Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1245 Is this true?

Xia Ruo had already guessed that the other party's poison master would come to her, but she didn't expect the other party to be so vicious and make fuss about those innocent patients.

Her complexion was rare, "Come on, let's go and have a look!"

Wang Zhe immediately escorted Xia Ruo to the hospital, and Miao Ao naturally followed.

"If you don't deal with him and cure those people, you will definitely be splashed with dirty water." Sitting beside her, Miao Ao whispered.

Xia Ruo didn't panic, "I know, he wants to ruin my reputation, rely on my medicine for those people's symptoms, and then kill me. In this way, the people who have already started to feel at ease on the life star will surely die again. There will be panic, and there will be chaos on the warband side."

Looking at it this way, those patients were still affected by her.

Miao Ao nodded: "Just as long as you know it in your heart!"

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and Xia Ruo walked in quickly.

After entering the hospital, the way many people looked at her changed again, with a kind of doubt or resistance.

She ignored these people and walked up to the one who vomited the most to get her pulse.

Then he took out a golden needle and pricked him, and the patient who was still convulsing and foaming soon became stable.

The vice president stepped forward and couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Xia, what's wrong with them? Some people say it's a side effect of taking the medicine. Is it true?"

If it wasn't for the side effects of taking the medicine, how could it be like this all of a sudden?

Xia Ruo stood up without answering, "What did they eat today?"

"Ah!" The vice president couldn't react, "I don't know about that."

"They are suffering from food poisoning, take a portion of the food they ate today and have a look." Xia Ruo scanned around the hall and found a few more pots of green plants in the corner.

"Food poisoning? How is this possible? Our meals are only served to patients after being tested." The minister in charge of the hospital's logistics said with an ugly face.

Xia Ruo said: "If there is no problem in the test, take it up and eat it, but it doesn't necessarily mean that there is no problem."

"You find a meal for the patient today, and I will prove it to you here."

She didn't explain too much, but acupuncture and moxibustion for patients with serious illnesses to stabilize their conditions.

"You also come to help with acupuncture. I'll tell you what acupuncture points to need." There are too many people here, and Xia Ruo is too busy, so she looks at Tao Hai and Miao Ao and said.

Tao Hai took out the gold needles provided by the hospital before, and started acupuncture and moxibustion for a patient as Xia Ruo ordered without hesitation.

Miao Ao took out the golden needle but didn't move, with a bit of disgust in his eyes, obviously he didn't want to treat these patients.

Seeing this, Xia Ruo said: "If you want to improve acupuncture and moxibustion skills, you have to try more. Healing diseases and saving lives is the best way to become proficient."

Hearing her words, Miao Ao endured his disgust and squatted down to start acupuncture for a patient.

The three of them were busy, so Wang Zhe asked someone to follow the logistics minister to fetch food.

Before the food was brought here, several reporters ran in.

"Vice President, we heard that Dr. Xia's medicine had side effects, which made these patients convulse and foam at the mouth, and their condition became more and more serious. Is this true?" Dean.

This time they also turned on the live broadcast mode. What they were afraid of was that Wang Zhe would have someone stop them from interviewing.

If there is a live broadcast, everyone can see it. If Wang Zhe dares to drive them away, it will prove that Xia Ruo's medicine is wrong. This is the result they want.

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