Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 167 Still want to stay in the academy and continue to lose face?

Today, I found that Xia Ruo's whole body seemed to have transformed, and the gloom had disappeared. Not only did she look confident and energetic, but she also became more elegant and refined.

But it also makes sense, after all, the last semester was a big blow to Xia Ruo, it is a good thing to be able to adjust his mentality, and he also appreciates this kind of students.

"You can leave after the exam, and the results ranking will be released around three o'clock in the afternoon. You can pay attention to it!"

Xia Ruo got up and smiled: "Okay!"

The other students were shocked when they saw that Xia Ruo left after the exam, why did she finish it so quickly? Don't you just answer nonsense if you don't know how to do it?

Xia Ruo's grades in admission were only average, and she came to the bottom of the logistics department directly, and there were still many courses that she hadn't taken, so everyone agreed that she might have given up.

Many people felt a little uncomfortable. If Xia Ruo didn't take the exam so seriously, if the grades were a mess, it would drag down their overall departmental average grades in the later period.

After leaving the classroom, Xia Ruo didn't go back to the dormitory, but walked around the campus.

The Second College is very large, and you need to take the school suspended bus to go from one place to another. The environment is also relatively beautiful, and the layout is very elegant.

At ten past twelve, she took the suspended bus to the college's restaurant.

In this world, nutritional supplements are the staple food, but there are also many people who prefer to eat, especially in schools where everyone has dinner together, which is good for exchanging feelings.

There are two floors in the restaurant, below are meals made with cultivated ingredients, and eating here is free, which is aimed at students from poorer families.

The second floor is for meals made with native ingredients, the price is relatively expensive, and it is also a place where wealthy students usually gather for dinner.

When Xia Ruo arrived, Shui Yini and Luo Ning had already arrived.

"Here!" Shui Yini raised her hand and waved.

Xia Ruo walked over and sat down, "You guys are pretty early!"

"We've just arrived, just order whatever you want, I'll treat you today!" Shui Yini handed the menu to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo was not hypocritical, took the menu and found that several dishes had been ticked on it, she ordered two at random, "Okay!"

In order to restore the atmosphere and the price is not cheap, the college restaurant uses paper menus from the ancient earth period to order food.

Shui Yini looked at the two with a smile and asked, "How did you do in the exam?"

Luo Ning said lightly: "It's okay!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "It's okay!"

Shui Yini poured three glasses of drinks for them and gave them a toast first, "Then I wish us all a good result!"

Xia Ruo and Luo Ning also raised their glasses and clinked, "Okay!"

The three chatted, most of the time it was Shui Yini who spoke, Xia Ruo said a few words, and Luo Ning occasionally said something, their personalities were different but the chat was quite pleasant.

It took about ten minutes for the dishes to be served one after another.

Xia Ruo tasted it, and the taste was really hard to describe. The ingredients were very ordinary, and there were very few condiments.

But since it was Shui Yini's treat, she politely tasted some of them one by one.

Shui Yini and Luo Ning were already used to this kind of food, so they didn't feel much.

The three of them ate and chatted, and the distance became closer.

More and more students came to eat on the second floor. When the three of them were about to finish eating, several freshmen came over.

"Isn't this Xia Ruo? You didn't have the self-knowledge to drop out of school on your own initiative. With your current dual-line D-level quality and talent, do you still want to stay in the academy and continue to lose face?" A leading boy walked to the table full of provocation. .

The last chapter is not finished yet, around 12 o'clock~~

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