Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1654 This guy is gone

Back home yesterday, Yun Fengyu was called into the study by the old man and scolded, and he was not allowed to go out, so he could only bear it.

When Xia Ruo returns home safely today, the old man won't bother to care about him anymore.

One person smiled and said, "Your old man likes to value your niece very much!"

Yun Fengyu hooked his lips, and said proudly: "Of course, if anyone in my family doesn't like to pay attention!"

Shi Cheng looked at his proud face and was speechless, this guy has definitely become a niece.

He poured a glass of wine and handed it over, "Central Roof's new top wine, try it!"

Yun Fengyu took a sip from the wine glass, then frowned with disgust, "Is this the new top-level wine? The taste is too bad."

"..." Everyone present twitched the corners of their mouths, Yun Fengyu was getting more and more drifting, what's wrong with the taste of this wine? They drink very well!

A man in a suit and leather shoes looked at Yun Fengyu angrily and said: "You have pretended, but I forced this from the boss. It's just this bottle. It's not bad if you can drink it, but you don't like it." !"

"Yes! This wine is newly launched in the past few days. It has added a lot of high-grade materials. It is said to have the effect of strengthening the body. The taste is also the best we have ever drunk, and the price is not as high as usual. Now I want to get it A bottle without some background is not enough." Another person also said.

Others also booed, "Yes! You have been to Desolate Star for a while, and your mouth has become picky. You can't even drink such a high-end wine, so what kind of wine do you need?"

They all felt that Yun Fengyu was pretending, this guy was gone!

Yun Fengyu raised his eyebrows: "What do you know, you have drunk better wine, of course you can't drink this kind of wine!"

"Have you ever had a better drink? Brag! This is the top wine in Central Roof, and there is no one on the market that surpasses it." A person who likes to drink and collect wine said.

"Where did you drink it? You just tell us, but we don't know!" Shi Cheng patted his shoulder and laughed.

We are all good friends, so we often fight each other.

Yun Fengyu looked at them with eyes that you mortals would not understand, then took out a jar of wine from the storage ring, "If you don't believe me, I'll give you a taste!"

None of them expected that Yun Fengyu would actually come out with the so-called better wine, and they immediately booed and asked the waiter to serve a new empty wine glass.

Yun Fengyu put down the cup he had only taken a sip of before, and picked up the wine jar and poured a cup for each of them.

He poured himself a glass, shook it and said, "Taste it well and see which one is better!"

Seeing him like this, the others were very curious about what kind of divine wine it was that could make this guy so admired, so they all took a sip from their glasses.

Then each of their eyes was full of light or astonishment.

"Damn, this wine really tastes better!" Shi Cheng couldn't help but say.

The others also nodded: "Not to mention, the taste and feeling of drinking this wine are indeed better than the one just now!"

"Feng Yu, where did you get this wine? I feel that it contains a lot of high-grade ingredients!"

"That's right, after drinking it, I feel warm and comfortable all over my body! Does it also have other effects?"

Several people stared at Yun Fengyu with their glasses in hand. It turned out that this guy really got better wine. No wonder they disliked the previous wine, and they also disliked it after drinking it...

Yun Fengyu raised his chin with a look of embarrassment, "My family is Ruo Ruo brewed!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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