For the next time, Xia Ruo worked on the mecha plan at the company.

Song Zhouli and the others also took out the three biological mechs and disassembled them.

When dismantling the first plane, even Gu came over to look at it.

Then the word got out that many mecha masters and even mecha masters who had a good relationship with the four of them would pretend to come to the workshop to chat, and then lingered on.

I want to watch them disassemble the mecha, and take the opportunity to learn more about the situation of the biological mecha.

The four of them were very helpless, but these people had thick skins, and they would not leave if they had to rely on it, and they couldn't stop dismantling it just because of this.

So I went to ask Xia Ruo, she didn't care, those people just looked at it if they wanted to, anyway, b-level mechas are failures, there is nothing rare about them.

If Xia Ruo said so, the few people would not stop the mecha masters who came to watch the dismantling.

Everyone also knew that it was Xia Ruo who let it go, and Song Zhouli let them see it. Everyone had a better impression of Xia Ruo. They all thought that this little white rabbit was really too generous, but it was a pity that he was not from their lineage.

Therefore, during the week of dismantling the biological mecha, except for those from Master Guan's lineage, other mecha masters and mecha masters from the company came to see it.

Instead, Xia Ruo didn't show up, but drew a picture of the designed mecha components.

All three biological mechs were disassembled, and those curious people were finally sent away.

Song Zhouli was also assigned a task by Xia Ruo.

On this day, Xia Ruo was researching the materials for making mechas in the company, and was making some improvements, when the terminal suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was Yan Xiu's call, she picked it up.

"Brother Yan, are you back?" Xia Ruo and Yan Xiu have been in touch all the time, so they know that he went to other star fields to do business.

Yan Xiu smiled and said, "Yes! I was supposed to come back last week, but who knew something went wrong and that delayed it."

"Do you have time? Let's have dinner together." It was said that Xia Ruo came to Central Star and he wanted to treat him to dinner, but who knew that when she came, he just left.

Xia Ruo nodded and said, "Yes, you decide the place, I'll come over after work."

"Okay, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone for a while, Yan Xiu sent the address of a restaurant, which is a relatively confidential restaurant in Central Star, not a banquet industry.

Xia Ruo sorted out the materials and was just about to leave work early when Song Zhouli and the others knocked on the door with a bit of a bad face.

Seeing that they were not happy, she half-joked to lighten the atmosphere: "Who is this who has offended a few seniors? Do you want me to beat you up?"

"..." The four people who were still sullen at first couldn't laugh or cry, but they felt warm in their hearts. The junior sister really cared about them.

"Junior Sister may not be able to solve this problem with force."

An Xu paused and said: "I took the blueprint of the mecha parts you gave us to the parts manufacturing and processing department, but their director just took a casual look and rejected it, saying that they couldn't process it, so let's not waste it." Thoughts."

"That man is Wang Bingrong's uncle. This is obviously public revenge. The mecha parts you drew, Junior Sister, are not S-level. How could they not be able to process them? He didn't take a good look at them." Cheng Xiang said angrily.

Seeing this, Ruan Zhen tugged at the hem of his clothes. He was really afraid that his junior sister would go to the parts department to beat up the minister if he disagreed.

Of course, Xia Ruo wouldn't beat up people out of sheer displeasure. In fact, she hadn't expected that Wang Bingrong's uncle would be so blatantly avenging his personal revenge. The First Mecha Company really should rectify it.

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