Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1301 This Is Absolutely No Coincidence

The three compared the two sides in detail, and the blood mist completely dissipated.

Mu Zhanshuai clenched his fists and said, "The place on this projection is almost the same as the map shown by the blood mist."

Nie Hang and Mu Sanshao also said in unison: "It's the same when I compare."

"Doctor Miao, where is this place? Please tell me." Mu Zhanshuai asked with a slightly excited look.

It's amazing, the map formed by the blood mist is actually the same as the real city map, does that mean that his son is really here?

Miao Ao's three views were also greatly shaken because of this, and Xia Ruohui's things could not be explained by science at all.

When Mu Zhanshuai asked this, Miao Ao came back to his senses, "This is Lishi City, a city on the half-desolate star of Kark."

Mu Zhanshuai immediately called up the star map of Karke Banhuang Star on the terminal, and then looked shocked.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Mu Sanshao couldn't help asking when he saw this.

Mu Zhanshuai clenched his hands again, "I checked just now, and the place where your elder brother died fighting was actually in the starry sky near this half-desolate star. This is definitely not a coincidence."

"Your elder brother must be on this half-desolate star, let's go there now." He stood up emotionally.

Mu Sanshao was also shocked in his heart. There is no such a coincidence in this world. Could it be that Dr. Xia can really divination the location of his relatives with ancient coins just by blowing a few breaths and dripping a drop of blood?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have found it ridiculous.

In fact, I think it is ridiculous now, but the facts are in front of my eyes, and the doubts in my heart have been reduced a lot.

Of course, one cannot be sure that Xia Ruo's divination is useful, after all, you have to find your elder brother to confirm it.

"Okay, I will accompany my father to Lishi City to find the eldest brother." No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they can't let it go.

Mu Zhanshuai nodded, and wanted to say hello to Xia Ruo, but she was still meditating with her eyes closed, and hesitated again as if she had fallen asleep.

Miao Ao said: "I'll take care of Dr. Xia, Mu Zhanshuai, go find someone."

Only then did Mu Zhanshuai nodded: "When Doctor Xia wakes up, please tell the doctor that we are leaving first. After I find someone, I will come to thank you."

It would be a great favor if the eldest son could really be found.

Miao Ao replied indifferently: "Okay!"

Mu Zhanshuai quickly left with the two of them, and drove directly to the star station in the war zone, preparing to take the fastest warship there.

At the same time, people were asked to go to Lishi City to search first with the son's photo, and to attach the news that the son had a baby boy to facilitate the search.

After the three of Mu Zhanshuai left, Xia Ruo hadn't woken up yet.

She didn't fall asleep, but she submerged into a very mysterious state unknowingly, and inspiration came out little by little. She also seemed to get some inspiration for many puzzles about divination in the inheritance. , it will be integrated at once.

Seeing this, Miao Ao hesitated whether to wake Xia Ruo up or not, but he was startled to see that her face was still pale, and her breath gradually faded away.

Just as she was about to wake Xia Ruo up, the door opened, and Yan Lingfeng and Xia Xuan walked in together.

Seeing Xia Ruo sitting cross-legged with a bad face and Miao Ao sitting next to him, Xia Xuan's heart tightened and she walked over quickly.

She first asked Miao Ao: "What happened to my sister?"

Miao Ao lived in a villa not far away. Although it was the first time to come to the villa, he had met Xia Xuan, and told her about the previous things when she asked her this question.

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