Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1051 Take a High Look

Feng Yan turned his head and said to Xia Ruo.

"Since you're here to visit, let's open the door."

Xia Ruo was not surprised that the other party came directly to the door. After all, judging from the respectful appearance of the young man and the dress and temperament of the old man, his status should not be low.

In addition, the old man should have a relationship with the company that handles the identity, so it is very easy to investigate them.

"Okay!" Feng Yan nodded and opened the door.

A few people went upstairs together, and when they saw Feng Yan standing at the door, the old man smiled and said, "We want to visit Miss Xia, don't you know she's here?"

Feng Yan gave up the position of the door button, "Yes, everyone, please come in!"

The old man walked in, Xia Ruo stood up and said with a smile, "Please sit down!"

"Okay!" The old man and the woman walked to the opposite sofa and sat down, while the other two stood behind them.

The old man said with a gentle face: "I hope you will forgive me for taking the liberty to visit!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "The old man is polite!"

Then she made a pot of scented tea for a few people. There are no tea leaves here, and the people here are not used to drinking tea, so she made jasmine tea, which is light and has a faint floral fragrance.

The old man took a sip from the teacup, "This drink has a fresh fragrance, and it's quite delicious."

"I like the smell!" The young woman sitting next to him said with a smile.

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "I made random scented tea drinks, as long as you like them!"

The young woman looked up at Xia Ruo with a grateful face, "Miss Xia, the main reason for coming to visit this time is to thank you for saving my grandfather last time."

She left the company that day because of something, and her grandfather had already gone to the hospital when she received the call.

When she arrived, my grandfather just had a physical examination, and all the data were relatively stable.

The doctor kept sighing, fortunately someone rescued him before, otherwise her grandfather would be in danger of life.

I heard two bodyguards talk about Xia Ruo, but they didn't leave the terminal number, so she had to check it by herself.

That's why I came to visit today.

Xia Ruo said with a faint smile: "I am a doctor myself. When I suddenly met a patient, I naturally couldn't do nothing. You are welcome, lady!"

"Anyway, we have made a note of this favor, and hope Miss Xia can give us a chance to repay it." The woman was sincerely grateful.

The only person she is closest to now is her grandfather. If he dies of illness, she will not be able to accept it.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "Then you can give me a treatment fee."

This does not involve human feelings, but it can also make people take a higher look.

Besides, she really didn't go for the identity of the old man at that time, it was entirely because the other party was a patient.

"This!" The woman was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect that Xia Ruo would ask for treatment fees instead of favors.

The old man brushed the lid of the cup with a smile, "Payment for the treatment should be paid."

It can be regarded as acquiescing to Xia Ruo's statement. He could see that Xia Ruo was not playing hard to get, so he dispelled the doubts in his heart. It was a coincidence that she saved him.

It's not because of his identity, because his favor is more valuable, so he can't help but take a high look.

The old man sat for a while and got up to leave. The woman added Xia Ruo's terminal and transferred her a treatment fee of 100,000 A-level energy stones.

After the terminal is turned, you can go to the energy stone library of any life star to extract it.

This is very high. After all, the most powerful doctor on the main star can't have such a high cost of outpatient treatment.

Xia Ruo didn't refuse either. She saved the old man's life. His status is not simple, and the value of living must exceed this energy stone.

She smiled and sent him to the door before turning back to the room.

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