Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1653 He is too difficult

Several people did not live in the old house and returned to the villa.

Yan Lingfeng and Feng Yan had been waiting in the villa for a long time.

Seeing the three brothers and sisters coming back, they got up and greeted them.

Yan Lingfeng carefully supported the pregnant Xia Xuan, and smiled at Xia Ruo, "If you don't come back, I will be strangled to death by your sister!"

Every time I watch the live broadcast, if there is any danger, my wife will pinch his waist and legs. He is really full of snot and tears!

Xia Xuan was worried about her sister and had nowhere to vent, so she used her husband's flesh to screw her. Hearing what he said, she glared, "Aren't you happy?"

Yan Lingfeng immediately begged for mercy, "How could it be, I am extremely honored!"

Pregnant women can't afford it!

Feng Yan gave him a gloating expression, it was his family Xia Xia who was gentle, not like a sister who was a tigress in front of her brother-in-law.

But he just thought about it in his heart, and he would be beaten if he said it.

He walked over and put his arms around Xia Ruo's waist, "Thank you, may I help you squeeze your shoulders?"

Xia Ruo said hello to her sister and brother-in-law, and then went upstairs to her room with Feng Yan in his arms.

After closing the door, she was picked up by the person behind, and then put on the sofa, where she was kissed violently.

Xia Ruo also responded enthusiastically, she also wanted to seal the rascal.

After making out for a while, the two separated. Xia Ruo lay on the sofa and let Feng Yan massage her shoulders.

"Aunt Chu wants to train you to be the heir of the Second Weapon Company?" Xia Ruo asked lazily.

Chu Mei had no children, and the only apprentice she accepted was Feng Yan, but even she never thought that the other party would have the intention of training Feng Rogue as his heir.

Feng Yan said while massaging: "Yes! I was also surprised at the time, but she didn't allow me to refuse!"

"She said that the Second Arms Company was established by her to compete with the First Arms Company, even if it was donated to charity, it would not be cheap for the Shi family and the Chu family."

"He also knows that I have had a grudge against the No. 1 Weapon Company. He hopes that I will take over the No. 2 Weapon Company and continue to fight against it. It is best to bring down the No. 1 Weapon Company!" He said with a bit of helplessness.

The teacher is too domineering and powerful, and he is a bit overwhelmed. If he disagrees, he will be beaten. It is not easy for him...

But I won't tell my own Xia Xia about this, it will damage his might.

Of course, apart from this point and the teaching will be more severe, the teacher is still very good to him at other times.

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "Then don't let her down!"

Regarding what happened to Aunt Chu, she felt that it was okay to go back for revenge.

Feng Yan nodded: "Okay!"

He wasn't really interested in the Second Weapon Company, but after getting along with him during this period, he still admired his teacher. He was a teacher for one day and a mother for the rest of his life, so he was happy to avenge his teacher.

Besides, Shi Fan dared to find fault with his family Xia Xia on the desert island, and the First Weapon Company was so disgusting, he also felt that there was no need for it to exist.

The nightlife of Central Star is very rich, the lights are brilliant at night, and many places are very lively.

In the private room on the top floor of the central ridge, Yun Fengyu pushed the door and walked in.

At this time, several people were already sitting inside, and when they saw him coming, they all smiled and looked over.

"Haha, Feng Yu, you are finally willing to come out!" Shi Cheng waved at him.

Yun Fengyu came back yesterday, they made an appointment with this guy and didn't come out.

Yun Fengyu walked over and sat down, crossed Erlang's legs and said casually: "If my family returns safely today, the old man will let me out."

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