"This is the first appetizer, the monkey brain, please taste it!"

After Fei Yu introduced the name of the dish, she made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Shao took a spoon and scooped it up, "Saimon Monkey Brain? The name is interesting!"

"Our boss said that this dish is more tender than monkey brain, so it got its name. It is also a famous dish in the ancient earth period!"

Fei Yu was nervous, but her expression was calm.

Qin Shao put the spoon into his mouth, and the tofu inside melted in his mouth, mixed with the fresh and thick soup, which completely opened up the taste buds, and it was so tender that it could indeed surpass the brain of a monkey.

"It's delicious!" It was the first time he had tasted such a delicacy. "Is this monkey brain tofu?"

Fei Yu nodded, "Well, the main ingredient of Saihou Brain is tofu!"

Qin Shao originally didn't have much hope for tofu, but now he immediately overturned his previous thoughts.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this stuff conquered his taste buds in one bite, "It turns out that tofu tastes like this, it is very delicious!"

While he was talking, the movement of scooping in his hands didn't stop.

Seeing this, other people moved their spoons one after another, and their taste buds were unanimously opened and conquered.

After a few strokes, Jiang Ji scooped up the tofu in the bowl and ate it up, saying, "It's so delicious! The tofu from the ancient earth period is so delicious!"

Feng Yan was actually eating monkey brains for the first time, and he said with a proud smile, "It's not that the tofu from the ancient earth period was too delicious, but Xia Xia's cooking was so delicious. If someone else made it, you definitely don't want to eat it a second time." of!"

This is true, sometimes Xia Ruo is too busy on the farm to let the trainees cook, but the same ingredients and seasonings just can't produce that taste.

Seeing Feng Yan showing off his pride as if he made tofu himself, several people present couldn't help laughing, this guy is too caring.

However, I also agree with his words. Many times the same delicious food will taste very different after being processed by different people. This definitely has a lot to do with talent.

Huo Tianhao quickly finished the tofu in the bowl, raised his head and said to Fei Yu, "Give me another bowl!"

Fei Yu smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, we only prepared one serving of each dish!"

"That's it!" Huo Tianhao licked his mouth and said impatiently, "Then let's serve the second course!"

Fei Yu took a dinner plate with a smile and opened it, and put the blue and white porcelain plate inside in the center of the table.

"This is a house full of gold and jade!"

Then report the name of the dish while serving it!

"This is bergamot tofu!"

“Furong tofu!”

"Ma Po Tofu!"

"Grand Concubine Tofu!"

"Eight Immortals Fairyland Gathering!"


Soon, there were 18 dishes cooked with tofu as the main material.

Every appearance looks very delicate, and different fragrances linger at the tip of the nose, making people unable to help but accelerate the secretion of saliva.

Qin Shao and the others didn't speak, they picked up the chopsticks and began to taste them with sullen heads, their movements were elegant but fast.

The portion of each dish is not much, and whoever is quick can eat two more bites, and the robbing starts and ends without any time.

Eighteen dishes with tofu as the main material were served, and Xia Ruo made seven vegetarian dishes with tofu.

"This is a vegetarian food made with tofu, without adding any meat, but the taste is similar to that made with meat. You can taste it!" Fei Yu introduced.

Feng Yi put a piece of squirrel fish in his mouth, his eyes were full of surprise, "Is this made of tofu? But I eat it like fish!"

Others also picked up a piece to taste, with the same doubt, this is obviously the taste of fish!

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