If it weren't for coming to the central star to find Xia Ruo and the others, he couldn't help but go to jail, although he had little hope.

Xia Ruo said: "I put a mark on them before, and the power of that mark has not disappeared, so they are still alive."

Fan Yue looked up at her fiercely and asked, "Then what should we do? Shall we save people first, or find a way to kill the Cheng Family Master first?"

Xia Ruo didn't make a fool of herself, "I can take care of Master Cheng, let's find a way to save Bo Ming and the others first."

"Do you have a solution? Can you go to the First Star Bandit Group and kill him?" Fan Yue asked curiously.

Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "Why do you have to go to the First Star Bandit Group to kill him? Don't forget, I am an ancient doctor, and I have plenty of ways to kill him."

"I had contact with him in the Western Star Territory before. I put something on him and cast a spell on him. I can make him shut up forever in a while." She said.

She had originally waited for Family Master Cheng to go to the headquarters of the first star bandit group before preparing to attack.

Fan Yue doesn't doubt Xia Ruo's ability, this woman has always been evil in his eyes, "Then leave it to you!"

Then he reached out and rubbed his hair, "I knew you could handle it, why would we go and kill it!"

Xia Ruo said angrily: "Nonsense, who told you to act so quickly!"

Not to mention Fan Yue's impulsive personality, I didn't expect Bo Ming and Bai Siyu to be so impulsive.

But she can also understand their feelings, after all, their sense of belonging to the low-level literary star field is much stronger than hers.

She stood up and said, "I'll go to the room and try to trigger the spell!"

"Okay, hurry up and wait for your good news!" Fan Yue nodded immediately.

Yan Lingfeng and the others were also very nervous about this, and Qi Qi looked at Xia Ruo with hopeful eyes.

Only Xia Ruo knew how to do this, Yun Jing and the others couldn't help, so they just guarded in the villa.

Xia Ruo returned to her room and took out a villain that she had refined before. The appearance and breath of the villain were exactly the same as that of Master Cheng.

Then she took out a needle and pierced it directly at the heart of Master Cheng, and continuously injected mysterious spiritual power.

After about an hour or so, the aura that was still exuding from the villain in her hand slowly disappeared, and the face of the villain gradually became blurred, and finally turned into a small piece of wood.

There was fine sweat on Xia Ruo's forehead, and her face was a little pale. It was obvious that she had consumed too much energy and spiritual power, but luckily she succeeded.

She stood up, turned over her palm, and a cluster of spiritual flames appeared, wrapped the small wood and burned it to ashes.

After taking a elixir, he recovered for half an hour. After his complexion improved a lot, he went downstairs.

As soon as he got downstairs, he saw several pairs of eyes staring at him nervously.

She chuckled lightly and said, "It's done, the Patriarch Cheng will die of a heart attack tonight!"

Everyone present believed Xia Ruo's words and abilities.

"That's good, this scourge is finally going to die!"

Xia Ruo took out a bottle of healing elixir and threw it to Fan Yue, "You should recuperate at home first, and I will find a way to save Bai Siyu and the others."

That's the prisoner star of the first star bandit group, and it's not so easy to break in by force. It needs a long-term plan. She seems to have to contact Miao Ao.

Fan Yue also knew that there was no rush to save people, "Okay, I will take you there when the time comes."

He has already marked the position of the prisoner star, and marked it with a special gifted supernatural power.

"Well, I'll help you with acupuncture later to help you heal!" Xia Ruo said.

"Okay!" Fan Yue didn't refuse, now that it is injured and unable to use its supernatural powers, it is almost suffocated to death.

If he had supernatural powers, when the ugly woman called him ugly, he wouldn't scratch her face.

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