Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 133 I want to see you even more

The old man stretched out his hand to open the fresh-keeping box, and seeing a few pieces of white and tender tofu inside, he immediately smiled.

"For you brat, you still have a bit of conscience, and you don't hurt you in vain!"

Feng Yan wanted to help his forehead, "Old man, you treat people so differently!"

The old man asked the robot to put the tofu in the kitchen, and then began to make appointments for several of his old friends to eat tomorrow.

He said there was a good thing for them to taste, and when the other party asked what it was, he deliberately kept it secret.

Feng Yan knew that the old man was going to show off tomorrow, so he pointed to the fruits on the table, "These are native fruits from the ancient earth period, and the taste is much better than those brought by supermarkets and farms every year. You can also entertain your old friends !"

"Then I'll try it first!" Looking at the two big watermelons on the table, the old man couldn't help but ask the robot to cut open one first, pick up one and bite!

Immediately, his eyes lit up, he ate several pieces in a row, and said with satisfaction: "This is watermelon!"

After eating this watermelon, I suddenly felt that I didn't know what I ate before.

The old lady and Feng Baixuan also tasted a piece, and found that it was very sweet and juicy, and it was the best watermelon they had ever eaten, and it could even be said to be the most delicious fruit.

"Xiao Xia is really amazing! Even this old variety of watermelon from the ancient earth period can be grown." The old lady was even more curious about Xia Ruo.

Feng Yan smiled proudly: "That is, she is definitely the best in the entire Federation in terms of planting and cooking skills!"

Seeing his cheerful appearance, the old lady smiled and said, "I happen to be going to attend the birthday banquet the day after tomorrow, maybe I can meet Xiao Xia."

"When the time comes, I'll take her to see grandma, just in time for her to take a look at your body!" This was what Feng Yan had planned to do before.

The old lady smiled helplessly and patted his hand, "Xiao Yan! You can't treat girls like this, you are asking for help."

Feng Yan took it for granted: "It's okay, she still owes me a lot of interest, and besides, I'm going back to the old house today to help her."

"..." The old lady wanted to beat her grandson, why is this brat so stubborn? Tired!

Judging by his grandson's appearance, he must be interested in the little girl, but he still can't tell whether it is that kind of liking, and he himself is afraid that he will not be sure.

She also doesn't want to break the relationship between the two of them, so she doesn't guide her, just let it be.

"What help do you want? You still want to come to the old house?" The old man picked up another piece of watermelon and ate it, unable to stop at all.

Feng Yan first talked about Xia Ruo's recruitment of disabled retired soldiers, "Now she wants to find a few people who are good at management, and she first considers the retired soldiers in the battle group, so I'll ask Grandpa, do you have any? No introduction?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, obviously surprised, "This girl is very good, it is rare to think of and do this!"

"Of course I have management talents here, but I have to contact them to see if they are willing. It will take a little time!"

Feng Baixuan was also a little surprised, I didn't expect Xia Ruo to have such a heart and tolerance, I want to meet her even more!

Feng Yan nodded: "Then trouble Grandpa!"

"If you go to work with Xia Ruo, in addition to the generous salary, you will also be provided with food and housing. All the food you eat will be raw ingredients, and there will be a benefit of free medical treatment and medicine."

He added: "Grandpa, you can also emphasize this point with them. Xia Ruo's ancient medical skills are really strong. I saw with my own eyes that he cured two patients who could not be cured completely in the hospital!"

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