Hey, I actually want to go back to China.

Could it be that his paper is really so attractive?

Or is it that the development of Hua Guo Science and Technology has given people like Zhu Songchun who teach and study abroad have the idea of coming back?

But anyway, it's good to be back.

But Jiang Cheng is just a direct Bosheng, and such a big thing is not his turn to worry about.

Report this matter to Professor Luo Ruihua, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

Whether Professor Zhu Songchun can be left behind is a matter for the school.


Approaching the summer, Jiang Cheng also looked forward to it.

On the evening of May 31, Yu Xinran called the video over.

She had already packed her things and was ready to come back.

Yu Xinran in the video looks very happy, and her face is full of excited smiles.

"It's a 10 a.m. plane, right?" Jiang Cheng checked, and when Xinran returned, Hua Guo would already be June One.

Yu Xinran held his cheeks and said with a smile, "Yes, oh, look, I've packed up all this stuff." As

he spoke, he showed off the suitcase at hand.

Small suitcase filled with summer clothes.

As for books and winter clothes, they have been consigned in advance.

Yu Xinran continued, "I don't want the rest, I can't take it with me." I asked Alice to help dispose of it.

"Well, it's a senior next semester, are you going to graduate school?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"No, I have learned the relevant theories of business management, but I now feel that I still have to start a business and manage a business myself, so that I can really improve my ability." Yu Xinran shook his head and said.

Unlike when Jiang Cheng asked her to manage Fengwen'Chinese network, now Yu Xinran is already full of confidence.

Well, there is also the taste of maturity and intellect.

"That's true, I support you. However, I estimate that I will have to study for another year for a doctorate," Jiang Chengdao, "My supervisor has planned everything for me, let me study for a direct doctoral degree in my junior year, and get a doctoral diploma in the third year."

"It's already very powerful, I'm here in the United States, and I rarely hear of anyone who has read the book, master's and doctoral in five years." Yu Xinran was proud of him, "Unless it's the kind of genius that doesn't have a million."

"Obviously, that's the kind of person I'm like." Jiang Cheng smiled heartily.

Yu Xinran pursed his lips and laughed, "Stinky beauty."

"What about your friend Alice?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"She's going back to China too." Yu Xinran said jokingly, "Why, what are you worried about?"

"No, do you rarely have a friend over there in the United States, and you can still do projects together or something, ask." Jiang Cheng waved his hand.

However, she said that after graduation, she also wants to come to China to start a business or work.


two chatted for a while before hanging up.

It has been almost a year, in this year, Jiangcheng's company has spread rapidly, and now, under the group, there are 5 wholly-owned subsidiaries, 1 holding subsidiary, and a number of shareholding companies.

The main building of the headquarters by sea has been completed, and it is currently ready for interior and exterior decoration, greening and lighting.

After seeing the greening of the Warwick headquarters, Jiang Cheng also put forward high greening requirements for his first headquarters.

Jiang Cheng was initially scheduled to officially move in on January 17, 2015.

After handing over this time node to Chen Feng, he was even more busy.

In addition to the company's various affairs, it is also necessary to constantly supervise the project construction.

Jiang Cheng is already considering whether to add another deputy general manager.

However, think about the various businesses of the group company have not yet been fully started, but the research and development of the Douyin platform has basically been completed, and it is ready to start and go online.

EDA R&D design is still advancing, and CISS processor research and development has not yet been officially launched.

And the reason why it didn't start was that Jiang Cheng was still thinking about it.

If it is only to catch up along the existing processors, there are already several enterprises in Hua Guo.

Huaxin and Yixin are representatives of domestic complex instruction set processors.

Jiang Cheng has the impression that the 3A chip behind Huaxin has been able to be initially used for office.

Therefore, if it is directly developed according to this kind of architecture, Jiang Cheng feels that it does not make much sense.

He wants to take a new path.

Just like the neuromorphic chip studied by his mentor Xu Wei, this is the way he is ready to develop in his heart.


Maybe Jiang Cheng is willing to give too much, or maybe the excellent precision of the double workpiece table gives Maple Fire Group more chips.

In short, Chen Feng received a reply on the last day of May after following up the equity financing carried out by Modu Microelectronics.

It was agreed that the Maple Fire Group would also join in.

As a large state-owned enterprise, Modu Electric is still willing to have Chinese enterprises to participate in the research and development of lithography machines through investment and other means.

The rise of Maple Fire Group is very fast, the capital is still relatively strong, it has a semiconductor company, and it is also a major shareholder of Excellent Precision.

Based on the consideration of all parties, they agreed that Maple Fire Group would invest 200 million yuan, accounting for about 10% of the shares.

Of course, the specific number of shares needs to be measured.

To this end, Chen Feng needs to lead the team to the magic capital, negotiate specific matters, and strive to complete the shareholding as soon as possible.

At this time, Yu Xinran had already boarded the plane and was on his way back to China.

At 6 p.m. on June 1, Jiang Cheng drove a white X3 to Kyoto International Airport.

Then, with a hint of excitement and nervousness, he waited anxiously.

After seven o'clock, the sky began to slowly darken.

The plane arrived at the airport, and after waiting for a while, Jiang Cheng looked forward to the people in his eyes.

Yu Xinran was wearing light blue jeans, an off-white short-sleeved sweater with light blue embellishments on her collar, and was carrying a beige bag and pulling a suitcase.

Her silky hair didn't tie up and fell down her fair neck.

When he saw Jiang Cheng, who had been waving his hand in front of him, his eyes were full of joy at that moment, and he rushed over, "Jiang Cheng!" "

Shiny." Jiang Cheng also stepped forward quickly and reached out to pick her up.

The two hugged each other tightly, burying her head in his chest while he sniffed her hair.

"It's good to be back."

The heart that hung in the eyes of the throat fell relaxed.

"Well, don't go out next time." Yu Xinran replied lightly.

Although I learned a lot, I felt that I had been parting too far and for too long.

After hugging each other for a long time, Jiang Cheng let go of her, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and then pulled the suitcase with one hand and pulled her to the parking lot with the other.

"Twelve hours on a plane at once, tired." The smile on Jiang Cheng's face never stopped.

Good things keep going on these days.

The company is progressing very smoothly, and the investment in the lithography machine industry is also steadily advancing, and Yu Xinran's return makes Jiang Cheng's heart full of joy.

Yu Xinran's left hand was still held by him, and he didn't take it away at this time, "It's okay, when I went last year, I had to transfer flights, it took sixteen or seven hours, and this time Hainan Airlines had a direct flight, which was much better." Besides, I bought a business room and rested.

"Okay then, I'll take you to eat something first, and pour jet lag well in the evening."

"Okay, but I want to eat roast duck." Yu Xinran licked her red lips, missing the meal she had eaten in Kyoto for the first time.

Jiang Cheng scratched her palm and said funny, "Well, when I just hugged you, I felt that I had lost a pound or two." Gotta make up for it.

"Really!" Yu Xinran is very happy, which shows that her weight control is very good.

After the meal, the two returned to Wan Liu's home.

Jiang Yuan still wanted to let Xinran rest more.

But both of them were very curious about Xinran's sudden ability to never forget, so Jiang Cheng said that he would come to study and study.

Well, considering the need for secrecy, the details of the research are omitted.

(A thousand words omitted here)


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