Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1458 She wants to tear his face off and step on it

Since the other party wants to avenge her private revenge publicly, even if she actually accepts the order, she can deliberately delay it, and finally say that she can't make it, or what she made is not at the same level as what she wanted.

She doesn't want to force it.

She pouted her chin and said, "If they don't process it, can we find an outside parts company to process it?"

Song Zhouli replied: "As long as it is not the company's parts, the ones drawn by myself can be processed outside, and there is no such thing as leaking company secrets."

Xia Ruo said: "Then take it to an outside company for processing. We don't require the parts department, at most we spend some money on our own. After our mecha is manufactured, I will ask the master to go to the company's senior management for reimbursement."

Now, except for her master, the entire company is not optimistic about her plan, and they all think that it is impossible to successfully integrate and manufacture.

Because of this, she guessed that the head of the parts department would refuse in such a high-profile way, and the company's top management would only make peace with it if it made a big fuss.

So I still have to prove it with my strength, and then this face can be beaten back.

An Xu said with some embarrassment: "This is an A-level part. Only two companies outside can process it. One of them is the Wang family. They will definitely not agree."

"Even if we agree, we dare not process it for them, for fear that they will play tricks."

Xia Ruo also excluded the Wang family without hesitation, "Is there another family?"

"There is also a company that only serves wargroups. The parts they manufacture and process are only used by wargroups of all sizes in the five star fields, and they rarely do external work."

Song Zhouli sighed, "So this is the most difficult part for us. Minister Wang also knows this, so he is so dragging."

If an outside company could help them process it, they wouldn't be so angry. Minister Wang just wanted to use this to manipulate them.

Xia Ruo rubbed her chin, "Only these two companies can process A-level parts!"

It's no wonder that the Wang family has become a parts supplier for several major mecha companies, and it turned out to be somewhat monopolistic.

"Yes! Now good mecha masters and parts masters will either enter the mecha company, or they will be poached by the Wang family and the company that only serves the battle group. Other parts companies don't have the ability to process them."

An Xu paused and said: "I also heard that the Wang family has been suppressing other parts companies, and no one is allowed to stand out."

"Junior Sister, do you think we should invite the teacher to come forward, and then go to negotiate with Minister Wang?"

He added: "If the teacher comes forward, I think Minister Wang will not dare to refuse."

There is no way to do this. They only focus on the manufacturing of mechas, but many parts in the mechas have to be made by special manufacturing and processing engineers from the parts department.

Even if they don't want to see Minister Wang's face, they can only give in first, otherwise how can they participate in the mech competition.

The four of them felt aggrieved, especially if they might bother the teacher to come forward.

Xia Ruo shook her head: "There is no need to bother the teacher with such a trivial matter. If the old man goes to make peace with Minister Wang, it will become our line of bowing down."

"Don't forget that his nephew Wang Bingrong is old man Guan's proud disciple, and the Wang family is completely on the side of Master Guan. They will reluctantly accept the order when the teacher comes forward, but who knows how it will be processed in the end."

I'm afraid this was intentional by Minister Wang and the people in charge of the old man. She didn't want the teacher to do this kind of compromise for them.

Minister Wang dared to do this today, wanting to force them to ask the teacher to bow his head, and when the mechs competed, she would tear his face off and step on it.

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