After the meal, people from other star fields left one after another, but Bo Ming and the others stayed behind.

Knowing that they were going to talk, Xia Xuan and Yan Lingfeng went back to their room.

Bo Ming looked at Xia Ruo and Feng Yan and asked, "What are your plans?"

Feng Yan didn't hide anything, "We signed up for the online school run by Beixingyu No. 1 Academy. We plan to study for a while, find some part-time jobs, and then look for opportunities to visit the central life star here."

Then he asked in turn: "What about you? You should have plans, right?"

Bo Ming replied with a smile: "Yesterday we found out on this life star that there was a conscription revelation, and now the status I bought can meet the requirements, so I signed up, and I am going to enter the battle group. That is the most suitable place for me."

He joined the battle group after he was rescued by the top management of the war department, and he has been in the special team since then, and he has no interest in asking him to go to the academy to take classes or something.

He believed in his ability, even if he started as a relatively low-level soldier, he would definitely be able to rise up, so that he could have a detailed enough understanding of the battle group in this star field.

"I also prefer the life in the battle group. After graduating from the academy, I don't want to set foot again." Sheng He is about the same age as Bo Ming, and he prefers to rush.

Bai Siyu said: "I have seen the recruitment of major online schools, and the conducting class of East Starfield First Academy is quite good. I am going to sign up and use my free time to study."

"Without a real background, it is impossible to join the battle group as a command, so I also reported the name of the battle group. I believe that as long as you perform well, you will always be able to show your talents." If he is strong in one aspect, he will have a chance to stand out, and he has to take it step by step.

However, being able to break away from the shackles of the family and start from scratch gave him a sense of freshness and drive, and he was still very happy.

Feng Yan also knew the choice of the three of them, "It just so happens that you can take care of each other by enlisting together. We will keep in touch at any time."

They have added terminal friends to each other, and they can talk or send messages whenever they have something to do.

Bai Siyu nodded with a smile: "Well, keep in touch from time to time!"

"Maybe it won't be long before we can see you show off on Starnet." He half-jokingly said.

Xia Ruo laughed: "It's not that easy, but we will work hard."

Several people talked for a while, and the three of Bo Ming left. They have signed up for the battle group and will go to participate in the selection tomorrow.

Once successfully selected, he will directly enter the battle group, and then leave this life star.

With the ability of the three of them and their understanding and adaptability to the battle group, it is naturally impossible to be eliminated.

Yun Jing also chose the magic pattern manufacturing class of the First Academy of the Northern Starfield. He is good at formations and talismans, which happens to be the same as this major. He has also studied systematically in the following starfields, and his foundation is very solid.

They have decided to go to the central life star of the Northern Star Territory with Yunjing in a few days after the class starts.

the next day,

Xia Xuan had a strong reaction to morning sickness, so she rested in the bedroom, while Yan Lingfeng went out to hang out at the mercenary union.

Xia Ruo and Feng Yan still stayed at home, relying on each other to scan the terminal.

Suddenly a sensor bell rang, both of them were stunned, "Who's here?"

"Let me see!"

Feng Yan turned on the visual screen connected to the downstairs, and saw the old man Xia Ruo saved earlier, standing downstairs with a young woman and the two bodyguards, obviously they came to visit.

Continue at 23:50~

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