Mu Zhanshuai and Mu Sanshao looked at Xia Ruo together.

"Is there another one?"

Xia Ruo replied: "There is another kind of unspeakable secrets, such as being held hostage, being forced to be helpless and unable to contact you, etc."

"It's just that I prefer the first one."

She paused and said, "No matter which one it is, you still need to find him to find out."

"I can only help you get here, and you need to find the rest by yourself."

It was the first time she used this kind of divination to find someone. Although she succeeded, it took a lot of energy and energy, and she couldn't use mystical skills in the past few days.

Because Mu Zhanshuai has hope, he keeps hypnotizing himself. Xia Ruo's ancient medical skills are amazing and mysterious, and he will definitely help him find his son.

So when I heard her say that, I didn't doubt it, "Okay, let's find it ourselves!"

"Thank you so much Dr. Xia today. If I can find my eldest son successfully, I will definitely repay you well." He could feel that Xia Ruo's breath was sluggish and worn out, and he was very grateful in his heart.

Xia Ruo smiled, "Mu Zhanshuai is being polite!"

She pointed to the blood mist map above the table and said: "Hurry up and look for this place according to the terminal. This blood mist can only last for about an hour. If it dissipates, it will be difficult to find someone. I can't condense it in a short time." the second time."

Mu Zhanshuai and the others were stunned, "Okay, let's quickly look for it."

"Look for the life star located in the southeast direction of this life star. It should be in a city."

Xia Ruo thought for a while and continued: "It's also possible to have a half-desolate star, so there's no need to look for a desolate star."

"Okay!" The three of Mu Zhanshuai nodded.

Xia Ruo took out a nourishing qi pill and took it, and said to Miao Ao: "You can also help to find it, I will take a rest."

This guy has a strong memory and ability to observe and compare, so maybe he can help.

Miao Ao must have been too lazy to help in the past, but now seeing her pale and feeble for the first time, showing a lethargy like never before, she still compromised.

"Okay, I'll help you find it!"

Seeing Miao Ao took out the terminal and clicked on the star map to help him find it, Xia Ruo smiled and nodded at him, then sat cross-legged on the sofa and closed her eyes to recover.

Although today's divination is not a small loss, it also made Xia Ruo more interested in the art of divination, especially after she succeeded just now, many inspirations that she did not have before and a kind of indescribable indescribable feeling appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness Epiphany.

The inheritance of the Xu family is really mysterious, and many things may be useful in the future.

After more than 50 minutes, several people have not found any similarities. Looking at the blood fog that is getting thinner, Mu Zhanshuai's face is anxious.

He looked at Xia Ruo who was meditating with her eyes closed, hesitating whether to wake her up.

If this goes on like this, once the blood mist clears, the map will disappear.

Mu Sanshao and Nie Hang were also very nervous. There were countless life stars and half-desolate stars in the southeast. They each divided an area to search, but there were too many, and an hour was not enough.

Seeing the passage of time, the blood mist became thinner and thinner. They were really afraid that their hope would be broken.

Just when Mu Zhanshuai was about to wake Xia Ruo up, Miao Ao said lightly, "I found it!"

"Doctor Miao, did you really find it?" Nie Hang asked nervously.

Miao Ao projected the map on the terminal, "Compare and see for yourself."

Although the blood mist had faded a lot at this time, the outline of the map hadn't dissipated. The three of them immediately compared it with the map on the projection.

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