Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1633 Has it swelled to this extent?

Faced with these comments, Xia Ruo's fans naturally quit.

"Our master Xia is still making it, and you all know it will fail. Why are you so big?"

"Do you think you also have my master Xia's divination ability?"

"That's right! If you want to blacken me, Master Xia, with the rhythm, you are still a little too early!"

"You sunspots, fuck off! I, Master Xia, will definitely succeed."

Although she has failed twice, but Xia Ruo has not yet come out of the tent, her fans believe it mysteriously.

They feel that even if she fails today, she may succeed in the future.

Soon Feng Yan posted on Xingbo: My family Xia Xia is the best, and I will definitely be able to create mutant biological intelligent mechs. Those idiots will be slapped in the face soon, I am proud of you @夏瑞

This also means that even if Xia Ruo fails now, he still unconditionally believes that she can succeed, and by the way, those who say that Xia Xia of his family is not good.

Yun Fengyang and other members of the Yun family also posted similar blogs one after another, and they believed in Xia Ruo unconditionally.

Yun Fengyu and other people in Huangxing also expressed their belief in Xia Ruo.

At the same time, a master from the Bio-Mech Research Institute also posted a Xingbo, which meant that Xia Ruo was doomed to fail, and told her not to struggle.

Many mecha companies and netizens also stood by their side, and let Xia Ruo not struggle together.

There was a lot of noise on the Internet, Xia Ruo and Miao Ao are trying to merge again with all their hearts.

Just after dawn, the tent that had been tightly closed opened, and Xia Ruo and Miao Ao came out.

Yun Fengyu and the others had been guarding outside the tent all the time, when they saw the two coming out, they immediately got up and went to meet them.

Yun Fengyu asked with concern: "Ruoruo, are you tired? Are you hungry? I'll have someone prepare something for you."

This is the relatives, the first thing I care about is Xia Ruo's body and love her, the success is second.

Xia Ruo smiled gently and said, "Third Uncle, we are not hungry, nor are we tired!"

Only then did Yun Fengyu ask with a smile: "How is your research and manufacturing going?"

Xia Ruo took out a mecha chain and shook it, "Successful!"

Then he threw the mecha chain to Liang Xia who was already approaching, "Try it if you like it or not!"

Liang Xia raised her hand and grabbed the mecha chain, her eyes were full of trust, "I knew you would succeed, the mecha you made will definitely not be bad, I will definitely like it!"

"Would you like to try it first?" Xia Ruo smiled lightly.

Liang Xia nodded: "Okay!"

He summoned the mecha in the mecha chain.

This is a mecha with a dark purple appearance and strong texture, which looks wild.

Liang Xia fell in love with its appearance immediately, and teleported into the mecha.

After successfully inputting fingerprints and irises, etc., the mech's prompt sounded soon, and the operation process of the console was added.

This was a little different from the biological mech he had driven before, so he listened carefully.

After understanding the operation process and the introduction of the new functions, Liang Xia couldn't wait to start controlling the mecha.

After flying out, everyone found that the speed of this mecha was faster than that of the biological mecha.

At this moment, several eleventh-level mutant beasts appeared in the forest and attacked with a herd of beasts.

Yun Fengyu and others led people to stop it, and Liang Xia also drove the mecha towards a level 11 mutant beast.

Everyone present was a little confused when they saw this. Is Liang Xia crazy?

Or is it swollen to this point when driving the mecha made by Xia Ruoxin now?

He, a newly promoted ninth-level superhuman, actually went to challenge the eleventh-level supernatural beast?

Is this courting death, or courting death?

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