, it's really tired to listen to you, I'd better honestly engage in scientific research." "

Hmm." Ding Chengjun said lightly.

But in his heart, he had some admiration for Jiang Cheng, he was really the kind who could make suggestions and directly mention them.

Could it be that those who learn computers are straighter and harder than those of microelectronics?

After Xu Dawei sent people back, the smile on his face was retracted, "You kid, don't give me any more suggestions next time."

Jiang Cheng said embarrassed, "Could it be that Principal Li said you?"

"No, I talked to him in detail about the idea of forming an integrated circuit college, and he still supported it." Xu Wei shook his head, "However, Mizuki's department has always been very stable, and it is unlikely that anything will change suddenly.

"Oh, that's the leader needs to study and study." Jiang Cheng understood.

But in their hearts, such a seed has been planted, that is, the establishment of the integrated circuit college will be a good way to highlight achievements, keep up with the frontier, and make up for the shortcomings of the industrial chain.

Xu Wei gave him a blank look, "My next step is to conduct research on the neuromorphic chip, you have time to study by yourself, we can discuss with each other,"

and then looked at Ding Chengjun, "You prepare your doctoral graduation project this year, so I won't let you participate." "

The main thing is that with Jiang Cheng here, it doesn't matter if he participates or not.

If you do miscellaneous, you can have his follower, and you can call Xiaogang.

Of course, Xu Wei also takes care of his face, it is not good to call him to do miscellaneous work every day, it will undermine his confidence.

Ding Chengjun nodded silently, "I see." After

---- <( ̄) ̄)> -----

handed over the declaration materials of the national outstanding youth to Luo Ruihua, Luo Ruihua still asked curiously.

"What did the big guy come to see?"

"I looked at the Institute of Microelectronics, and I also listened to Professor Xu's report on the situation of the new type of resistive memory." Jiang Cheng shrugged.

When this did not come, Jiang Cheng was still a little curious, but when he really came, he felt like that.

It's not a big opportunity for yourself.

Luo Ruihua nodded, "Our research is also very important, you must also put your mind here, and see if you can come out on the whole big topic of this piece of research." "

Big question?" Jiang Cheng was puzzled.

"Well, in addition, as far as the multi-dimensional pulse neural network is concerned, you have time to sort it out, and the department is ready to give you a special book, which will be used as a course for graduate students in artificial intelligence when school starts next year." Luo Ruihua continued.

Jiang Cheng was surprised, "Ah, who will take this class?"

"You go on, you do teaching assistants." Luo Ruihua said flatly.

"...," Jiang Cheng was speechless, "Then don't you want me to take graduate students later?" "

Yes, not a mentor, but when a mentor is used.

"That's nature. When you have rated Jieqing, strive to graduate with a doctorate the year after. "Luo Ruihua has already arranged the plan for Jiang Cheng.

Two years for bachelor's degree, three years for master's degree and PhD.

Five years is almost the extreme.

You know, many direct doctoral students, light masters and doctoral students even have to read for at least five or six years.

Even if you can get a bachelor's degree certificate in junior year, it will take more than 8 years to add up.

Jiang Cheng was already extremely talented and jumped to the level extremely quickly.

In his sophomore year, he completed all the undergraduate courses, and all the exams were excellent, even if it was sports and other elective courses, Jiang Cheng was a full score or close to a full score.

Mizuki University has not produced such a demon in many years.

Jiang Cheng nodded and agreed.

But in my heart, I was a little bitter, and I wanted to study the direction and topic again.

It also directly requests big issues.

Alas! Does this mentor have some misunderstanding about him, really think that the big topic is also what he wants to do and can do?

It's so easy to figure out where it is!

If Jiang Cheng had not simulated the power supply and physical battery through the multi-dimensional pulse neural network, he would not have been able to "flash his light" and find the key information and key formula of multi-dimensional information transmission.

Now let him engage in another big topic, that must mean such a groundbreaking and big topic as multi-dimensional pulsed neural networks?

After leaving, a smile appeared at the corner of Luo Ruihua's mouth.

"This kid, if you don't force him, you will run to Xu Lao Ghost's side every day, and the research here will be abandoned."

But he didn't want to think about how long it took for the research group paper to end,

only one month! Jiang Cheng was asked to start a new study.

Capitalists will be silent when they see it.

While on the way, the computer in the body received an email.

Jiang Cheng opened it and took a look, but it was sent by Professor Zhu Songchun, who was far away in the United States.

There was something strange in his heart, Jiang Cheng remembered that he hadn't emailed him for a few days.

The email opened, it was in Chinese, and the following read:

[Jiang Cheng:

I saw the paper of the Journal of Mizuki University today, "Model Construction and Simulation Research Based on a New Structure of Pulsed Neural Network", and I was shocked to see that the author was actually from you! It is also felt that this network model has great use in computer vision, intelligent robots and other aspects.

For a long time in other countries, I really don't know that the computer level in China is already so high?

Attached, some questions and ideas related to the research of this paper, please do not hesitate to enlighten in your busy schedule.

PS: I've been away from home for a long time, and I want to go home too.

Zhu SongchunMay

18, 2014]

I'm going, this big guy, the speech is suddenly so polite?

Jiang Cheng then opened the attachment and looked at it.

Good fellow, 39 pages, full of questions, sandwiched with some ideas studied by the big guy, and the formulas of the argument and so on.

Because Jiang Cheng is an open paper, it is impossible to write everything down.

Some key parts were hidden by Jiang Cheng.

It is equivalent to seeing that Jiang Cheng proposed such a structural model, and the overall argument is no problem, but the detailed argument is missing.

Jiang Cheng took some time to look at it, and did not directly reply to the question.

Instead, I replied to an email.

[Professor Zhu Songchun:

See you in good faith. The questions and ideas have been read, your research is very in-depth and in place, and I hope to one day, I can communicate with you at Mizuki University.

Jiang Cheng

, May 19, 2014


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