Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1661 What are you, worthy of it?

Qiu Shu and her younger brother really don't care much about the Qiu family, because of their father's attitude, they have long stated that they have given up the inheritance rights of the Qiu family, and they have also signed the renunciation agreement according to the "good father"'s wishes, and they have always given up everything to the Qiu family. To siblings.

But the Qiumeng brothers and sisters still couldn't understand them, and found faults everywhere.

Now because Xia Ruo has a good relationship with her, they actually want to snatch her habitually. It was okay to just target her before, but now the two of them are actually targeting her good friend, which makes her very angry.

When Qiu Shu opened her mouth, Qiu Meng's expression darkened again.

Qiu Fenghua, who looked a bit arrogant beside him, looked at Qiu Shu disapprovingly, "It's just that I fell in love with this kitten and wanted to buy it back as a pet. Why did the big brother snatch it?"

"Even if you don't like elder brother, you don't have to slander her in public." She didn't expect Qiu Shu, who had never had much sense of presence in front of their brothers and sisters, to contradict elder brother, so she naturally came out to suppress him.

Qiu Shu sneered: "Ruo Ruo first fell in love with this cat, and you suddenly increased the price and forced the store to sell it. If this is not robbery, what is it?"

"And why do you want to rob this cat? It's just a habit of robbing me. Since everyone has already torn their faces before, why bother to pretend."

What annoys her the most is people like Qiu Fenghua who play the green tea whore behind the scenes. After moving out of the house, they have already torn their faces.

Qiu Meng said with a sullen face: "It's just that the one with the highest price gets it. There is no such thing as whether to grab it or not. Can you speak?"

Xia Ruo's feelings towards the Qiu brothers and sisters are very poor, and they are mean and ungrateful from their faces.

"You mean you want to compete with me for the higher price?" Xia Ruo asked while crossing her arms.

Qiu Meng is not an idiot who can please his father and secure his position as the heir of the Qiu family. He smiled and asked: "My sister likes this cat very much. If Miss Xia wants it, then naturally there is no need to raise the price."

"If Ms. Xia doesn't want to give in, in order to make my sister happy, I can only bid you a price!"

He knew that Xia Ruo was a young lady of Yun's family, and guessed that she would not be short of money. If the final price exceeded his psychological price, he would not want it, and by the way, he would be able to trick Xia Ruo into spending many times more money to buy it.

Xia Ruo didn't answer him, but turned to the middle-aged man and asked, "Does the rule in your store be the one with the highest price, or first come first served?"

The middle-aged man smiled without hesitation and said, "Of course it's first come, first served. Our business has always been based on the principle of innocence and non-judgment. After all, this is not an auction house."

Since he was not going to offend Xia Ruo, he made a decisive statement.

Xia Ruo used the terminal to scan the payment code in the store, "I have transferred the star coin, I want this kitten!"

Then he looked at Qiu Meng with the eyes of an idiot, raised his eyebrows and said condescendingly: "Why should I win with the one with the highest price? You are worthy of what you are?"

Her father has been emphasizing recently that if anyone wants to bully her, they don't have to hesitate to slap her in the face. Their Yun family is a top-notch wealthy family, so do they need to give face to someone they don't like? Obviously not!

Because the Qiu family opened the No. 1 material company, it can be regarded as the top rich family of the central star, but the king-level supernatural power user in the family, the SS-level material engineer, has been quietly retreating because his lifespan is about to expire.

Just heard from her father that recently, the ancestor of the Qiu family wanted to ask her ancestor to help prepare the medicine.

Does she need to show face to the Qiu Meng brothers and sisters? unnecessary!

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