Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 164 The first female friend I made

After dinner, the siblings of the Jun family ate until their stomachs were full. After eating, they followed Xia Ruo back to the villa, drinking the recently rumored black tea comfortably.

Di Hao took a sip of tea, "It turns out that the black tea that Mr. Feng showed off was from you!"

The old man of the Feng family has been very proud of this tea recently, and the old men and women who drank it talk about it every day at home, and old man Zhai is no exception.

Xia Ruo smiled: "If you like it, you can take two boxes back with you later!"

For those who are pleasing to the eye, Xia Ruo is more generous. If the Zhai family wants to get closer, she will naturally not refuse. It is best if you come and go.

Zhai Junyan liked this kind of mellow and elegant tea very much, "Then we will not be polite!"

"Little Ruoruo, I think you are very close to each other. If you are bullied or want to beat someone up in the future, I will help you out!" She went to Xia Ruo and sat down beside Xia Ruo and said with a smile.

In addition to being conquered by Xia Ruo's food, she also prefers Xia Ruo's generous and hearty personality.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Okay!"

Feng Yi said that Zhai Junyan is a female overlord who likes to fight and has a hot temper, which seems to be true.

The three started chatting, and Xia Ruo and Zhai Junyan chatted more and more speculatively, and they had more common topics and hobbies, and Zhai Hao couldn't get in the way later.

"How is Mr. Zhai these two days?" Xia Ruo asked with a smile.

Zhai Junyan replied: "Your spirit is not bad, this time is really thanks to you, if you have anything to do in the future, just come to me!"

Her temperament is the kind that distinguishes between likes and dislikes. If she likes it, she will be particularly fond of it. If she doesn't like it, either ignore it, or directly beat her up.

Xia Ruo belongs to the kind she likes more and more, she is pretty and has a good temper.

Xia Ruo also prefers Zhai Junyan who doesn't beat around the bush, "Okay! If you want to eat any vegetables in the future, Miss Jun, you can come to the farm to pick them from time to time!"

"What's your name, Miss Jun!" Zhai Junyan said carelessly, "It's fine to just show off!"

Her name is Xia Ruoruo, Xiao Ruoruo, and the other party calls her Yan Yan. There is nothing wrong with her. Although she is two years older, calling her sister Yan is always a bit wrong, like calling her big sister.

Xia Ruo laughed, "Okay, we hit it off, Yan Yan!"

"That's right!" Brother Zhai and Yan put their arms around Xia Ruo's shoulders.

Zhai Hao was a little surprised, it was rare for his sister to be so friendly with women.

However, Xia Ruo's personality is really pleasing. If she is that kind of twitchy or gentle and coquettish, it is estimated that her sister will leave after thanking him.

After chatting for a while, the sky gradually darkened, and they had to go back to the college to report tomorrow, so the siblings got up and left.

Xia Ruo sent them to the door.

Zhai Junyan took her arm and said, "Ruoruo, why don't you come to Federal First Academy? My grandfather is the principal. It's okay to transfer you to another school."

"I'm doing well in the Second Academy now, so let's talk about it if I can't stay any longer." Xia Ruo declined.

Federal First College is the best college in the Federation. The students who study there are either rich or noble, and they don’t recruit ordinary students. People like Xia Jun who enter with an identity like Xia Jun belong to the bottom of the status. She doesn’t have much interest.

Although the Second Academy is slightly inferior, it is also one of the top schools in the league. The students it recruits are mainly based on grades and talents, and she prefers the atmosphere.

After both mental strength and physical fitness dropped, the school gave her a chance to stay in school, which showed that it was quite humane, so she didn't want to change.

Zhai Junyan didn't force it, "Okay, anyway, if you want to transfer to another school, you can contact me at any time. I'm still in the capital next weekend, let's go out and play."

Di Junyan was the first female friend Xia Ruo made when she came here, and she nodded with a smile: "Okay! I'll stop by to check up on Mr. Zhai's body!"

"If you are so kind, then I will contact you next Friday!" They had already exchanged terminal numbers.

"it is good!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ I will go to the academy in the next chapter, if we want to start to shine~~~

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