Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1246 We will not take this blame

Seeing these reporters who inexplicably came in and asked questions with rhythm, Wang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned dark instantly.

He asked the adjutant in a low voice: "What's going on? Didn't you ask you to stay outside? How did you let these people in?"

If today's affairs are not handled properly, it is very likely to cause panic and big troubles among the people.

The adjutant said helplessly: "Our people have stopped, but for some reason, after these people came, they suddenly passed out, so we let them take advantage of the loophole."

Wang Zhe didn't know that this was the other party's trap, "Is the fainted person okay?"

"They were poisoned, and the medical equipment here couldn't find out what the poison was, so I ran over to ask Dr. Xia to take a look." The adjutant said with a grim expression.

Wang Zhe's complexion was even worse, "Is it the poison of these reporters?"

"I don't know, anyway, after they came, our people were poisoned, but they are broadcasting the live broadcast now, and it's not easy for us to arrest people, otherwise we may be charged with another crime." The adjutant said through gritted teeth.

Some reporters were arrested and interrogated yesterday, but I didn't expect that a few more people who didn't know whether they were dead or alive came today.

Wang Zhe also knows that the public can't lose confidence in them now, and they can't make a fuss about the people behind the scenes.

"Let's see how Dr. Xia handles it. If it doesn't work, arrest him and torture him." He sighed.

The adjutant nodded: "Yes!"

In addition, the vice president here was interviewed, and he was very depressed, "I don't know much about it. Dr. Xia treats patients over there. You can ask her."

It's not that he wants to push people to Xia Ruo, but that he really doesn't know, and he's afraid that if he can't speak well, he will cause trouble.

As if they saw Xia Ruo just now, the reporters hurried over to surround her and asked the same question.

Xia Ruo lowered her head for acupuncture, and didn't even give them a look. "What evidence do you have to prove that their symptoms were caused by drinking my medicine?"

"We have no evidence yet, but they started to get sick shortly after drinking your medicine, which makes everyone have to connect the two." The reporter said calmly.

Xia Ruo sneered: "This is just your inference."

She looked up sharply and coldly, "Just relying on your own inferences will convict me and pour dirty water on me. You think you are a judge!"

"Now I'm going to treat patients, please don't get in the way, I'll explain to you later!" Xia Ruo said with a cold face, and walked to another patient to continue acupuncture.

Not only the current people, but also the audience in front of the live broadcast screen found that all the people who received acupuncture from Xia Ruo and the others no longer vomited and convulsed, which showed that her treatment was very useful.

Because of the previous incident, everyone dare not make a conclusion now, whether the aggravation of these people's condition has anything to do with Xia Ruo's medicine.

After acupuncture and moxibustion for all the more serious people, Xia Ruo stopped.

At this time, the people of the battle group also brought the meals for the patients today from the head of logistics.

Xia Ruo walked over and smelled it, "This happened to them because they ate today's food."

The head of logistics said with a bad face: "Doctor Xia, it's obviously caused by the side effects of your medicine. How can you make random accusations? We won't take the blame for this."

"We tested the food again just now, and there is no poison at all. If you don't believe me, we can check it again in public." He said angrily.

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