Huo Tianhao and the others resolutely did not disclose the address of Xia Ruo's private restaurant, and the others had to go to Qin Shao to inquire.

Qin Shao didn't reveal it either, and even praised how delicious Xia Ruo's other dishes were, which immediately brought everyone's appetite to its peak.

When the private restaurant opens in the future, after these people gradually inquired about it, they lined up to make an appointment as soon as possible, and the reputation of the private restaurant was completely established.

After Xia Ruo finished cooking, Qin Shao personally invited her to have dinner at the banquet, but she declined.

Now her accumulated strength is still too weak, and she has always known that Mu Xiuyu and Lin Feng must destroy him. This kind of opportunity to show their face may be rare for many people, but she feels that it is not the time.

Qin Shao and the others found that Xia Ruo was a rational person who would never lose her self-judgment. This made them not only conquered by her delicious food, but also began to appreciate her personality.

After the dinner, there is a reception, and it is also a place where everyone focuses on communication and network expansion.

The first floor is full of juniors, and the second floor is full of old men and old ladies of Mrs. Qin's level.

A few people gather together to form a table, either showing off or chatting.

At this time, suddenly a gray-haired old man stood up and was about to go to the bathroom, but suddenly his face turned pale and he rolled his eyes before passing out.

Upon seeing the situation, Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin immediately called a doctor for treatment.

The doctor the Qin family invited was Chen Hanqing. He was not only the attending physician of the theater hospital, but also a senior pharmacist. He was specially invited by the Qin family to be a guest today to deal with emergencies.

Immediately, he stepped forward with the first aid equipment.

After careful inspection, he frowned tightly, "Principal Zhai has a sudden genetic disease, hurry up and ask his relatives to come up and sign the first aid form!"

When the old man heard what he said, his face changed, "Are you sure it's a genetic disease?"

The earth has undergone dark changes, and after the recovery of aura, human beings began to have supernatural powers, and their mental strength and physical fitness became stronger and stronger, but it was not without any disadvantages.

More than 80% of the 300-400-year-old supernatural beings in the Federation will trigger genetic diseases, which are divided into chronic and sudden.

Chronic attacks can also be maintained with medicines and first aid cabins. Severe cases can lead to paralysis. Only a very small number of people have the chance to recover, but there are basically few deaths.

The sudden genetic disease is very serious, the whole body weakens rapidly and inexplicably, the person falls into a coma, the genes begin to be disordered, the organs fail, and finally dies.

The old man's face was extremely serious, and he ordered the housekeeper, "Go and call Di Hao!"

The housekeeper immediately went down to the second floor, found Zhai Hao who was having a drink with his friends, and whispered something in his ear.

Di Hao's face changed drastically, and he said to Bo Siyu next to him, "My grandpa has an accident!"

After speaking, he ran towards the second floor as fast as he could. He was the one who said that Xia Ruo had a personality on the suspension car.

The relationship between Zhai Bo's and his family was very good, and Bo Siyu's expression changed slightly and he quickly went up to the second floor.

When Zhai Hao heard that his grandfather had a sudden genetic disease, he almost collapsed.

"How is it possible? My grandfather is usually in good health, but he is still a high-level supernatural being."

Chen Hanqing sighed, "This is the result of the latest federal equipment. I checked your grandfather's symptoms and it is indeed a symptom of a genetic disease. Mr. Bai, you signed the first aid form first, and I will try my best to rescue Principal Bai."

The first aid book has a determination of responsibility for death. Only when the family members sign it can they dare to rescue, otherwise they cannot bear the responsibility if the patient cannot be saved!

Zhai Hao was very confused, but he still took the first aid bookmark and put his name on it.

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