Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 146 Who Says It Can't Be Cured?

Today is the birthday party of the old lady of the Qin family. Fearing that something might happen, Chen Hanqing not only brought his assistant, but also the most advanced rescue machines and medicines.

He quickly fed Mr. Zhai the relevant first-aid medicine, and immediately started treatment with the equipment.

Seeing this, Hou Xiangmei asked worriedly, "Do you need a rescue cabin?"

Chen Hanqing shook his head, "It will only be used if it can be rescued, it only depends on the level of the old man's condition!"

At first, the first aid instrument showed a stable display, but after a few minutes, red lines began to appear and kept moving downward, which meant that the vital signs of the old man's body had declined again.

"No, Principal Zhai's sudden genetic disease is of a high level, first aid is ineffective!"

Once this kind of disease occurs, it is terminally ill, and the breath of life declines very quickly, and there is no chance to say goodbye to the family.

Chen Hanqing looked at Di Hao with a sad expression on his face, "Young Master Di, please forgive me!"

Di Hao threw himself in front of the old man and knelt down, his eyes were red and he shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, my grandpa won't die!"

Noticing that the old man's face gradually turned pale and his body twitched slightly, he couldn't help standing up and grabbing Chen Hanqing's collar and screaming, "Did you not try your best to save people? Tell me, my grandpa can still be saved!"

Chen Hanqing was used to the violent reactions of his family members, and said apologetically, "Young Master Zhai, I have tried my best. No matter which doctor from the Federation comes today, I can guarantee that the old man will not be able to be rescued!"

"With so many hospitals, there is not a single case of sudden genetic disease that was successfully rescued!"

"Please forgive me!"

"No, it won't!" Di Hao obviously couldn't accept it.

At this time, a clear female voice sounded, "Who said it can't be cured? This patient is obviously still alive!"

The sound broke the silence, and everyone present looked over.

They saw an elegant and beautiful girl in a light blue dress coming from the entrance on the second floor. They didn't know the person who came.

Chen Hanqing also looked over and frowned, "Are you a doctor? You haven't even seen Principal Zhai's situation. How can you be sure that someone is still alive?"

Xia Ruo walked over, "I'm an ancient doctor, we'll see and hear about it, and I can tell from his explicit state of the disease that he's still alive."

She originally wanted to leave, but Qin Shao and Feng Yi asked her to say hello to the two old ladies, so they came upstairs.

She didn't expect to see such a scene. As a doctor, she couldn't watch the death of a patient who could be saved, so she couldn't help but speak.

Chen Hanqing raised his eyebrows disdainfully: "An ancient doctor? Isn't that just a deceitful thing? Even if it is really as powerful as it is in the legend, the inheritance has been cut off long ago. How much do you know at such a young age?"

With a bit of disgust in his eyes, he continued to say to Xia Ruo formally: "There are many ways to attract everyone's attention, but please respect patients and lives, and don't use these to grandstanding!"

As for ancient doctors, all he had ever seen were liars with no skills, and he never thought that traditional Chinese medicine was useful, so he was very disgusted.

Even if this little girl is really some kind of ancient doctor, can she save terminally ill patients at such a young age? It's a fantasy!

Xia Ruo also showed a bit of disgust in her eyes. What she dislikes the most is this kind of arrogant doctor who thinks everything is in the results of instrumental examinations and looks down on other medical fields.

Her eyes fell on the patient whose convulsions were getting worse and she said: "Academics have no boundaries, let alone ages. When I say that I can save nature, I am sure, and I am not saying it to make you believe it."

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