Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1632 A little slap in the face?

Xia Ruo didn't take his words to heart, but kept recalculating on the paper with a pen, and kept deducing in her mind.

"I didn't expect to succeed once or twice before."

After about an hour or so, Xia Ruo deduced the recalculated results in her mind again.

She looked up at Miao Ao with a smile and continued: "Haven't you heard that failure is the mother of success? I have already found the reason why I reject it."

Miao Ao raised his eyebrows: "If you find the reason, can it be solved?"

Xia Ruo hooked her lips: "Of course I can!"

Then she took out some bio-mecha materials that her brother-in-law helped to refine before, "Although the previously fused materials are of the same attribute, but because there is no neutralizing energy, different elements are fused, which leads to repulsion and failure to connect successfully." .”

"If you have the energy to neutralize and run between the two, then you should be able to succeed."

Miao Ao thought it made sense, "The principle is like this, but can you be sure that the energy of this material can be neutralized?"

"My deduction in my mind is successful, I believe in myself." Xia Ruo said with a confident radiance all over her body.

She failed twice before, and she also failed in deduction in her mind. The reason why she did it was to find the reason for the failure and improve it.

Seeing her like this, Miao Ao swallowed the words he wanted to make her give up, and said in a flash of enthusiasm, "Okay, then I will try again with you!"

Xia Ruo looked at him with a sincere smile, "Okay, come on!"

The two put themselves into production again, but it was already late at night outside.

The people who were waiting couldn't help feeling a little disappointed seeing that the two of them hadn't come out.

Before Xia Ruo was in the No. 1 Mecha Company, the time to manufacture that biological mecha was not as long as it is now, or even half of it now.

Most importantly, they had heard two explosions before, and professional mecha masters knew that this was caused by a manufacturing failure.

Does this mean that she failed?

Although such a result is relatively normal, everyone feels disappointed.

Seeing this, the top executives of the Institute of Bio-Mechs were all relieved. They said how could Xia Ruo succeed? She hasn't come out for such a long time and failed twice in a row. Could it be possible to succeed the third time? joke.

The research institute was scolded by netizens on the Internet before, and their high-level executives have also learned. This time, people bought the navy, and then began to release news and comments about Xia Ruo failing twice and leaving the tent with no face.

Soon these sailors heated up the news of Xia Ruo's failure, and then it became a trending search.

"Before, Master Xia came out so confidently that he would succeed, and deliberately challenged the Bio-Mech Research Institute, dragging the Yun Family, the Second Battle Group, and Master Feng into the water. I didn't expect this to happen now. .”

"It's a bit of a slap in the face! This time I'm standing at the Biological Mecha Research Institute!"

"Didn't those so-called Xia fans say that there is nothing she can't do? Now that the facts are in front of them, Master Xia, who represents them, will also have a day of bragging and being slapped in the face!"

"Tsk tsk, she has failed now, and even the Yun family and others will be slapped in the face. Why bother to fight against the Bio-Mech Research Institute?"

"Look for a sense of existence, who told her that she is the daughter of the Yun family, fearless, and the elders indulge in unreasonable troubles!"

"It seems that this master Xia is not rigorous in the research of mechas. Mutant beast bio-intelligent mechas can't be manufactured just by talking about it. No wonder he was expelled from the Institute of Biology!"

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