Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 123 I Wouldn't Go Back

Several people couldn't believe it, and once again picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it in their mouths.

The taste of squirrel fish is undoubtedly the same as that of fish, but you can find some subtle differences when you taste it carefully, so you can confirm that it is really made of tofu.

Ye Jing couldn't help but said: "I once saw a record in an ancient book that the taste of meat dishes could be made from vegetarian materials in the ancient earth period. At that time, I thought it might be exaggerated, and I couldn't imagine it!"

"But now after experiencing it myself, I realize that my vision is still a bit small!"

Qin Shao agreed: "If I hadn't tasted it myself, I would never believe it."

"This kind of skill has never been heard or seen before, and I have gained a lot of knowledge today!" He added.

Huo Tianhao raised his head and said with a smile: "I don't have as many sighs as you. I only have one thought from the beginning to the end. Why are these dishes so delicious?"

Jiang Ji smiled bluntly: "I think it's very simple, I think the ancient earth native vegetables I ate before are all rubbish!"

Feng Yan had never been interested in food, but today he was really captivated by the dishes. It was the first time he experienced what others said, tasting food is a kind of enjoyment.

"This is the authentic Paleo Earth cuisine!"

Feng Yi usually likes food, and he once tasted special food and traveled more than half of the interstellar world, but after tasting these dishes, he suddenly felt that his previous practice had lost its meaning.

After eating so many so-called delicacies, he is sure that the sum of them is not as delicious as today's dish!

Seeing that even his two elder brothers showed various expressions of admiration, Feng Yan felt more accomplished than what he had done.

"It's nothing. There are more than one hundred dishes in the tofu banquet, and here it's nothing more than a big deal."

"In addition to tofu as the main ingredient, Xia Xia can also cook various famous dishes from the ancient earth period, such as Dongpo pork, braised lion head, crystal elbow, etc.!" He couldn't help boasting.

Listening to Feng Yan's number, the few people who were already quite full suddenly felt that they still owed a lot...

Jiang Ji enviously said with endless aftertaste: "Damn it, San'er, it's no wonder you don't want to go home recently. The feeling is that you can eat such delicious dishes every day! If it were me, I wouldn't go back!"

Huo Tianhao complained carelessly, "San'er is not kind, he has tasted such delicious dishes a long time ago, yet he invites us to taste them now!"

Qin Shao stabbed the knife, "It's not San'er who invited you here today, you're just taking advantage of me!"

If he knew that the tofu dishes made by Feng Yan's friends were so delicious and amazing, he would only bring Ye Jing and Feng Yan here.

Huo Tianhao's heart became unbalanced for a moment, he put his arms around Feng Yan and said aggrievedly: "San'er, brother just wanted to get beaten up, that's how you treat me? Sad!"

Feng Yan said speechlessly: "Brother Huo, come on, you don't have food as your usual hobby, if you didn't come here today to join in the fun, would you take the initiative to come?"

Huo Tianhao thought about it too, "I wasn't interested in food before, so I didn't eat good food!"

"Today I decided to list food exploration as my hobby!"

He patted his chest and continued: "In the future, I will definitely take care of your friend's business, don't worry!"

"Hehe, Brother Huo, I think you should continue to start a company and pick up girls for fun." Feng Yan curled his lips.

How can Xia Ruo have so much free time to cook for these guys, he hasn't had enough, so they don't even think about it!

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