Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1662 Let's wait and see

Qiu Meng didn't expect Xia Ruo to speak so arrogantly, his expression changed, "You!"

"What are you? You bastard, I've already bought this kitten, so it's nothing to do with you. If you don't accept it, you can use force against me now, or go back and sue the parents. I'll wait." Xia Ruo looked impatient looking at him.

Qiu Meng choked, he had watched the live video, Xia Ruo was capable of catching mutant beasts at level 12, how could he fight at level 9?

Isn't this bullying people?

Qiu Fenghua was more scheming, she never thought that Xia Ruo would be so arrogant and shameless, no matter how her brother is also the heir of the Qiu family.

Just feeling Xia Ruo's power and power, as if she was going to fight if she refused to accept it, the brothers and sisters might suffer, they couldn't beat this rude woman.

So she pulled the corner of La Qiumeng's clothes, and said pointedly: "Brother, forget it, I don't really like this cat that much. I think it's ugly after seeing too much. Since Miss Xia likes it, let me let it go." her."

When Fan Yue, who was locked in the cage, heard this, his face darkened instantly, who is ugly, this woman is the ugly one!

Xia Ruo looked critically at Qiu Fenghua from top to bottom, "Before you say the kitten is ugly, please take a look at yourself in the mirror first, you are ugly only if you have no face, no breasts, no butt !"

"There is a saying that ugly people do more mischief. I didn't quite understand it before, but now that I see you brothers and sisters, I finally understand the meaning of this sentence." She sneered and mocked.

"You!" Qiu Fenghua's appearance is only average, which is what she is most dissatisfied with. She never expected to be poked by Xia Ruo in pain.

Although Qiu Shu looked weak, she was more beautiful, and this was one of the things that made her dislike her younger sister more and more as she got older.

Xia Ruo, who is more beautiful than Qiu Shu, naturally doesn't like her, but now she is called ugly by the other party. If she can't beat her, she will go crazy.

Qiu Meng also looked angry, this woman called them ugly.

What made him most aggrieved was that he couldn't beat him. He snorted coldly: "We have learned about Miss Xia's quality today. Let's wait and see."

Xia Ruo is a master mecha maker, which also means that he needs materials. After he returned, he went to his father and asked the company to stop providing materials for this woman.

He just waited for this woman to ask to come to his door. Their Qiu family is also a top wealthy family, so they are not afraid of the Yun family.

Looking at his expression, Xia Ruo knew what he was thinking, "Okay! Let's wait and see!"

With her brother-in-law's abilities and the Yun family's escort, she believed that one day she would be able to replace the First Material Company.

The Yun family doesn't manufacture mechas or forge weapons, so they don't need many materials from the First Material Company, but no one needs potions, so she will see who asks whom in the end!

She hated this pair of brothers and sisters who always liked to bully Qiu Shu, what the hell, she would sue her father when she got back, and tell the Yun family not to sell medicine to the Qiu family, hum!

Under Xia Ruo's arrogance, the Qiu Meng brothers and sisters could only turn around and leave in despair after finishing their conversation.

When the two left, Qiu Shu looked at Xia Ruo with a sorry face and said, "Ruo Ruo is sorry, they are all targeting me like this."

Xia Ruo smiled indifferently: "You don't need to apologize, the two of them are really annoying!"

"Is this how they treated you in the Qiu family before?" Lu Jiao was also very upset because of the attitude of the Qiu family brothers and sisters towards their friends just now.

Qiu Shu showed a wry smile: "What is this!"

There are two more updates today~~

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