Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 163 Absolutely the only copy of the entire Federation

The siblings came with a lot of salutes, and handed them to Xia Ruo when they entered the door.

As soon as the three of them sat down, the farm workers came in one after another after taking a shower.

Zhai Junyan was as surprised to see these people as Bo Siyu was, and was surprised that most of the workers in Xia Ruo's farm were retired soldiers. Seeing that they were all smiling and in good condition.

She was not familiar with Xia Ruo, so she refrained from asking after thinking about it.

As the host, Xia Ruo was the first to pick up a purple sweet potato bun, "Some home-cooked dishes, I don't know if you like them or not!"

Di Hao picked up a piece of homemade tofu with his chopsticks, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "I like it, I like it so much, it really is so delicious!"

Seeing that her younger brother seems to be addicted to delicious food, Zhai Junyan also added a piece to taste, and then his eyebrows and eyes stretched, "It's delicious!"

The two siblings are not the kind of gentle and polite people. They each scooped up a bowl of rice and then started to eat. The etiquette on the table was maintained, but the speed of moving the chopsticks was very fast, and the rhythm could not be stopped at all.

The people on the farm over there also ate very well, and it was still you who came and went to grab it, and the steamed buckets of rice soon bottomed out.

These people work very quickly, but they also eat a lot. They used to eat nutritional supplements. Since they opened a meal made of raw food from the farm, they can no longer eat.

Xia Ruo doesn't care about these things, eat more and work hard, maybe it's too much investment for others, but it's a trivial matter for her, vegetables grow fast, and she can't eat enough.

Seeing the same dishes as theirs on the tables next to them, it seemed that they were fried together, Zhai Junyan and her brother were shocked again.

Xia Ruo is also too generous, and the food and lodging package includes such native meals.

Zhai Junyan likes food, and has some understanding of the price of raw ingredients, not to mention Xia Ruo's superb cooking skills, but the freshness and deliciousness of these dishes is definitely the only one, and the price is twice as high as that in the supermarket Absolutely a bargain.

"Do they eat like this every meal?" Di Hao asked while looking up at Xia Ruo while eating a big mouthful of rice with fried pork.

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "From Monday to Saturday, lunch and dinner are served with four dishes and one soup. The portions are sufficient. On Sundays, I will cook a few more dishes."

"The food for your helpers here is so good, it makes me want to come!" Di Hao picked up another piece of eggplant.

No wonder Huo Tianhao and the others kept praising the deliciousness of the other dishes that Xiaruo made that day. He didn't care about them before, but after tasting them, he suddenly had the urge to hang on.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "I can't afford to invite you, young master!"

The workers on the nearby farm straightened up proudly when they heard Di Hao's words. The welfare benefits of their farm are definitely the only ones in the entire federation.

These ordinary soldiers who used to live in the past fell in love with this place after only a few days. The boss is small but very capable and good to people. The three meals a day are more delicious than the original food outside, and they can also see a doctor and take medicine for free. , which makes them happy for the initial choice.

They talked to those who were still training, and those people were shocked!

Those who voluntarily give up the opportunity will definitely regret it!

Di Hao smiled and said, "I'm not expensive at all, I just need to provide three meals a day!"

Ever since Xia Ruo saved his grandfather, he unconsciously became close to him.

Zhai Junyan patted him on the head, "You will start school tomorrow!"

"I can come to work part-time!" Zhai Hao is also a foodie, completely conquered by Xia Ruo's cooking.

Xia Ruo laughed, "Let's talk about it when you are on vacation."

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