Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 134 Saying You Are Fat, You Are Still Panting

The old man froze again in surprise.

Then he said with a smile: "The benefits are so good? I eat meals made of raw ingredients every day, and I also guarantee medical treatment and medicine. I want to go to the old man!"

Feng Yan laughed, "Grandpa, it's up to you, Xia Ruo hired someone to do something, instead of asking an old naughty boy to go back and make offerings!"

The old man picked up his crutches and wanted to hit him, but the old lady gave him a glare, and then he blew his beard and put it down, "You brat!"

Feng Yan chatted with the three of them for a while, then got up and went back to the farm.

The next day, the first batch of trained disabled soldiers were sent to the farms and pastures. Xia Ruo checked their bodies first, prescribed medicine to recuperate them, and let them go to work.

Two days later, Feng Yan made an appointment with the Qin family, and they will go there in the morning.

Xia Ruo cooked two bowls of noodles, and just after finishing eating, Feng Yan's terminal rang.

Seeing that it was the call from the military department, he gestured to Xia Ruo, and then walked into the study.

After a while, he came out of the study and put on a dark blue battle suit.

Changing from his previous temperament, his figure is tall and straight, and his whole body exudes a resolute and cold aura, as if the sharpness of a sword that is about to be unsheathed is exposed.

It was the first time that Xia Ruo saw him so cold and serious, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yan walked in front of her, his demeanor was still cold, but his tone was more gentle, "There is urgent information from the war department, my subordinates are trapped in a place and have been attacked, I need to go to the rescue !"

Xia Ruo nodded, "Then you go, pay attention to safety!"

Feng Yan looked at her apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't take you to Qin's house in person today, I'll ask my second brother to pick you up."

"It doesn't matter, the matter of rescue is more important."

Xia Ruo understood very well, "You don't need to come pick me up, just send me the address, and I'll go there by myself!"

Feng Yan knew that Xia Ruo would never make unreasonable troubles, "I'll say hello to my second brother, you can discuss how to get there."

He raised his hand and looked at the time, "I'm leaving first, if you have something to do, give me a hologram call, if I can't answer, you can also leave me a message!"

"I guess school will start when I come back!" The school's one-month vacation is still a few days away.

Xia Ruo thought for a while, and took out the potion that was just prepared in the past two days from the space, "You take this potion, taking it at critical times can restore mental power for about half an hour to an hour, and there will be no sequelae!"

Her own mental power has fallen below C level, and she couldn't finish learning to configure the third-level potion recently, so she came up with this method to temporarily solve the problem of mental power shortage.

Feng Yan took five medicines in surprise and put them away, "You still make this kind of medicine?"

It was the first time he had heard of a potion with such an effect.

Xia Ruo raised her chin confidently, "I'm a genius, it's just a trivial matter to prepare this potion!"

Feng Yan couldn't help laughing: "You said you were fat and you were still out of breath!"

Then he took two steps forward, stretched out his hand and hugged Xia Ruo quickly, as if just scratching the surface of water.

"I'm leaving, contact me if you have anything! Or you can go directly to my two brothers, I will greet them, take care!"

Xia Ruo's body froze, it was the first time she hugged a man, although she left briefly, Feng Rogue was just saying goodbye, but it was still a little unnatural, but she didn't feel disgusted.

"Take care too, you can call me if you need anything!" She raised her hand to her ear.

Feng Yan nodded, then turned around and left quickly.

Continue at 11 o'clock~~

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