Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 166 Relating to the College's Comprehensive Ranking

The corner of Luo Ning's lips curled into an arc.

"Hello! I'm Luo Ning of the Mecha Department. I hope we can get along happily in the next two and a half years!"

The relationship between her roommates in the first half of the year was very unpleasant. On the surface, those people were very warm to her, but in private they said that she was too cold and ruthless, and so on. The two-faced style made her very unhappy.

"I'm Shui Yini from the Materials Department!"

Xia Ruo smiled and said, "I'm Xia Ruo from the Logistics Department, I hope to have a good time with you!"

There are still two and a half years of time to get along, and she also hopes that the roommates can be more harmonious.

Luo Ning's temperament is cold and not talkative, but it seems that she is not difficult to get along with.

The three of them were not familiar with each other, so after greeting each other, they went back to their rooms to clean up.

After cleaning up, Xia Ruo told the two of them that Shui Yini asked them to have lunch together, and after she agreed, she went straight to the teaching building where the logistics department was located.

There are a total of 120 students in the logistics department, and the cultural exam is on the third floor at ten o'clock in the morning.

When Xia Ruo walked into the classroom, most of the people were already seated in it. When they saw her coming in, everyone turned their eyes to her, almost with complicated expressions.

In fact, Xia Ruo left a deep impression on them in the last trial and assessment. Who made her a famous talent in the academy?

Due to various blows, the original body had almost no contact with his classmates after transferring to another department. Xia Ruo was also unfamiliar with them, so he found an empty seat to sit down.

Then people came in one after another, and everyone would take a look at Xia Ruo, also with complicated feelings.

At ten o'clock, the head tutor of the logistics department came in. He was a gentle man who looked about 30 years old.

"The one-month holiday is gone, everyone is more energetic, it seems that the holiday is still very happy!"

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. Now enter your terminal to start the cultural exam. Those who fail will have to take the make-up exam. If they fail, they will have to retake it this semester. I hope you can all pass."

"This is also related to the comprehensive ranking of your college this time, I hope you can take it seriously!"

"Yes!" Some students were excited and nervous, while others were downcast.

Xia Ruo used the terminal to log in to the college's official website, and then clicked on the exam page of the Logistics Department.

The focus of the logistics department is to ensure the supply of the rear and take care of other students, so there are many and complicated things to learn.

The subjects learned last semester were not separated, but combined on one test paper, with multiple choice questions and question and answer questions, and the time was two hours.

Xia Ruo has a vivid memory and top-notch comprehension ability. A few days ago, she went through all the courses she learned last semester. Seeing the questions on the test paper, she found it relatively simple.

After a glance, he started to work on the questions, but many students in the classroom showed expressions of how the questions are so difficult, with a look of bitterness on their faces.

In less than two hours, Xia Ruo finished and submitted all the test papers.

"Tutor, the test paper has been submitted, can I leave?" she asked.

Jiang Zhi also clicked in to read this test paper just now, it is between A to S level, the difficulty is relatively high, two hours is definitely not enough for most students, Xia Ruo actually handed in the test paper half an hour earlier, this Surprised him a little.

"Are you done?"

Xia Ruo nodded, "Yes!"

Jiang Zhi was not very familiar with Xia Ruo either. He remembered that the transfer student had a sense of gloom when he came here. He didn't like to talk or participate in group activities, and his sense of existence was relatively weak. He talked to her once and found that she was very negative.

The last time he announced the results of the trial assessment, he thought he had read it wrong.

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