Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1302 This kind of opportunity is rare

Xia Xuan knew that her sister had inherited mystical arts, but she didn't expect that the loss would be so great after use.

She sat next to Xia Ruo, reached out to feel her sister's pulse, and felt her breath.

Because it was a familiar breath, Xia Ruo didn't wake up and resist.

Xia Xuan felt it carefully, and found that her sister seemed to have fallen into some kind of epiphany, which is also a good thing.

Miao Ao asked nervously, "What's wrong with her? Do you want to wake her up?"

"Or I'll use an instrument to test her physical condition." He is also a doctor himself, and Xia Ruo doesn't look like she is seriously injured, but her condition is very wrong.

Xia Xuan waved her hand and said, "No, my sister has entered a state of epiphany, and she will wake up by herself after it's over."

"Don't bother her now, this kind of opportunity is rare." For immortal cultivators, the chance of enlightenment is too rare to be affected.

Miao Ao couldn't understand Xia Xuan's epiphany state at all, but he didn't refute it.

In fact, the various methods Xia Ruo used were so mysterious that he couldn't understand them at all. Since her sister said so, it meant that it was all right.

"It's fine!" He also breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, he didn't even realize that there was something wrong with the flash of nervousness and concern when he saw Xia Ruo's appearance just now.

"I'll go first!" He returned to his original indifference and alienation.

Xia Xuan smiled: "Okay, go slowly!"

Miao Ao got up and walked towards the door. When he was about to leave the living room, he seemed to remember something, turned his head and said, "If she wakes up, ask her to send me a message."

"Okay!" Xia Xuan nodded.

After Miao Ao left, Yan Lingfeng looked at Xia Ruo worriedly and asked, "Is Ruoruo okay? Why do you feel that her aura is faint?"

Xia Xuan replied: "It's okay, she has entered a mysterious state, and this will happen during comprehension, don't worry."

"Hmm!" Yan Lingfeng thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to take her back to the bedroom?"

"No, after interrupting her epiphany, there will be no such opportunity. I'll just sleep on the sofa tonight with her." Xia Xuan said.

If his wife wants to be here, Yan Lingfeng will naturally not go back to the room alone, "Then I will accompany you here to handle the company's affairs."

Now that I want to go to Central Star to open the company, the plan I made before will have to be revised.

"Yeah!" Xia Xuan got up and sat next to Yan Lingfeng, opened the terminal to read the news.

Xia Ruo had been in meditation for two days. When she woke up and opened her eyes, she saw her sister sleeping on the sofa not far away, and her brother-in-law sitting beside her.

When Xia Ruo woke up, Yan Lingfeng sensed it immediately, and he raised his head and asked concerned: "Ruoruo, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Xia Ruo stood up and moved.

When the two talked, Xia Xuan also woke up, "Ruoruo, how are you feeling?"

Xia Ruo's face was tinged with a smile, "Very well, although the wear and tear was severe this time, I have fully comprehended the previous inheritance."

"Is it the inheritance of Feng Shui Xuanshu?" Xia Xuan knew about this.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes!"

She walked to Xia Xuan and sat down, looked at her sister's face, "Sister, you are pregnant with a boy this time."

Xia Xuan rubbed her belly and smiled lightly: "Now you can tell the gender without feeling the pulse?"

"Yes!" Xia Ruo also found that after the epiphany, her face-sighting level has been sublimated.

Yan Lingfeng suddenly became a little interested, "Then Ruoruo help me take a look too?"

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